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In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Python stands out as a versatile and powerful programming language, making it a cornerstone for many groundbreaking applications. Whether you&r… Read More
In the ever-evolving landscape of recruitment, online interviews have become the new norm. Employers worldwide are turning to digital platforms to connect with potential candidates, offerin… Read More
In today’s digitized landscape, Node.js stands out as a game-changer in web application development. This open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime is known for crafting efficien… Read More
In today’s globalized world, businesses are constantly seeking ways to harness the best talent from around the globe. When it comes to software development, Serbia has emerged as a ho… Read More
Author: Jovan Kočić, Senior Software Engineer @ Ryd Integration testing is a software testing technique that aims to test the interaction between different software components… Read More
In today’s digital landscape, Java remains one of the most popular programming languages for building robust and scalable applications. As a result, finding and hiring skilled Java de… Read More
Author: Bojan Todorovic, Senior Frontend Engineer @Redbox Vizio, LG, Samsung, PS4, PS5, Xbox, VewD. What do all these platforms have in common? Yup, that’s right, React! All of the… Read More
Meet Data Heroes All In One Place
There is nothing worse than asking a data engineer to build you some fancy report/dashboard. If you are lucky, he would just ignore you, otherwise he might slap you right in the face. So, b… Read More
Mitovi O Radu Na Daljinu
Iako su InterVenture timovi napravljeni tako da odlično funkcionišu sa partnerima iz celog sveta, prošla godina nam je pokazala da smo svi mnogo spremniji za remote rad n… Read More

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