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Sacred Mysteries Of Macedonia
Richard Bangs Adventures sets out to explore Macedonia, to unlock a few of its treasures, and perhaps uncover some of its many mysteries. Yet few Americans can find it on a map. Some think i… Read More
The Macedonians of GreeceDenying Ethnic IdentityBy Human Rights Watch, 1994The Greek government views the term "Macedonian" as a geographic term that describes all Greek citizens living in t… Read More
The conflict in 2001 between the Macedonians and the Albanians remained one of the biggest enigmas in the recent Macedonian history. Even today, five years from its outbreak and end, round t… Read More
The "Just war" theory serves to camouflage the nature of US foreign policy, while providing a human face to the invaders.The World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI) through sessions held in Western Eur… Read More
The US has completed major military maneuvers in the Persian Gulf within a short distance of Iranian territorial waters. This naval deployment is meant to "send a warning to Tehran" followin… Read More
WHO takes a page from a Michael Crichton NovelAs the late great American poet Yogi Berra might have put it, ‘this just gets absurder and absurder.’ The international agencies sup… Read More

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