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Physical Penetration Testing
It’s easy to think that cybersecurity is limited to the digital space. It’s right there in the name, if you think about it. However, the infrastructure for this cyberspace has to… Read More
How To Prevent Cyber Attacks
In this digital age, both individuals and organizations face significant threats from cyber attacks. Cybercriminals are continually evolving their attacking strategies to disrupt systems, st… Read More
Generative AI Trends
As we venture deeper into 2024, the landscape of generative AI is marked by rapid evolution and significant technological milestones. Several pivotal advancements characterise this evolution… Read More
What Is Social Engineering?
While cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, social engineering continues to be one of the most prevalent and deceptive methods used by cybercriminals. You need to un… Read More
Keyloggers: Part 1
Author: Thomas Gomer, Security Consultant at Rootshell. Device implants are tools used within penetration testing that can be used to stealthily record, input and exfiltrate information. The… Read More
Phishing: Slipping The Net
Author: Andrew Stanistreet, Security Consultant Managed Services Welcome to the second post in my phishing series, in the first I briefly touched on some different types of phishing such as… Read More
Understanding CMMC 2.0 In Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity has to adapt to evolving threats. You need fresh approaches, certifications, and frameworks to constantly keep up with emerging technologies and attack vectors. One such framew… Read More
What Is Red Team In Cyber Security?
What Is Red Team in Cyber Security? If you’re looking into ways of protecting your business from cyber attacks, you may have come across the term ‘red team’. But, what is a… Read More
Threat Intelligence
Organisations are constantly grappling with the challenge of detecting and preventing cybersecurity threats in today’s digital age. Of the many tools that people use, threat intelligen… Read More
In 2023, staying ahead of evolving threats is paramount. At Rootshell Security, we understand the critical need to not only grasp the current industry landscape but also to anticipate emergi… Read More
In today’s dynamic business landscape, safeguarding critical assets is paramount. Every organization operates within a digital realm, and within this realm lies a trove of valuable dat… Read More
Vulnerability Management SLA
In 2023 the digital landscape, where cyber threats loom large and security breaches are a constant concern, an effective vulnerability management program is crucial for safeguarding your org… Read More
Automated Vulnerability Management
What is Automated Vulnerability Management?At its core, vulnerability management is the ongoing practice of identifying, classifying, and mitigating vulnerabilities within an organization&rs… Read More
AI: Friend Or Foe?
Author: Liam Hackett, Head of Development and creator of Velma, Rootshell’s own AI. It’s been a year since I last wrote about AI. Since then, we’ve seen an explosion in AI… Read More
Patch Tuesday Review – June 2023
Welcome to our summary of the June 2023 Microsoft Patch Tuesday. We have tabulated the vulnerabilities that the latest patches from Microsoft fix, so that you can easily export them for use… Read More
Patch Tuesday Review – May 2023
Welcome to our summary of the May 2023 Microsoft Patch Tuesday. We have tabulated the vulnerabilities that the latest patches from Microsoft fix, so that you can easily export them for use i… Read More

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