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God Versus Religion Blog

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What religion is God? Or are religions man-made things to try to reach our version of God? Here, we explore the differences between what God tells us in His Word - the Bible - and what we've done in His name to make it hard to find the true God.
Why Do Rich People Give Money Away?
Why do rich people give money away? No, they don’t all do that. But some do. And they get cheered for it. But do you ever wonder, why do they give it away? And should we be cheeri… Read More
I Love You! See You Later, When I Die.
I love you! See you later, when I die. Who would ever say that? If we love someone, would we really walk away and choose to spend a lifetime without them? The adjacent images show a woman… Read More
Joseph Sold by His Brothers Ge 37:12 Now his brothers had gone to graze their father’s flocks near Shechem, 13 and Israel said to Joseph, “As you know, your brothers are grazing… Read More
God’s Covenant With Noah Ge 9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. 2 The fear and dread of you will fall… Read More
Now The Earth Was Formless And Empty
In the beginning. Or maybe shortly after the beginning. Either way, at some point, the earth was formless and empty. What does that mean? Was it the beginning or not? Is there any signif… Read More
In The Beginning, But Which Beginning?
Lots of people recognize the words, In the beginning, as the first three words in the Bible. Or, more properly, as the first three words in the Torah. But how many people ask, which beginn… Read More
Why write about Tanakh in a Christian site? We have to remember that Jesus came as a Jew. Ministered to Jewish people. And the authors of most of the books in our Bible were Jewish. Not… Read More

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