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Guides, Tutorials, A Few Tips And Stories Around Technology Blog
TheGridiron is an independent publication launched in October 2020. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows TheGridiron to continue to exist. Thank you!
2023-08-24 06:04
If you're scratching your head over stuff like FMs and LLMs or trying to figure out what the heck fine-tuning and few-shot learning mean, our glossary is like your map through this jungle of… Read More
2022-11-15 04:44
How often have we had to temporarily create a backup, or just save a copy, perhaps just move out a file. You may need to rename index.html to index.html.bakAnd maybe even rename it back to i… Read More
Organizing Cronjobs In Your Crontab
2022-10-27 10:41
Why this? Fair question, really. So picture one scenario where things can go out of hand, pretty quickly. One server, 2+ devs, one or more applications. Backup scripts, maintenance cronjobs… Read More
2022-10-06 04:12
Setting up sharding on a MongoDB collection isn't as complicated as it sounds. In fact, it usually is an overkill. However, once you decide to take the plunge, here's a basic primer on how t… Read More
TGI Home Garden Automation (WIP)
2022-10-04 13:14
List of parts [Microcontroller] ESP32 WROOM [Microcontroller] RaspberryPi Pump [Weather sensors] DS18B20 [Weather sensors] BME280 - Humidty, Temperature, Barometer Humidity sensor measuring… Read More
Coming Soon
2022-09-25 06:48
This is TheGridiron, yet another blog talking tech, tutorials, guides - seemingly nifty approaches to common problems in technology. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can s… Read More

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Guides, tutorials, a few tips and stories around technology


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