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Conscious Life Space Blog

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Sharing thoughts & stories on personal evolution, life experiences, spiritual seeking, yoga, our earth and art. Focusing on the small things we can do to nurture ourselves & our communities as we strive to live in harmony with the earth. Includes writing by a variety of people not just a single voice.
Women Waken Podcast Interview
The Mindful Soul Center (formerly Conscious Life Space)Amy Adams Benefits of Our Light and Dark Sides and Getting into Flow with with Amy Adams! Recently, Whitney Walker from Women Wak… Read More
The Mindful Soul Center (formerly Conscious Life Space) Setting Intentions and goal setting ritual for the NEW YEAR 2021 In this video, I walk you through a process for the new year that… Read More
MUSIC Elephant Power: MC Yogi
The Mindful Soul Center (formerly Conscious Life Space) In 1979, MC Yogi was born but at the time he was known only as Nicholas Giacomini. His first studio album was released in 2008, e… Read More
Isolation Or Ice-olation
The Mindful Soul Center (formerly Conscious Life Space) I'm an eternal optimist. It's not fake and the level of cheerful optimism that flows through me hasn't decreased. Yet, I'm feeling so… Read More
So There’s A Crisis. Now What?
The Mindful Soul Center (formerly Conscious Life Space) How to deal with fear when there is a collective conscious crisis and mass media overload. Step one: Attend to your own inner… Read More
The Anjali Mudra
The Mindful Soul Center (formerly Conscious Life Space) Anjali Mudra aka Prayer Hands Mudras are gestures that have a significant meaning and today I’m writing about one of the mos… Read More
The Mindful Soul Center (formerly Conscious Life Space) Photo credit: Ksenia Makagonova My recent video series inspired me to answer the question – What is a mudra anyway? A mu… Read More
The Mindful Soul Center (formerly Conscious Life Space) The heart chakra aka Anahata Chakra is represented as a twelve-petaled lotus. Each petal represents an attribute. Watch our brief ani… Read More
Finding Kiki And Nerica
Conscious Life Space or How Kiki Adopted Us Chelsea Adams Chasmar (b. 1990 — d. 2005) RIP, a stately yet wild creature who never ‘hunted’ but knew… Read More
Conscious Life Space Many people believe we are accompanied throughout our lives by etheric or other dimensional beings known as spirit guides. Some people have unquestioning faith in them… Read More
Solfeggio Scale And Frequencies
Conscious Life Space The Solfeggio scale is a six tone scale. You can think of it as a scale that uses syllables, for instance do-re-mi…etc. which we translate today as c,d,e&hel… Read More
What Are Beeswax Wraps?
Conscious Life Space Beeswax wrap by CerawrapHere’s everything you ever wanted to know about beeswax wraps, an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic wrap… Read More
Recharging Your Mind, Body, And Soul
Conscious Life Space Recharging is essential for your mind, body, and soul and if anyone out there is suffering from burnout, it’s time to take control of your time and make time for… Read More
My Beautiful Ugly Foot
A few years ago, a sloppy surgeon butchered my right foot. I went to Dr. Garrett for routine bunion surgery and left his office traumatized. He lopped off a full third of m… Read More
Menopause Symptoms Infographic
You can find and/or follow Conscious Life Space on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and share effectual media with your friends and family. Want to keep up to dat… Read More
Cooking With Honey
Maybe humans figured out that honey was an amazing food and sweetener before they started painting images of someone collecting it on cave walls more than 8,000 years ago as w… Read More
Conversations A New Podcast
Conscious Life Conversations This month a new podcast, Conversations was introduced here on Conscious Life Space. Conversations connects with people, experts in various areas of life in orde… Read More
Surya The Sun God
At the centre of our solar system as a fiery star or essentially a wild nuclear reactor, our sun beckons me each morning when unencumbered by billowing clouds. Waking I wander outside onto t… Read More
Pancha Maha Bhuta, Five Elements
As the research was coming together for the Surya the Sun God article was coming together, I thought it would be a good idea to delve further into the five elements of creation referred to a… Read More
My Introduction To Meditation
My grammar school friend was keenly aware of what was going on in the news and documentaries on Television and had heard about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The grandmaster who started a movement t… Read More
First Blooms Of Spring
Perennial bloom succession, the first flowers of spring! If you’ve read some of my other articles on flowers and gardening, you’ll know how mu… Read More
Aurora: The Human One
We can all be amazed and awed at very young people finding their voice in the arts or other fields and succeeding at getting their work into the public view at an early age… Read More
Sustainable Earth Free Courses
Part three of our series takes a look at courses that to me offer us hope for the future of the planet. We don’t always know how we can make a difference, educating ourselves and learn… Read More
Happiness And The Good Life
In the spring semester of the school year, I teach a class called ‘Happiness’. It’s always packed with students because, like most people, t… Read More
Gratitude: Focus On The Good Life
At the end of March every I like to review my year, my dreams and goals that encompass all of my life. I get out large sheets of thick bristol board and go general and specific. They are my… Read More
Memento Mori, Looking At Death
It’s already some years ago when the idea for an interactive art project on death came to my mind. It evolved from real life experience watching from the sidelines as people that I kne… Read More
The Anatomy Of A Love Bag
A love bag is easy to put together and can make a positive difference in someone’s day. A love bag is simply a bag filled with consumable goodies and a message of love… Read More
Guns Cause Death
This past week I fell into the social media vortex or more specifically Facebook’s vortex of death for a few minutes each day. It’s easy to get sucked in since Facebook doesn&rsq… Read More
Remembering The 9th Of February
No, you didn’t miss this February holiday, this 9th of February, it’s my day, a day of remembering. I used to try to forget. February, for many people, is the short month, the la… Read More

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