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Andy In Amsterdam Blog
"I realize that if I am willing to be patient, something will always happen, somebody will appear, and even though I may get stuck, it will never be for long. The prodigious energy of this land and its people will push me onward as far and as long as I want." - Traveler's Tales: India
Due to recent events, as well as an effort to have more control over the blog, I've moved to you, Blogger, for all your help. And this little archive will stay righ… Read More
After two weeks of not having access to this blog, I got an email this morning explaining what had happened and giving me a solution. This is a completely different situation than following… Read More
Spring in the Netherlands is a whole string of national holidays for months. Lots of odd days off that I'm not used to. For instance, today is Hemelvaart [pronounced: Hay-mul-fahrt] - Ascens… Read More
When Fred and I were in Warsaw, we went to Starbucks a few times. They'd just opened the store and it was packed all the time. But when you need an over-priced coffee drink, you need an over… Read More
This afternoon, while were were walking up to the door of the hall where the nationality ceremony was to be held, I turned to Fred and said, "I forgot my camera." It's a pity, but then durin… Read More
Did I mention that I'm getting Dutch nationality tomorrow? No, I don't think I did. I applied about two months ago and the ceremony is tomorrow. It was an amazingly quick two month wait - an… Read More
Tonight was the finale of the Eurovision Song Contest. It's sort of like Idols - except that it's totally different. This contest has been going on since 1956 and is open to (mostly) Europea… Read More
Last week or so, I wrote about experimenting with entrelac. I thought it might be good for a baby hat. I think it is. I think it'll work. This was my first experiment. When I finished it off… Read More
When I had my will made out some months ago, (If you don't have a will, you should. Everyone should have a will.) something I didn't think about was what would happen with all of my online s… Read More
Last night I watched The Celluloid Closet again, which is sort of great for knitting because there's all that looking up and down and I see parts of it that you didn't see before, or I put a… Read More
I swiped this from a Flickr page. Alex wrote on her blog recently about this action that was put on by Code Pink. It happened on Mother's Day at the White House. People from all over the wor… Read More
When I first saw this tile after moving here, I didn't know what it meant. I thought that it was, perhaps, a marker for something that was underneath that tile: a valve, a pipe. I think I w… Read More
Fred and I saw these trees the other day and I went back last evening to take a picture. They're Goudenregen (golden rain) trees and they always surprise me when they come into bloom. They'r… Read More
Warning: All knittingEntrelac embodies one of the things I love about knitting. It looks comlicated or involved, but when you read it step by step how to do it, it's relatively easy. I like… Read More
I recently got an email from someone and I went and looked at her blog. While I was looking at it, I realized that the look of my blog really needs an update. It feels like a house that was… Read More
I spent about five hours today having mondeling (oral) exams with my students. I spoke with each of them for about 7-10 minutes - one after the other. It was a very interesting, if sort of e… Read More
1. I did a lot of paperwork today. Administrative stuff that it took me a while to get my head around. I had to do it in little steps. It was very put-one-foot-in-front-of-the-other kind of… Read More
While we were going through security on our way to Warsaw last weekend, I had my knitting needles confiscated. The security guard actually stood in front of my holding a tray which held my 3… Read More
I'll jet through this last post. It's a bit of architecture, churches, and food - and not a lot of any of them.A lot of Warsaw's architecture has that post-WW2 Socialist Realist feel to it… Read More
On Friday, we headed out to see the Former Jewish Ghetto. It's in a completely different part of town than the Old Town and the New Town. We walked to get there. It felt really far away.Ther… Read More
One of the advantages of blogging every day is that not every post has to be fabulous. It just has to be. Another is that I can draw things out a bit. Thus, this will be the first of three p… Read More
While we were at the bar getting our "welcome drink" - on the night before we leave - Fred said, "There's no seats. Let's sit next to the whore." A little later, a woman starts talking to us… Read More
Fred and I are on the road for the weekend. Just a long weekend in Warsaw. Our friend, Dalia, is watching the apartment. She wanted to sell (on Queen's Day) in a better neighborhood than she… Read More
I amsterdam is the marketing campaign that does the whole tourist promotion thing for Amsterdam. It's very I heart NY, but sort of a bad rip off. I don't hate it. I like it in a way. It's me… Read More
Tomorrow is Queen's Day and the sidewalks are being marked up. People are using chalk and different kinds of tape to mark their spots. I have heard that in a parallel universe where the worl… Read More

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Andy in Amsterdam
