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The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has captured the world’s attention due to the violence of the act and the mayhem it would have caused had it been suc… Read More
When reflecting on the Book of Acts, I was captivated by the foundational priorities of the early church. They were a praying community, and their commitment to prayer was their powerhouse… Read More
If you read the ESV, after pushing through the drama of the Gospels, you come to another book, authored by Luke, simply called “Acts”. It is best understood as the Acts of the H… Read More
Have you considered the lifestyle challenge of Acts 13:22? I have, and have found myself sadly short of the mark, but… I aspire to it! I’ll explain. In Acts 13:22, we encounter… Read More
There appears to be a significant surge in church planting at this time across a wide spectrum of denominations and church groups, not just in the UK but also around the world, despite the… Read More
Lament – Finding Strength in Biblical Prayers We are about to explore the subject of lamenting in my church’s small groups. Since it is not a familiar term to many, I thought I… Read More
If you want God’s best in your life and desire to make your life count, you likely need to be prepared to travel a road that includes a measure of adversity. This road is ever-present… Read More
The Urgent Question of Christ’s Return As a new Christian in a Pentecostal church, I grew up with the regular question, “Can Jesus return at any moment?” It affected every… Read More
Having recently read Andrew Wilson’s brilliant book “Remaking the World,” I have been reflecting on the early days of America’s pioneers and settlers. It’s har… Read More
My Observation: The Remarkable Gift of Prophecy in the UK Church Recently, a Canadian church leader asked me about prophecy in the UK Church. Like everywhere else, we face different challeng… Read More
As a missional church, we’ve been exploring various ways to share the gospel. From the simplicity of the 3 Circles to the depth of Alpha, any tool is better than none—after all… Read More
An Invitation to the Improbable. When Jesus tells us to leave things behind and follow Him, amidst a vast array of theological and lifestyle changes, it is also an invitation to join in the… Read More
Keeping the ‘Encouragement Tank’ full Have you ever run a marathon? The thing that carries you through the final three or four miles of the gruelling, muscle-numbing race is the… Read More
“The task of every generation is to discover in which direction the Sovereign Redeemer is moving, then move in that direction. It’s a brilliant quote—often attributed to J… Read More
The Church I attend, Emmanuel Sheffield is one of many across the UK that has realised the great encouragement the gift and ministry of prophecy brings. We embrace it because, as we learn f… Read More
A few years ago, thanks to the generosity of my brother and sister-in-law, I had the privilege of visiting and touring a vast expanse of Lebanon, which included a trip through the Bekaa Val… Read More
Easter has just passed, and I found myself reading John 3:14-15, where Jesus refers to Numbers 21:4-9. Both are well-known texts, but what strikes me is the way that Jesus, in His early day… Read More
I discovered a new word recently. Well, I’ll come clean: I heard it on Radio 4 as I drove to work, and after looking it up in the dictionary, I began to muse about it. The word is &l… Read More
If you are reading through your Bible in a year, the book of Jude at approximately 431 words will probably be a treat. What will be a challenge, however, is what to do with Jude’s chal… Read More
In all the excitement of the Book of Acts, we sometimes need to apply the brakes on the narrative rather than accelerating through significant moments onto the thrilling spectacles of signs… Read More
What is your big story? What has God been orchestrating in your life throughout the years? The story of Jonah, profoundly familiar to us, demonstrates open and honest transparency—at… Read More
Romans 12:1-11 marks a pivotal moment in the Book of Romans, serving as a practical guide for followers of Jesus, illustrating how to embody our beliefs in tangible ways. It acts as a manua… Read More
In our Christian journey, we are met with a wide range of experiences that challenge and stretch us. These moments, at first glance, might seem like hurdles, yet upon closer reflection, the… Read More
Have you waited patiently for the opportunity to preach in one church? A quarter of a century is a long time to wait for anything, be it a job opportunity, business development, or athletic… Read More
Have you ever pondered why some Jews sway back and forth whilst praying or reading the Torah? Why don’t Christians practise this, or do they? It appears this action is known as shuckl… Read More
It’s about AD 33 on the Mount of Beatitudes, a hill in Northern Israel on the Korazim Plateau. It’s an unprecedented day, a day that will have priests poring over the sacred text… Read More
If there’s one thing that could be said about Stephen’s presentation of the gospel in the book of Acts, it’s “courage.” Stephen’s well known sermon in Act… Read More
I had no idea how to find a picture for this topic so I chose this lovely Pelican!Hineni! While reading through Genesis, I noticed a phrase that appeared numerous times. I wondered if, in th… Read More
I don’t follow football closely, but the recent news about Jürgen Klopp, the 56-year-old manager of Liverpool Football Club, resonated with me and sparked my curiosity. When J&uu… Read More
If you read the Psalms through regularly, you will have come across a verse in Psalm 62:11 written by David, the second king of Israel. God has spoken once; twice have I heard this: that po… Read More
One of the remarkable things about the Lord’s Prayer is the disclosure that ‘when you pray, go into your room, shut the door, and pray to your Father who is in secret –&nb… Read More
In the powerful and inspiring tale of Noah and the Ark, especially in those tension-laden seven days before the heavens opened, we find a challenging reflection of our own lives. Noah&rsqu… Read More
2024! It happened! The world has been gifted with another year to discover the goodness of God and respond to the good news of the Gospel! Every new year brings with it a sense of hope, pote… Read More
It’s nearly 2024, and over the next few days, there will be several people in the charismatic churches breaking the news of all that God has planned for us in the coming year and will… Read More
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, I have some words of encouragement for you from Luke’s Gospel. In chapter 9, Luke opens his narrative about Jesus, telling of the commissioning o… Read More
Reading the engaging text of Matthew 10 today, I thought about a different version: “Proclaim as you go, ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ Calm storms, increase food supplie… Read More
Recently, while sharing a brief prophetic word at church about Zechariah 1:3, I found myself restating the text. As I stepped away from the microphone, I concluded with “says the Lord… Read More
The gift of tongues was never meant to be a source of controversy. Along with the other gifts of the Spirit, it has sadly become just that: controversial. At the heart of this frustration l… Read More
Miracles! The Bible is replete with accounts of miracles. However, when we come to the Church in Galatia, it not only had a history interwoven with stories of the miraculous, particularly in… Read More
As you get a bit older, you start seeing the sense in not messing about with matches. It’s not that you can’t, it’s more like you shouldn’t. I find myself thumbing t… Read More
When I’m driving solo, I’ve got a routine where I play an audio Bible, sped up a bit to 1.6x. I don’t just let it run, though. I repeat the same chapter, starting over each… Read More
You will have noticed elsewhere on this website that the towering figure of Samuel is my favourite. For me, Samuel stands larger than life in biblical history, not merely as an Old Testament… Read More
As we look out across the activity of the church in the 21st century, we find ourselves in an era reverberating with both the ancient echoes of prophecy from the 1950’s and the unmist… Read More
In the vibrant core of the digital era, where data is abundant and ever-present on our devices, understanding God isn’t a puzzle – mere information about God falls short; we must… Read More
I thoroughly enjoy the story of Jonah. It’s not just about the extraordinary fish or the image of the prophet staggering onto the beach, his skin potentially bleached white by digesti… Read More
Wading through the depths of the agony that streaks across our world—from the sky lit by rockets above Israel to the silent villages of Ukraine, now punctuated by the violence of invas… Read More
Wading through the depths of the agony that streaks across our world—from the sky lit by rockets above Israel to the silent villages of Ukraine, now punctuated by the violence of invas… Read More
I assume that you’ve read the narrative of Moses—you know the one—where Moses, lost in a daydream, wanders the desert, tending to his weary, bewildered sheep near God&rsqu… Read More
In recent times, it seems like the classics are making a comeback – and no, we’re not talking about bell-bottom jeans or vinyl records; we’re referring to a renewed fascina… Read More
Healing is in the atonement?   Isaiah 53:5 is often presented as evidence. It proclaims, “By his wounds we are healed” and for one reason or another, leaves theologians… Read More
Like many, I can easily be gripped by the drama of the exploits of Elijah and Elisha. It’s an emotive story with powerful manifestations of God’s presence – and of course… Read More
When the Music Fades – After the Feeding of the 5,000 The Lord’s feeding of the 5,000 is legendary. The vast sea of faces, the loudness of joyful chatter, and the tangible scent… Read More
In the face of Europe’s oppressive “heat dome”, the simmering tensions between Russia and Ukraine, the relentless resurgence of COVID, and the myriad challenges our world… Read More
It’s not quite a teddy bear’s picnic! A quick thought on an obscure text that I have read recently – and as an old, bald prophetic person I wondered what lessons I could le… Read More
Venturing Into Uncharted Territory: Stirred, Not Shaken In Acts 17:1-10, we glimpse Paul’s audacious zeal as he embarks on one of his most pivotal missionary journeys, passionately sha… Read More
Prophetic AgendaThe coming high tide In the intricate tapestry of the Church’s journey, we find ourselves at an interesting juncture. Across countless congregations, there is a noticea… Read More
Prophetic AgendaReasons to see the glory In the deepest recesses of our hearts, there lies a longing for something transcendent, something beyond our ordinary experiences. Consider for a mo… Read More
Looking back at the great narratives of the Bible, we find numerous mighty men and women of faith who, despite their astonishing encounters with God, grappled with moments of profound disco… Read More
Prophetic AgendaThe Leper Paradox The gospel of Mark is crammed full of amazing stories that shout for your attention. No matter how you look at it, the story in Chapter 1:40-45 demands fore… Read More
Igniting The Flame
Prophetic AgendaIgniting The Flame Igniting The Flame: Fanning The Gifts of the Spirit in a Postmodern Era Today, we find ourselves amidst times of uncertainty, a world marked by scepticism… Read More
Our Great Hope
Prophetic AgendaOur great hope Some people consider John 3:16 to be one of the most important verses that offer hope, peace and comfort in the bible but I think it is worthwhile to consider… Read More
It was the night when shadows whispered of betrayal, and torches illuminated veiled intentions. The peaceful Garden of Gethsemane, customarily a place of quiet contemplation, was a scene of… Read More
There’s a riveting moment, standing on the precipice of God’s impending judgment, where the earth presented a rather tumultuous scene. Noah’s ark was more than a rowing boa… Read More
Iron Sharpening Iron
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17) I imagine the heavy clash of swords when it comes to this proverb, but it’s really not what the v… Read More
Crafted For Goodness
Crafted for Goodness: Understanding Our Role in God’s Masterpiece” I recently listened to Ephesians on repeat several times in the car, and while many fantastic verses came up (a… Read More
Echoes From The Early Church
Prophetic AgendaEchoes from the Early Church In a changing world, the Church is called to its mission – an urgent duty demanding attention. Amidst complexities like postmodern mindse… Read More
A Cross-Cultural Ministry
Prophetic AgendaA Cross-Cultural Ministry In a changing world, the Church is called to its mission – an urgent duty demanding attention. Amidst complexities like postmodern mindsets… Read More
Running In The Thunder
What phenomenal days we are living in — days full of opportunity, challenge and adventure — and all of this in the midst of international turmoil and economic chaos. We can draw… Read More
The Model Of Leadership
Prophetic AgendaThe Model of Leadership In a changing world, the Church is called to its mission – an urgent duty demanding attention. Amidst complexities like postmodern mindsets, g… Read More
Acts Of The Apostles
Prophetic AgendaActs of the Apostles In a changing world, the Church is called to its mission – an urgent duty demanding attention. Amidst complexities like postmodern mindsets, geop… Read More
Fallen Angels
“And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgement of the great day” (Jude v.6… Read More
From Local To Translocal
Prophetic AgendaFrom Local to Translocal In a changing world, the Church is called to its mission – an urgent duty demanding attention. Amidst complexities like postmodern mindsets… Read More
Being Intentionally Missional
Prophetic AgendaBeing intentionally missional The Church Unveiled – Called, Cultured, and Empowered I think that on the top of priorities for the Church today is urgency for it to be m… Read More
Standing Strong Amidst Challenges
Prophetic AgendaStanding Strong Amidst Challenges In a changing world, the Church is called to its mission – an urgent duty demanding attention. Amidst complexities like postmodern m… Read More
Romans 8
In the year AD 64, the Roman Empire was ruled by the infamous emperor Nero. During his reign, one of the most well-known examples of Christian persecution occurred in Rome, which would have… Read More
The Pure – Good Things
No matter what you’re doing, it’s hard to concentrate when something’s on your mind-something worrisome or persistent. What’s on your mind? Thankfully, whatever it is… Read More
Pride & Humility
It’s amazing how Moses could say of himself, “Now the man Moses was very humble, more than any man who was on the face of the earth” (Numbers 12:3). Some people may doubt i… Read More
The Raging Heart
There’s a proverb written by Solomon that I have never seen quoted or heard a sermon on, and at first glance it easy to pass over it but I think if you have a few moments, it’s w… Read More
God Watches Over Us
In 1961, Yuri Gagarin made history as the first human to journey into outer space and orbit the earth. Despite the marvel of this incredible achievement, Yuri famously stated that he did no… Read More
Is it time for a redirection of your life? No matter where you are on your journey as a Christian, whether you’re new to the faith or have been practising for many years, it’s im… Read More
Two Prophets, A Lion And A Donkey.
The story of 1 Kings 13:11-25, which tells of a man of God sent by God to deliver a message to King Jeroboam, has perplexed even the sharpest minds. It serves as a cautionary tale about the… Read More
Looking At 2023 And Beyond …
I understand how church leaders may feel during this time as we emerge cautiously from a pandemic and a world of chaos whilst still continuing to face social unrest and many other tiring is… Read More
Five Smooth Stones For Prophets
“Then David took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the brook” The story of David and Goliath is a popular one among Christians – where the underdog s… Read More
Prophetic AgendaThat magnificent obsession In the vast expanse of the universe and the intricacies of our very beings, there echoes a timeless question: What should be the true north of our… Read More
Prophetic AgendaBelonging to God In the silent chambers of a human heart, there exists an echoing beat that continually seeks love and belonging. Amidst the vast annals of biblical history… Read More
What is the most encouraging word in the English language? I can only think of one word for it: hope. I can’t think of another word that brings me the same excitement, strength, and de… Read More
Ask The Prophet
Throughout the years there has been ongoing discussion about the role, value, and relevance of the prophetic ministry. These discussions have been heated at times but they have proven valuab… Read More
Hebrews Eleven
Whenever you feel complacent a good antidote is to turn to Hebrews 11. This historical narrative, filled with characters of every kind and inclination, is so rich with stories of God’s… Read More