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Eurodiplomat Blog

EuroDiplomat covers the most sensitive international issues, providing its readership with an independent opinion.
Transport is responsible for 27% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU and several pieces of legislation have failed to bring about major changes. The EU executive has already admitt… Read More
Women In Cabinets
Women in Cabinets – Home Videos Health Women in Cabinets Promoted content This video tackles the topic of gender equality in European cab… Read More
It is becoming increasingly clear that the way that we produce, consume, and discard food is having a huge impact on our health and that of our environment. From soil degradation, to unhea… Read More
The Istanbul Convention is a milestone in the fight against gender-based violence. We are determined to ensure full implementation and enforcement in our countries, write high-level signat… Read More
Given the disparate views, interests and risk perceptions among the twenty-seven EU countries, far-reaching innovations to be introduced by the Conference on the Future of Europe appear un… Read More
The Conference on the Future of Europe can catalyse much-needed reflection on how to revamp the EU’s external action. But, most importantly, if the EU wants to secure its position as… Read More
As the second half of the EU gene-editing game gets underway with the recently-released Commission study on new genomic techniques (NGTs), the two opposing teams are ready to pitch in… Read More
By committing to the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, Prime Minister António Costa is making the right choice. It is a message of hope at a time when people n… Read More
Europe’s Fights Over Fish
The UK’s decision to send gunboats to Jersey in response to fishing protests by French trawlers should not come as a surprise: the EU’s history is full of fishing skirmishes. F… Read More

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