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I Already Did That
   by Reb Gutman Locks I Already Did That     He's from France. He lives in Israel half the year and in France half the year. He was on his way out b… Read More
Temple Mount Today?
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Temple Mount Today?        There is a lot of confusion today as to why we do not ye… Read More
Far Reaching
   by Reb Gutman  Locks        Far Reaching         A Chabad rabbi came into the Kotel area and a bunch of gu… Read More
Standing Close
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Standing Close   A reader wrote:      This is something that bugs me since I v… Read More
A Chassid
    by Reb Gutman Locks          A Chassid        Chassidism is a movement of Orthodox Torah observance that was f… Read More
Anti Semitism!
   by Reb Gutman Locks   Anti Semitism!        Why is there antisemitism? Especially now, and all over the world?    … Read More
Hashem Bless
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Hashem Bless        Every day, pray for our soldiers, that Hashem should protect th… Read More
What To Do
   by Reb Gutman Locks         What to Do        My advice: Speak softly and lovingly to Hashem as you go through… Read More
    by Reb Gutman Locks            Holiness        When we affix a mezuzah to its proper place, put on t… Read More
I Forget!
   by Reb Gutman Locks         I Forget!        A couple of things you can do about it.    … Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks          Tell Him What You Want        After he read the Shema, I told him to go stand by t… Read More
    by Reb Gutman Locks       Forbidden        In Israel, every hour someone dies from cigarette smoke, either because he sm… Read More
A Story
   by Reb Gutman Locks        A Story        I was on my way to the Kotel to daven Mincha… and I said, "Hashem… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks         How Much?        We are rewarded in Heaven by what we actually do, considering what… Read More
I Gotta Go!
   by Reb Gutman Locks       I Gotta Go!       After he read the Shema, I told him to go stand by the Kotel and pray for what he… Read More
Our Job
    by Reb Gutman Locks          Our Job        Commenting on one of my videos: Adnan asked; What do you mean… Read More
Protecting Jews
   by Reb Gutman Locks   Protecting Jews           Protecting Jews at a time of war. Anytime is a good time to help a… Read More
Elevating A Soul
   by Reb Gutman Locks        Elevating a Soul        Two elderly Jewish visitors from Europe came up to me at the tefillin… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks          Or, With Joy        This week's Torah reading, the last in the book of Leviticus, list… Read More
Good Good Good Good
     Beit Shemesh   by Reb Gutman Locks    Good Good Good Good       He lives in America. The last time he… Read More
His Presence
  by Reb Gutman Locks        His Presence        A Chasid from America came up to me at the Kotel and asked, "How can I have the… Read More
    by Reb Gutman Locks         Ow!        I was in the middle of davening when some religious guy backing away from t… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks         What Is Life?        The answer depends on what you are asking about. If you are asking… Read More
His Face
   by Reb Gutman Locks         His Face        He wheeled by me and didn't stop when I called for him to come put on t… Read More
Lifting Up
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Lifting Up        In the picture, I am about to lift the Torah. It is called hagbahah… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks         YouTube      I stopped making videos some 10 years ago. I made 100 of them. They still receive… Read More
Why Tefillin?
   by Reb Gutman Locks          Why Tefillin?        Again, someone came up to me at the tefillin stand and asked, "Wh… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks            A Lost Item        A father and his two young sons came up to me at the tefilli… Read More
A General
   by Reb Gutman Locks        A General        He is one of the highest-ranking soldiers in the army. He came right over… Read More
Doing Good
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Doing Good        He's from America. He came up to me at the tefillin stand excited to… Read More
G-d Said
      by Reb Gutman Locks           G-d Said, "Be Holy – Eat A Matzah"  … Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Hallucination   Nicky asked:      Are plant medicines for healing purposes, and magi… Read More
Open Their Heart
    by Reb Gutman Locks        Open Their Heart        A young man from England came up to me at the Kotel tefillin stand… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks          What to Look For?         He came into the Kotel area with a very young boy hangi… Read More
Four Steps
    by Reb Gutman Locks         Four Steps        We are told that taking four steps in the Holy Land of Israel gives… Read More
     by Reb Gutman Locks   Getting Drunk on Purim            Happi… Read More
A Ba’el Teshuvah
   by Reb Gutman Locks        A Ba'el Teshuvah        (A ba'el teshuvah is a Jew who adopts some form of traditional religi… Read More
    by Reb Gutman Locks          Helping the Holy        A young American came up to me at the Kotel. He was very happ… Read More
A Lone Soldier!
   by Reb Gutman Locks          A Lone Soldier!        He's from Japan! His mother is Jewish and his father is Japanes… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks          Sunshine        He's an Israeli. After reading the Shema, I told him how the mitzvah o… Read More
You’re Right
    by Reb Gutman Locks          You're Right        He's visiting from California. His father is not Jewish, and up t… Read More
What To Do?
   by Reb Gutman Locks         What to Do?        Shabbos afternoon two young, American boys who are learning in an En… Read More
It Was Special
    by Reb Gutman Locks          It Was Special        I asked the young Israeli to come put on tefillin. He refused… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks   Pray!        He's an Israeli boy. After he read the Shema, I told him to talk to Hashem … to tell Him all… Read More
Early Morning
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Early Morning        A young American who is learning in one of the local English-speaking y… Read More
   by Reb Gutman LocksAba        The Israeli boy in the white shirt made me smile so warmly. After he read the Shema I told him, "The mitzvah opens… Read More
Change For The Better
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Change for the Better        The easiest way to make a significant positive change in y… Read More
Which Way To Go?
    Which Way To Go?        A friend I hadn't seen in years came up to me at the tefillin stand. I asked him where he was living. He said that… Read More
The Wrong Tool
   by Reb Gutman Locks            The Wrong Tool   Dear Rabbi,   Shalom. I respectfully seek your guidance regarding the p… Read More
Back To Life
   by Reb Gutman Locks          Back to Life        The Talmud lists the levels of spiritual attainment a Jew can reac… Read More
Getting High?
    by Reb Gutman Lo;cks          Getting High? Margy asked: Plant medicine     Good evening, Rabbi,  &nb… Read More
Be Careful
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Be Careful         He is visiting from New York. He's 19 years old and had never p… Read More
A Nice Frum Jew
   by Reb Gutman Locks         A Nice Frum Jew        You see this nice frum guy? He works at the Chevra Kadisha, taki… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks           How Many Ways?        A young guy, apparently religious, came up to me at the te… Read More
Directing His Heart
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Directing His Heart        When he walked into the Kotel area a couple of guys from the… Read More
Why Did G-d Do That?
    by Reb Gutman Locks          Why Did G-d Do That?        G-d told Moshe to tell Pharoah to let the Jews go out for… Read More
Reaching Out
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Reaching Out       Often, on Friday afternoons, some Chabad yeshiva students come to the Kot… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks           Excellent        He's from Moldova… 23 years old… recently made Al… Read More
When We Are At War
   by Reb Gutman Locks         When We Are at War        Each of us are on the front line. Not only should we pray for… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks        Chassidus        Reb Mendel was a famous Chabad Mashpia (mentor) and Chossid. One time, a stu… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks         A Tough Guy!        Eliazar is a nice guy. He is visiting Israel from Toronto… 6… Read More
Our Father
   by Reb Gutman Locks        Our Father   Aharon asked:      Dear Rabbi. Someone quoted me this. That Hashem had so… Read More
Israel Defense Force
    by Reb Gutman Locks          Israel Defense Force        This is how we strengthen our soldiers… We help th… Read More
8     by Reb Gutman Locks    ½ of 8 = 3        What do you think? Is this true?      From the most comm… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks         The Most Dangerous Thing        A nice guy came up to me at the Kotel. He smiled and t… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks         How?   Regarding my last post, "Seeking His Presence";      Beto asked: What ad… Read More
Seeking His Presence
   by Reb Gutman LocksSeeking His Presence        A young religious man came up to me at the Kotel and said, "I have been having intense moments of… Read More
A Special Year
   by Reb Gutman Locks         A Special Year        Last week, my friend Avi asked me to welcome this year's special… Read More
I Think I Got One
   by Reb Gutman Locks       I Think I Got One        A religious boy walked by me early this morning at the Kotel smoking… Read More
Rain And Sunshine
by Reb Gutman LocksRain and Sunshine        He sends rain for a blessing, and sunshine too…      I love it when the sun shines… Read More
Tying Tzitzits (fringes)
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Tying Tzitzits (fringes)        Tzitzits are the fringes that Jewish males wear on the… Read More
Am I A Jew?
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Am I a Jew?   Eleanor asked:      My mother is not a practicing Jew however her fami… Read More
Tefillin Customs
   by Reb Gutman Locks           Tefillin Customs        There are a number of different customs as to how to wra… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks      War        When we lose a soldier in America, it makes us angry. When we lose a soldier here in Isra… Read More
A New One!
   by Reb Gutman     A New One!        Do you see something strange in the picture? It was around 1:30 in the morning. I've never see… Read More
The Most Important
   by Reb Gutman Locks        The Most Important   James asked;      What is the most important focus in this time?… Read More
Comes To Mind
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Comes to Mind        For some reason, once in a while someone's face will come to mind… Read More
First The Blessing
   by Reb Gutman Locks        First the Blessing        First, we say the appropriate blessing, and then we do the commandm… Read More
The War
   by Reb Gutman Locks         The War        A young rabbi came up to me early this morning at the Kotel. He had an a… Read More
Why Cover The Eyes?
   by Reb Gutman Locks          Why Cover the Eyes?        When we light the Shabbos candles we cover our eyes. The re… Read More
This Causes This
   by Reb Gutman Locks          This Causes This        There is a basic Torah teaching, middah k'neged middah. It mea… Read More
Spiritual Kindness
   by Reb Gutman Locks        Spiritual Kindness        Who was the first person in the entire world to reach out to help o… Read More
Shema Israel
   by Reb Gutman Locks       Shema Israel        When saying the Shema, the custom is to cover our eyes with our right hand. The… Read More
So That....
   by Reb Gutman Locks                                            … Read More
What G-d Wants
   by Reb Gutman Locks        What G-d Wants        He walked into the Kotel area wearing his own tallis (prayer shawl). We… Read More
Help From Hashem
    by Reb Gutman Locks   Help From Hashem        When you want help from Hashem; first, do a mitzvah, any mitzvah, and then pray for what… Read More
When At War
   by Reb Gutman Locks          When at War        War comes to us for a reason. When we fight amongst ourselves Hashem se… Read More
Dwelling In The Sukkah
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Dwelling in the Sukkah        We have been given the commandment to dwell in the sukka… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Taking the Lulav        One of the main commandments of the holiday of Sukkah is to wav… Read More
Jews Living In The Land
   by Reb Gutman Locks        Jews Living in the Land        Jewish worldwide population rises to 15.7 million with over 7… Read More

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