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Enphase IQ8 Commercial Microinverter Beta Program


We were selected to participate in the Enphase Energy IQ8 Commercial Microinverter beta program. Only a handful of contractors nationwide participated in this important Beta test to allow Enphase to gather data on the installation process and microinverter performance. We were luck enough to be under contract with the Conservancy of Southwest Florida to install solar panels on our fourth building there. The timing was right, so we ended up being just the second beta site fully installed and operational.

These microinverters will hit the general market in late 2023. The new product offers increased power output, an innovative new cabling system, and lost phase detection. Along with all the design and installation ease of previous Enphase microinverters, these IQ8s will revolutionize the commercial microinverter market, expanding the usefulness of microinverters in commercial applications.

Supporting both 208V and 220V applications (and other voltages with additional equipment), the microinverters come in two commercial variants, the IQ8H-3P and IQ8P-3P to support solar panels from 320W to 640W.

We are delighted to have cooperated with Enphase to help bring this new product to market. If your business is interested in solar energy, this safe, productive, and serviceable provides great benefits to system owners. Contact us for details!

System Specifications:

– 106 Enphase IQ8H-3P Microinverters
– 106 Mission Solar Energy 430W Solar Panels
– 45.6kW System Rating
– Over 70 Megawatt-Hours Annual Energy Production
– IronRidge Rails
– Quick Mount PV QBase Low Slope Posts with 5º Tilt L-Feet

Contact Us for Commercial Microinverter Systems

The post Enphase IQ8 Commercial Microinverter Beta Program appeared first on Florida Solar Design Group.

This post first appeared on Solar Pool Heating Panels | Solar Electricity, please read the originial post: here

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Enphase IQ8 Commercial Microinverter Beta Program
