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Dogwalk Musings Blog
Thoughts and questions regarding just about everything while taking a daily stroll with my dog.
Like A Bad Penny...
 Well.  Here I am again. Between Hub and myself, we've had a rather nasty year. First, I had a bad reaction to a new medication and wound up in the emergency room twice. I had so m… Read More
Will A New Tea Party Be Parent Driven?
 Now is the time! Parents have a new reason to seize the bully pulpit from the politicians and their minions!It began to gain steam when parents were becoming aware of what their kids w… Read More
Attitude Adjustment - Well We Tried
 Okay, I'm going to say it.  Under the current leadership, this country has lost its way to the point I wonder if it will return to its former glory in my lifetime.It's sad. Very s… Read More
The Economics Of Abortion
 It didn't take long for the politicians and media to politicize the leak of the draft of the Supreme Court opinion on whether or not the Mississippi law on abortion which asks if the r… Read More
Parenting In Today's World
 I have two passions that consume my time in these, my latter years.  One is writing my 'Slobbers' books. The second is keeping track of our yard's resident Great Horned Owls.In th… Read More
It Didn't Have To Come To This!
 My, the Kremlin has been busy today. Let's go back a few days though.  Sweden and Finland are both tidying up their internal business so they can join NATO.  Probably a wise… Read More
Where You WON'T See Biden!
 Hooray for BoJo! It's nice to see some unadulterated courage from a Western leader. Boris Johnson walking down a street in Kyiv with Ukraine's Zelensky. Never mind that Joe can barely… Read More
Biden's And The World's Bloody Hands
Moral indignation, my foot! How can anyone, even a politician, claim to have moral indignation yet turn a blind eye to the atrocities happening in Ukraine by the Russians?  And how in t… Read More
 Maybe we should have seen it coming. It hurts anyway.  You see, I loved everything Disney during my childhood and beyond.  I even made a few bucks as a kid painting the dogs… Read More
The Wicked And The Weak
 Don't trust either of these two men. Ever. One, Putin, is pure evil. I feel bad for the Russian people even though they have allowed him to hold power so long he's nearly impossib… Read More
What Am I Missing Here?
This is a woman - just ask herThis is a woman yet she cannot define herself That certain men feel they are, at heart, women is one thing. That they go to the extent of having body parts… Read More
What Exactly Is A War Crime?
 Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine there has been a lot of terminologies tossed about, much of which has little meaning.Now that Biden is in Brussels for some face-to-face encounters, I… Read More
Winning Regardless Of Cost
What do Lia Thompson and Vladimir Putin have in common? No sense of fair play whatsoever. If Thompson would turn out to be the best swimmer in the history of the world there would be no resp… Read More
What Manner Of Men (and Women)
 I keep hearing that Biden is leading from behind. It may have come before, but I first heard the phrase during the Obama administration.It is murky at best.  To me, the phrase is… Read More
What Price Escalatory?
An item on the news last evening made me laugh before sending a chill down my spine. A Russian official has demanded we return Alaska; no matter that it was bought and paid for. Return Alask… Read More
Benjamin Hall Vs. Greg Gutfeld
 Benjamin Hall lays in a hospital in Ukraine where he was wounded and his cameraman and producer were killed while covering the war.Gutfeld sits safely in New York City putting together… Read More
The Measure Of A People
President Zelenskyy was not the most popular of Presidents when the Russian invasion of Ukraine began. That turned instantaneously when asked if he needed a ride to safety and his reply was… Read More
Nickle And Diming Putin
 This is pretty much how I feel after having watched the evening news reports on the war in Ukraine. I know, I've been harping on it for a while now and I still don't get it.Get what? W… Read More
Think About It
 I've been thinking a lot lately.  Mostly about questions for which I have no answers.  It is very frustrating.One subject that is at the forefront of the current dialog. &nbs… Read More
We Dilly Dally While They Die
 This is how I feel by the end of the day.  Mostly because I watch too much news during the evening, yet I cannot bring myself to ignore the news coming out of Ukraine.The politici… Read More
An Elephant In The Room
There is an elephant in the room and it's not a Republican. It's a nation. Ukraine.I would have thought, at one time, the United States would have been the last country in the world to not s… Read More
The Ball And Chain Of Fear
 Which of these figures best reflects the United States of America. The one on the right if you're considering the people.  The one on the left if you're considering our leadership… Read More
It's Time For You To Go!
 I was surfing around late yesterday to see what was happening in Ukraine when I came across Donald Trump holding forth at CPAC.I wish I hadn't. One thing for sure, he hasn't changed ex… Read More
War. Why?
 This is one heck of a time to return to my blog. Just as I was allowing myself to think things in the world were getting better, with the downward trend of Covid and the politics… Read More
I'm Still Alive And Kicking
Hello again!  It's been a while.  It seems time just passes me by and I've lost all concept of it. The illustration reminds me of me after I've watched the evening news. So much re… Read More
 Busy is what you make it!  Here we are, only a couple of weeks away from Christmas.  In this age of COVID, I can't believe how full life has been and how fast it's moving. &n… Read More
Thanksgiving 2021
 A little levity from Slobbers to begin this post. Slobbers, my saving grace.It has been quite a couple of years, hasn't it? Is the end in sight? Sometimes I think maybe, then again, I… Read More
 I saw this bit of clipart and it made me smile. I thought I better get to this.I can't believe my last post was the middle of last month.  I guess there is some truth to the idea… Read More
My America
While on a less traveled road in Montana last weekend we drove past a display of American flags between Joliet and Roberts - far from much of anything.  Being September 12, we figured i… Read More
 I suppose it's all a matter of perspective.  The meaning of words this day and age. Our whole language and culture is changing because of the "woke" movement, what ever that is an… Read More
Could This Soon Be A City Near You?
 Yesterday's news video of the debacle in Kabul brought back so many memories from a similar situation in Vietnam, oh so long ago. Americans literally turning their tails and running. … Read More
 Not much has changed since last I wrote a post.  The smoke still hangs in the air irritating throats, eyes and humor.  The heat still soars into the high 90s to low 100s on a… Read More
Books, Books And More Books
 I'm going to whine here for a minute.  It's still getting into the 100s everyday. I'm hot, I'm tired and I'm discouraged.All will pass in time, but that's where I am today. T… Read More
My Heros!
 Imagine the temperatures are pushing 90 degrees before it's even noon. The multi-thousand acre fire you're fighting is maybe 20%, if that, contained. There is no rain in the forecast… Read More
Books And More...
 Before 'Slime' was finished I had 'Sleuths' in my head.  I actually began writing it before 'Slime' was on the market.  My writing gurus assured me that the second book would… Read More
We're Havin' A Heatwave!
It was over 100 in our backyard by 10 this morning.  I was watering our plants, hoping to keep them alive for the next week to ten days as temperatures are expected to soar into the 100… Read More
So Now We Have A Book
 My first self-publishing venture didn't go nearly as smoothly as I had hoped.  Additional costs  can nickel and dime you to death so beware and ask in advance what would be r… Read More
Be Sure You Get What You Want
My project manager told me I was far more involved with the process than most of her clients.  To me this was natural since I knew nothing at the outset and wanted to know everything I… Read More
 I thought I had done enough illustrations - better than thirty, but by the time we  placed them it was decided we needed about eight more. I spent the next several days working on… Read More

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