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Kelly Mahler Occupational Therapy Blog Blog
Hi and welcome to the blog of Kelly Mahler. If you're looking for a blog with lots of resources and helpful occupational therapy posts, then you've come to the right place! Let's change the world for the better!
30 Days Of Interoception Activities
Hey everyone, Kelly Mahler, occupational therapist. I want to take some time to get super practical. We want to talk about specific interoception activities that can be used to enhance our o… Read More
An Interoception Year In Review 2023
Recently, our team spent some time reflecting upon the topics we covered this year, and when we were able to view all of the 2023 topics merged together on one document, it surprised us just… Read More
Learning From Lived Experiences
Hi, everyone. Kelly Mahler, occupational therapist. And I have a question for you. That question is: Where do you go for your learning, for information, when you’re seeking to update y… Read More
Interoception And Early Learners
Hi everyone, Kelly Mahler, occupational therapist. I’d like to take some time to talk about interoception and early learners. Think about those early years, birth to about five years o… Read More
Interoception & Body Mindfulness
Hi, everyone. Kelly Mahler, occupational therapist, and I wanted to take some time to talk about interoception and mindfulness. What we know from research is that that interoception is highl… Read More
An Interoception Year In Review
Hi, everyone. Kelly Mahler, occupational therapist, and I just wanted to take a minute to say THANK YOU! Thank you to every single person that is a part of our interoception community. I fee… Read More
Interoception And Alexithymia
Hi everyone. Kelly Mahler, occupational therapist. And I wanted to talk about something called alexithymia and the important relationship it has to interoception. What in the world is alexit… Read More
Hi everyone. Kelly Mahler, occupational therapist. I’ve been talking with a couple of my friends about something, and it’s the fact that interoception is everywhere. It is so inf… Read More
What Exactly Is Interoception?
Interoception is a sense that allows us to feel sensations from the inside of our bodies. For example, interoception enables you to feel your stomach: is it growling or is it fl… Read More
The Power Of Co-Regulation
Hi, everyone. Kelly Mahler, Occupational Therapist, and I want to talk about the power of Co-Regulation. It is often an overlooked ‘tool’ that we can use with our clients to help… Read More

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