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Monarchs Of The Deep, Sperm Whales
In the darkest icy abyss, the largest predators, Sperm whales, hunt the biggest prey, Colossal squids. The battles are legendary. The winners take all. Welcome to the Sperm’s… Read More
Sacrosanct Trees
Leaves roots trunk barkInterweaving humankind,Our collective medicine chest,Our lungsOur regulatory systemOur climateOur oceans. Grandest shrinesGracing planetary mantle,Health wellbe… Read More
In an April 22, 2024 article in The Wall Street Journal, Allysia Finley described the mentality of college students. If you give “safe spaces’ to college students, soon they will… Read More
Now We Know
Imagine that planet Earth is a corporation with many indispensable branches called Earth Inc. After completing a pro forma balance sheet for the Earth Inc, I mulled over what might be said t… Read More
Deadly Palm Oil
Forestry’s highway to hell is simplifying self-organising networks of cooperative biological communities to extinction. Hideous monoculture palm oil plantations are plaguing the planet… Read More
DRAX United Kingdom,Subsidised Mother Earth destroyer,Complicit bedpartnerGolden State Natural Resources,Marvellous Californian old-growthInto one million wood pellet tonnes,Annual billowing… Read More
Buds breaking,Unhurried unpacking,Potent phytoncides,Glorious grandness,Joyous jubilation! © 2024 Reese Halter Refuse. Reduce. Repurpose Reese Halter is a bees/trees/s… Read More
South America’s other species-rich tropical assemblage, the Atlantic Rainforest, is in dire shape. This priceless hotbed of life has mostly been razed, four out of every five t… Read More
Many of the “Progressives” in the U.S. were the protestors of the 1960s. The Baby Boomers, numbering 76 million, as identified in demographics from 1946 to 1964, were quite vocal… Read More
Majesties of abyss,Cachalot confabs,Clicking coda chains,Pitch, a- i-vowels, diphthongs (One vowel morphs another),Upward downward frequenciesEnthusiastically exchanged,Enthralling ea… Read More
Eight hundredCranium scans:Rhythmic chainsTheta waves,Relax’d alertness,Daydreaming! Magnetising heartbeatsBrain coherency,Synchronising hemispheres,Large amplitudeAlpha wave… Read More
Hey SleepwalkersCOP28 furnace goers!Fossil fuel HEATDiscombobulator,Wreck’d Mother’s clock,Seasonal untimedness,Plants rousingFour times faster,Insect pollinators sleeping in… Read More
Dead windowsill housefly,Ghostly haloTiny white spores,Death trap!Insect invaded,Brain co-optedHighest perch possible,Sporerific launching pad,“Come one, come all,”Delectable fli… Read More
In a November 6, 2023 article at the Wired website, writer Jason Parham has finally realized something. Millennials are finally “getting it.” To quote the article: “This is… Read More
Tidal breaths,Bidirectional mammals,Inhale airBacktracking exhale.Like car dead-ending,Up-street reversing. Birds differently,Inhale air,Circuit travelling,Into lungsAway it goes,U… Read More
Agonising Age, Emaciated Blue Whales
Twenty twenty-twoLate-SeptemberTimor-Leste coastline,Royal Blue HighnessesScrawny starvin’,Newbornless pods. Twenty twenty-threeMid-November,No Regal Blue pods,Phenological pulv… Read More
Kith Kindness
Sea of SiracusaDolphin signall’d distress,Carers Rossana/Enzo MaiorcaTraced twelve metres,Gash’d fishery net,Trapped kith freed! Dolphins surfacedHuman-like cry hea… Read More
2023 U.S. Fossil-Fuelled Heatwaves
Meteorologist Guy WaltonNaming/shaming commenc’d,Heat will kill YOU,Comatose categories,Fossil-fuellers finger’d! First two spring/summer:Heatwave AmocoHeatwave BP,July… Read More
Scurvy, Rickets, Really Australia?
Victorian-era diseases,Two hundred fifty thousandHungry children,Forty per cent familiesFood insecure,Bloated Commonwealth Banks! Climate emergency,Fossil fuel profiteering,Mortgage r… Read More
Congolese Cowboy Carnage
VulnerableEndangeredCritically endanger’d,Marvellous masterpiecesMother’s unnegotiables,Sharks, rays! Ocean fish keepers:Long lifersSlow low reproducersPopulation regulatorsFi… Read More
The Gerontology Generation
According to, the median age of the U.S. population on in 1960 was 29.5. That average has moved up to 38.8 as of 2021.  As the numbers indicate, America is getting old, and… Read More
Gaunt Great Grays
Broiling ArcticAvarice bankers,O’ Great Ones,Climate firestormsMarine bottom heatwavesSea ice, krill, crustaceansGoing, going, gone! Twelve thousand five-hundredNorth Pacifics decea… Read More
Sovereign Sponsored Spin  
In order that my readers do not think I am some conspiracy theorist, I like to cite reliable sources.  From Statista, as of April 26, 2023, COVID-19 killed 1,130,662 in the United State… Read More
Psychopathic Whalers, Icelanders
Psychopathic Whalers, IcelandersBarbaric bastards,Bully brutes,Finest Fins,Bluest Blues,Hvalur hf hoodlumsHideously harpooning! Five hours spear’d,Torturous torment,Excruciating… Read More
Fantabulous Forest Fungi
‘O mighty mushrooms,Wind-makers!Forest colonisers,Temperature regulators,Marvellous Ones! Airborne spore tonsCloud seeders,Righteous rain-makersWater table lifters,Rainforest rejoic… Read More
Sea Dumping, Really Australia?
Another rort!Dumping carbon,Undoing seabedsMother’s sacredness,Planetary safeguarders. Appeasing pollutersFossil fuel corporations,Sea dumpers,Combustion greenwashers,More su… Read More
Fossil-Fuelled Summers
Hideous heat domes,Desiccating droughts,Gasping globe,Forever firestorms,Cremated creatures,Still secrecy! Breadbaskets barren,Oily coffers overflowing,AI awaiting,Lotta SpaceX lau… Read More
Age Of Agony
Climate Chaos,Hotter, longer, unlivable,Four synchronised heat domes:Northwestern China{52.2C Xinjiang},North Africa{50C Northern Algeria},North Atlantic Ocean{5C marine heatwave},Southweste… Read More
Who Am I?
What’s life’s point?Not about job,Not about career,Not physical life,Aspects of life,Not life’s point. Point of life:ExperienceExpressDemonstrateFulfilMy true identi… Read More
Safeguarding Last Rights
True ice whales,Colossal crowns,Perfect strainers,Seventeen grand metresSixty-four big tonnes,Your Highnesses! One day tonneFood snackers,Plump blubbers!Slow swimmers,Easy targets:… Read More
Every Day, World Oceans Day
Hallelujah fish!Glorious gratitude,Fecund feeders,Diligent digesters,Alkaline-stomach’d,Diamond defecatorsCalcite crystals,Cracking carbonates! Risin’ resuscitatorsCoun… Read More
Meaning Of It All
Forever seekingLife’s clues,ExperiencesRealitiesResonances,Inner most being. Mind’s questHeart knows,Precious here and now!Societal trappingsFalse flags.Profound meanin… Read More
Tar Sands Death Hex
Seventy-one yearsStewing northern Alberta,Oily subsidised trillions,Sticky sicknessAthabasca to Mackenzie RiversCramm’d carcinogens,Nauseated North Pole! Climate HELLFIRESSuf… Read More
College, Commissars, And Conspiracy
Conspiracy theorists wake up, it is all here. While watching Bill Maher a few days ago, he showed some statistics about colleges, one being that tenured professors have fallen drastically, a… Read More
The Trouble With Trans
I don’t get the whole ‘trans’ thing.  But then, I don’t need to.  My attitude toward it is the same as for a lot of other things:  Do what you want and… Read More
Gulf Oil, Whale Executioners
More frackingSeismics, drillingPiping, poisoningGulf of Mexico,Marine lifeClimate, NAH! Deepwater debacleYesterday’s yawns,Sicken sealifeDavy Jones’s locker,Drill Baby… Read More
Apols Gentle Ones
Genial Giants,Magnificent meadowsGrazing Gentles,Floridian figureheadsCastaway casualties,Dreadfully doomed! Starvin’EmaciatedGlyphosatedFertilisedAlgal bloom’dDegraded… Read More
Action For Earth
Truth to power,Defending Mother’sSacred family,Threatened, endangeredFauna, flora, ecosystems. Physical interventionNon-violent aggressionCivil disobedience,Corporate, govern… Read More
God Rot, DRAX Annihilating Forests
This we know,Levelling forestsCollapse assured,Every civilisationEarthly existence! British behemothForest flattenerDRAX Group,Mother mayhemers,Treasured templesComplex cooper… Read More
Computer CEO Cretinous Conjecture
Internal combustion engines started way back in 1833. By 1860, functional internal combustion engines were being experimented with, and by 1872, the principles of intake, compressi… Read More
Getting It Right
Another weekend of NFL football, another weekend filled with questionable officiating.  Another weekend of one team being convinced that they got screwed and another team accepting a wi… Read More
Shallow Seas, Golden Fields
Bahamas to California,CrispSweetTangySun-kiss’d,Dorsett goldens!Righteous roots, Bold beautiesDainty divines,Precocious pinknessesHeady heavenliness!    Buzzi… Read More
Another Lifeless Royal Highness
‘O Regal OnesPrithee, don’t leave!Since Two thousand sixteen,One hundred seventy-eightPerishedMajesties,Forcibly disgorged,Thirteen Atlantic states. Ship strikes,Plas… Read More
Ode To Rare Right
Days oldNorth Atlantic Right,An eye blink,Gaunt “Sea of Darkness”Big Oil’sEar-splitting cannons,Horror-struckDoomed whales! Petroleum’sCauldron ocean heat,Miss… Read More
Seeing as how it is January of a new year (2023), the winter sports are winding down, and the summer sports are just getting started with training camp. With a substantial percentage of the… Read More
Ominous 2023 European New Year
Horrible heatwave Ten to twentyCelsius Beyond record-keepers,Animals, treesDazed! Mediterranean Steamy SeaFossil fuel stoked,Unfathomable Evilness,Scientists shush&rsqu… Read More
Follies, Foibles And Falsehoods
Some liars make themselves famous for the wrong reasons, and all of the exposed liars make 2022 an annus mirabilis. Sunny Balwani is getting thirteen years in federal prison for misleading i… Read More
Amazon Reef, COP15 Really?
Atlantic blue crushUnequalled Amazon ReefHard red algaeSupreme low-lightOxygen-makers! World’s largest RiverTwelve billion yearlyVrooming silt tons,Muddy magicTwo hundred twenty… Read More
From the moment it was announced that Jeff Saturday would serve as the interim coach of the Colts, everyone – and I mean EVERYONE – in the media has been on his case.  &ldqu… Read More
Broken, Won’t Back Down
Doom’d humpback, Mighty MoonLone travellerBritish Columbia to Maui,Pure grit! Stuff brimming,Wretch’d hurrying vesselSmash’d her spine,Five thousandAgonising kilometres… Read More
Suits, Ties And Tech Titans
It seemed to start with Steve Jobs. Jobs wore black turtlenecks when he was presenting new ideas to the Apple bureaucracy, as well as the general public. Many a medical expert has claimed th… Read More
Ransacking Snow-Making Aussie Church
Glorious Victorian Alps‘O Mount Stirling,Thank theeSnow gums,Ageless secretsRevealed,Numen! Currawong callsCockatoo gangsElegant flaming robins(My BFFs!),Spring snow gum flushingReg… Read More
Vanguard Killing Amazon Rainforest
Mortimer J. Buckley,Vanguard Group CEO,Wants MORE,$7 trillionAin’t enough,Obscene evilness! VanguardBankingOnBig OilingBulldozingLoggingFrackingMiningGlyphosatingNeonicotinoidin… Read More
Angst Into Anger
Feisty Mother mindersBob Brown Foundation,“We’re here to protectThe forests,Not our furniture.” “If they thinkWe’re going to beIntimidatedBy legal threat… Read More
All Hail Blue Monarchs!
Breathtaking thirty-four metresMesmerising one hundred-ninetyGloried tonnes!Regal baleen whales,Largest-ever livingVenerable kinsfolk,Hat tip powerhouse krill,Blue whale stokers! Moth… Read More
The Covid pandemic created a lot of economic changes. Privileged employees who taunt their employers and claim they will never return to their office. Wages moved up because of a lack of tal… Read More

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