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Don’t Use Just React
Beginners intro to Next.jsWhat are you saying man😠. Are you crazy😡. That’s what you thought right ?😅 Please excuse me. And let me come to the point. T… Read More
Why Devs Should Learn NestJS In 2024?
Nest beginners guideBefore understanding why NestJS is, let’s understand what NestJS? And before messing up with NestJS vs NextJS, let me say that Nest and Next are two different frame… Read More
Email Verification With Nodemailer.
Email verification is a crucial aspect of user authentication in web applications, ensuring that users provide valid email addresses and confirming their identities. In this blog post, we&rs… Read More
What Is Generative AI?
Creating entirely NEW content unlike traditional AIGenerative AI applied to several domainsGenerative AI involves training algorithms to generate new content, often indistinguishable fr… Read More
Http Cache
What is HTTP — Cache?Imagine waiting forever for a website to load — it’s annoying, right? Well, not only is it frustrating for users, but it can al… Read More
Replace Npm & Yarn With
Bun: The Fast and Furious Package ManagerBun positions itself as an all-in-one JavaScript runtime with a built-in, blazing-fast package manager.Here are some of its key features:Sp… Read More
User Authentication With JWT
Photo by FlyD on UnsplashJSON Web Token (JWT) authentication has become a popular choice for securing web applications due to its simplicity, scalability, and versatility. In this compr… Read More
The Core Concept Of Amazon DynamoDB
In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, DynamoDB has emerged as a powerhouse in the realm of NoSQL databases. From its inception as a fully managed, serverless database service by… Read More
Getting Started With MongoDB
Photo by Rubaitul Azad on UnsplashWhen it comes to database management systems, MongoDB stands out as a powerful and flexible NoSQL solution. If you’re considering integrating Mon… Read More
Embracing Serverless Excellence
My AWS Serverless JourneyFigure: Serverless Learning BadgeI’m excited to share with you a big accomplishment in my cloud computing career: earning the AWS Serverless Learning … Read More
Intercept GraphQL Requests In Cypress
GraphQL is known for its single endpoint and uniform URLs across requests, which can make intercepting API requests seem challenging at first glance. However, with the right groundwork, it b… Read More
Semantic Versioning For Express APIs
What is Semantic Versioning?Software versioning is the process of assigning a unique identifier for a specific state of a software application, API, or library. As developers, it is essentia… Read More
Custom URL Shortener Using AWS S3
A URL shortener is a mechanism modern web applications use to reduce the length of a URL. The main usage of it is to create a link that…Continue reading on Enlear Academy » Read More
Integrate OpenAI To Rails
Get started with OpenAI APIsChatGPT and all the AI-related topics are the rage these days in tech industries. So I want to talk about something related to that in this article. We would… Read More
Rails ‘unmatched’ Routes
How to handle the 404 (not found) route errorsIn every web application, we need to handle unused routes preferably by showing information to the user that what they are requesting does… Read More
A thorough examination of Ruby’s ‘dig’ methodToday, I want to talk a bit about a little-known method in Ruby language that works on both Arrays and Hashes called #dig… Read More
Hosting Your Node.js API On AWS EC2
Step-by-Step Guide: How Host Node.js API on AWS EC2 from ScratchFigure 1.1 Hosting Node.js API on AWS EC2After building an API. You must host your API if you want others to be able… Read More
AWS Cost Optimization Techniques
Key Strategies for Efficient Cloud SpendingFigure 1.1 AWS Cost Optimization TechniquesCost management in the cloud is an essential component of any business’s operations. Because… Read More
Getting Started With Argo CD
Using Argo CD for GitOpsArgo CD is a powerful GitOps tool that helps manage the release of applications on Kubernetes. With Argo CD, you can handle the deployment of your applications… Read More
How To Deploy React App On Azure
The easiest way to host React app on the Azure App ServiceFigure 1.1 How to deploy your React App in AzureIn today’s world, where technology is evolving faster than ever befo… Read More
Top 8 Node.js Frameworks in 2023Node.js is an open-source, server-side software framework that can be used to create applications that are able to respond quickly to user requests. As a… Read More
Private VS Sealed Classes In C#
Understanding the differences between private class and sealed class in C#private vs sealed classes in c#C# is an object-oriented programming language that provides various ways to… Read More
What Is Serverless Computing In AWS?
An Introduction to AWS Serverless ComputingFigure 1.1 Serverless ComputingIn recent years, serverless computing has been considered a popular cloud computing model. That allows developers to… Read More
Null Handling Techniques In C#
7 Null Handling techniques that you should know in C#Null Handling Techniques in C#In C#, null is a special value that represents the absence of a value. Null can be assigned to re… Read More
How To Write Unit Tests With Dapper
Writing unit test code when using the Dapper ORM tool for database operations with ASP.NET Core Web ApplicationHow to write unit tests with DapperWriting unit tests when using the Dappe… Read More
Data Encryption Tools
5 Data Encryption Tools for 2023Data encryption is the process of converting data or information into a coded language or ciphertext that can only be deciphered and understood by author… Read More
Serverless 101
Beginners guide for Serverless computingHi, In this article, I’m going to cover serverless architecture in terms of AWS services integration. If you are new to serverless, this article… Read More

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