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Mary Josephine Bailey, 81 was found guilty of killing a woman back in 1985. She is facing a life sentence. While it’s great that they finally caught the killer, it makes you wonder… Read More
Missing Grandmother: Betty Alexander
Betty Alexander, 69, was last seen on April 10th, 2019, at her apartment in Sullivan, Missouri. The Sinks Pharmacy delivery driver saw the grandmother on Wednesday, but by the next day… Read More
Vanished: The Laynee Westbrook Story
Photo courtesy: She walked out of her motel room with her little dog, Precious, was seen at a nearby gas station, and then went to a local camp… Read More
Here’s another look back into my true crime archives: Cherrie Mahan, 8 was last seen getting off the school bus at the end of her long driveway on February 22, 1985. She never made… Read More
UPDATE: Autopsy Of Riley Strain
Update on the tragic story of Riley Strain, the Missouri College student who went missing in Nashville after being kicked out of a local bar. Watch Video The post UPDATE: Autopsy of Ril… Read More
Tried on my old fedora today after 3 years and it felt great!The post Fedora is Back! appeared first on Synova Ink Read More
Got another 2.5 miles in for Nice walk today. It was almost 60° and sunny.Total miles for February: 17.6Please check out my fundraiser and donate if you can. I&r… Read More
New Monday Motivation Video!!
Check out this brand new Monday Motivation video about finding purpose. How does finding your purpose help you overcome anxiety and depression? Watch and find out more! Watch here The p… Read More
Distractions are everywhere. They will hinder your growth, vitality, and success.  A university of california study says it takes an average of 23 minutes & 15 seconds to get you… Read More
Links In The Chain
Our lives are like links in a chain that loop from one experience into the next.As I sit here this morning drinking my coffee. I’m reminded of this lesson. Last night I watched my baby… Read More
It’s Day #2 of the 12 Days of Christmas Sale @ Synova Ink Publishing Now you can get an autographed, hardcover copy of my new Whispers of the Mind book for only $20 + shipping!… Read More
How Can I Serve You Better Survey
Help me serve you better by taking the quick survey below. How do you like to consume your information? 1. Do you like to read physical books?2. Do you like to read ebooks mostly?3. Do yo… Read More
Save A Hero With Gratitude
Today is Veterans Day, which holds a special place in my heart. I’ve always felt those who have served this country in our military are heroes. Today, we honor our military heroes… Read More
The Top 3 Elements Of Gratitude
There are three main elements to gratitude: intensity, frequency, and action. If any one of these elements is off, then you will not get the results you are looking for.  Let&rsq… Read More
Gratitude: The Key To A New Life
Your life is falling apart, and it seems like there’s no way out, but then, out of the mists of despair, a strange dark figure emerges and hands you the key to a door. Behind that… Read More
Taking Action:
So many people want things to change, but they won’t take any action. They want things to fall in their lap. There’s a universal law called the Law of attraction. The Bible c… Read More
Crushing Self-Doubt:
Empower Yourself with 10 Proven Strategies to Boost Confidence and Achieve Success Everyone suffers from self-doubt and one time or another in their lives. Even some of the biggest ce… Read More
The Spiraling Vortex Of Negativity
[This blog post is an excerpt from my latest book Whispers of the Mind: How Thoughts Become Things] I wanted to stop and give you an example of how thoughts affect your world. While I… Read More
Comfort Zone Prison:
Most of us are inmates in a prison, and we don’t even know it. We wake up and move through our day without realizing or seeing the prison walls around us. We don’t see the ha… Read More
Finding Joy After Trauma
First, you must decide to find joy again. It won’t magically appear. You can’t go from victim to vitality unless you decide to. Second, you can’t hide from it and ac… Read More
Lol – Laughter Therapy
It supposedly means laugh out loud. Some people think it’s lots of love, but my daughter thinks it’s these little 2-in tall dolls with big eyes. Whatever L.O.L. means to y… Read More
Never Lose Your Edge
I heard one of the greatest allegories at a little rural church in the Ozarks. In the middle of his message, the guest preacher dropped this little story. Two men were out chopping wood… Read More
Finding Purpose Despite Pain
 I recently heard this phrase when listening to a seminar. “Pain is inevitable, but suffering is not!” It sort of shocked me until I thought about it for a while. I… Read More
Thoughts Create Reality!
There’s a wise old saying that says, “for as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” What does that mean, exactly? It means you become what you think about regularly. Your c… Read More
Are You Plagued With Self Doubt?
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay How many times do you find yourself plagued with self-doubt? A great opportunity arises, but you are afraid to step through that doorway because of this… Read More
You Are Not Your Past!
I firmly believe this. You can grow and become a new and better person. It takes effort though. Things don’t get better by chance. Things get better by change Read More
Gratitude Will Change Your Attitude
Are you constantly feeling down in the dumps and can’t seem to pull out of it? You work all the time, but it feels hard when it comes time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Do you… Read More
Elephants & Mindsets
African elephants are the largest land mammals. They can grow to be 13 ft tall from toe to shoulder. Some species of elephants can weigh up to $13,000. Their trunk alone has 150,000 sepa… Read More
4 Words For Today
Four words for today….Relax….Release… Grow…BecomeRelax – the answers will come in their timeRelease – all the stress, negative thoughts, anger and hur… Read More