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Emissions in an industrialised world - COP28

Emissions In An Industrialised World  - COP28
COP28 to be held shortly in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will open with the acceptance that the current efforts to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are well short of targets to prevent the global temperature increasing beyond 1.5C. The UAE's COP28 president has highlighted that approx 22 gigatons of GHG emissions need to be cut over the next seven years. This means a reduction of 43% in emissions from the 2019 levels that would need to be achieved by 2030. These are staggering numbers and represent the continuing failure globally to make any measurable difference thus far.

COP28 website: COP28 UAE

This post first appeared on Sentinel Owl, please read the originial post: here

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Emissions in an industrialised world - COP28
