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H/t Mindel Puah bas LeahWell this is going to upset a few people..... This is Rabbi Isser Weisberg, and he's basically validating the words of Rabbi Mendel Kessin regarding Trump."At th… Read More
Searching For The Jewish Messiah
H/t ShiraJewish people have waited for the arrival of the Messiah for thousands of years. Join Berel Solomon on an action-packed adventure to the land of Israel and beyond to find the M… Read More
The following text is by ''Daniel'' - taken from a previous blog post of mine in 2016.   It was all forecast 3,300 years ago by Bilaam the gentile prophet in Parshas Balak. … Read More
Update: This is a must listen shiur.Please read the comments first, as there is a link to listen to it in English via AI,  sent by Yisroel.Someone asked me to help them watch this video… Read More
The Perfect Storm
 Text: Rabbi Shmuel ReichmanEvery great person I’ve ever met has found their sense of purpose from the storm they’ve encountered. It was in the very process of being br… Read More
What Lies Behind Unjustified Hatred
by Rabbi David Hanania Pinto On Tisha B'Av night we say in the Kinnot, "By our necks we are pursued, because we pursued purposeless hatred, O woe! What has befallen us". The first pr… Read More
Blue Sky
Cartoon: Mordechai Becher/David PodbereWonder of wonders, we have blue sky today!   Yesterday we had no sky at all, just a white mass of cloud and a rain bomb all day.  We've… Read More
I hope the release of four hostages has given everyone some much needed chizuk.  I also hope that soon we'll all be celebrating like these guys were, when their friend returned fro… Read More
Alone? You're In Good Company
Written by Tsivya I went to a shiur-class last night given by Rabbi Alperin. One of the things that the Rabbi said was that geula comes through loners. Avraham, Yitzchak, Yosef, Moshe, Es… Read More
All over Sydney today, these amazing clouds.  Everyone was trying to work out what they were...  they are asteroid trails from close-passing asteroids.  Seen it many times in… Read More
End Of Days Hail
 Everything really is bigger in Texas. Location: Vigo Park, Texas PanhandlePhoto: Thomas Hinterdorf : Extreme Weather Chaser [link to original photo] Read More
Jonathan ben Shimol interviews Rabbi Mendel KessinThis is from a FB Reel which you can view here.Shimol's questions are in Bold.With Trump and Biden and craziness happening, what's really th… Read More
All Eyes On Rafah
All over social media are posts and pictures like thisOf course it's propaganda, it's an AI generated image, designed to provoke outrage and more anti-Israel/anti-Jewish emotions around the… Read More
Spiritual Guidance For Bibi
Prime Minister Netanyahu reading "Toward a Meaningful Life" in Hebrew during a session in the Knesset - Photo: from the book's author Rabbi Simon Jacobson"Toward a Meaningful Life" is a spir… Read More
Text below was transcribed by Nava from the Dreaming of Moshiach Blog, in 2007.This is  exactly where we are now, in case you didn't realize.  How do I know this ? Isn't it obvious… Read More
Orange Moon Over Melbourne
The moon photographed this morning 6.40am at Docklands, Melbourne Australia.Do things look normal to you?  Uh-uh, none of this is normal.Jane Bunn's Weather PhotographyWhere is the red… Read More
Some people call this the Texas Cube, because it was first seen over Texas.  It's a giant cube flying around, and it's been video-ed and photographed for years.  What is it? … Read More
Believe It - Or Not
I'm a bit late to the party..... Tomer Devorah has already pointed out the 40 day sign: 40 days plus one since the total solar eclipse, and the Iranian President is incinerated in a helicopt… Read More
Nothing Left
 Source: Michael FreundLess than a month ago, Iranian President Raisi threatened that “nothing will be left” of Israel. And today - there is nothing left of him. &ldquo… Read More
Charles' Portrait
 For entertainment purposes onlyThe first official painted portrait of King Charles III since his coronation was unveiled at Buckingham Palace yesterday.  He has a butterfly o… Read More
Impeding The Redemption
I blogged this a long time ago - it was something that I originally saw at Mystical Paths, and back then I thought the Baal Shem Tov was referring to corrupt rabbis, but after reading the co… Read More
Amazing Auroras
The solar flare has given us these amazing auroras all over the world, in places where they've never seen it before.  Colours seen depend on the altitude. [The Hebrew word for light is… Read More
In the history of the world, has there ever been a war where a country has warned the other side where they are going to bomb, so that people could get out of the way and move somewhere safe… Read More
Understanding Mashiach Ben Yosef Part 2
Rabbi Efraim PalvanovWhat does the Talmud really mean when it mentions a dying messiah? Why did Maimonides completely ignore this Talmud when codifying Jewish law? And did the death of Jesus… Read More
Vermont Suns
These are screen shots taken from a video which I can't upload, there's actually three objects there, although only two are clear.  One is our sun, then there is a redder sphere next to… Read More
Some excellent clarification on what is going on in the world, from Rav Itamar Schwartz of Bilvavi, can be found at Myrtle Rising:Rav Itamar Schwartz of Bilvavi on the Current Crumbling Proc… Read More
All The Trouble
"All the trouble that comes from the world is from Gaza". [Zohar] "Redemption depends on the clarification of the sparks in Rafah."This is a video that Ron linked to and it needs it's o… Read More
Dubai was again hit with record flooding May 2nd 2024.  This follows the recent floods on April 16.… Read More
The Sun In The Light Of The Torah
This is Amnon from Alshich Academy speaking about the sun at the end of days.  Strange things are happening around the sun, and this may shed some light [no pun intended] on things… Read More
An Eye For An Eye ???
The Jerusalem Post and other places report that Israeli official security and governmental sources told The Jerusalem Post on Friday: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Israel retaliat… Read More
Thank You
I had a dream last night and hence this blog post.  I want to thank Devorah Haggar from Chicago for the header for this blog, which she made for me a long time ago - so long ago th… Read More
 April 16 2024Dubai International Airport 🇦🇪 has recorded nearly 160 mm (6.3 inches) of rain in the last 24 hours. For context, most of the Dubaï metro typically av… Read More
I can't seem to stay off my blog, there is always something that needs to be said.The miracle of the Iranian missiles causing very little damage and not even one death was over-looked and ov… Read More
The Magnetic Star
Someone sent me this video, which is only in Hebrew and no English sub-titles.... but fortunately for me someone translated it and so I can share this news with you.  For most… Read More
The 4/8 Eclipse: What You Didn't See
This is a photo taken during the eclipse by Ryan RichardI put this up yesterday but some people couldn't find it.I made a new Page of videos showing the things you didn't see during the Ecli… Read More
It takes a lot of effort to stay on the right path.  It's not easy.  Especially when everything is so expensive.  I mean.... who can afford to keep kosher these days?  &n… Read More
Inscribed In The Book Of Records
by Rabbi David Chananya PintoIf someone is known as a ba'al lashon hara, meaning that he continually talks negatively about other people, if a person goes and sits with him, even if he doesn… Read More
Cracking The Code
I'm supposed to write a disclaimer that the information contained in this post is for entertainment purposes only.   I just noticed something - the Cosmic Clock!  It's saying… Read More
So the solar eclipse has changed it's course.  New calculations have slightly shifted the eclipse's path of totality - calculations which were published just a week before the even… Read More
The Red Heifer Breaking News
This came up randomly for me, I wasn't looking for it.Rambam comments: "Nine red heifers were prepared from the time this mitzvah was given until the destruction of the Second Temple. The f… Read More
 I wonder if this counts as a re-visiting of the plague of Frogs.  “There will be a cacophony of tree frogs and spring peepers and those are the ones I am so excited to… Read More
The 10th Red Cow
Shabbat Parah, the Sabbath of the Red Heifer, occurs on the Shabbat prior to Shabbat Mevarkhim of the month of Nisan. The maftir reading, Numbers 19:1-22, deals with the red heifer whose ash… Read More
The [D]Evil At The End Of Days
Warning: some of the information contained in this post may scare some people, that is not my intention.  I'm just putting things together and coming to a conclusion, which may or may n… Read More
The Chinese Zodiac In Judaism
Rabbi Efraim Palvanov Why are the Chinese calendar and Jewish calendar nearly identical? What are the mysterious spiritual origins of Chinese and East Asian peoples according to the Tor… Read More
Francis Scott Key Bridge
"Curiouser and curiouser" said Alice.For those of you that don't know.... the Francis Scott Key Bridge is the same bridge event that took place in the Netflix movie "Leave the World Behind"… Read More

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