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Furry Encounters Blog

This is the perfect spot for pet parents to learn about all things small pets. Need tips on nutrition and food? We got that! Wanna learn how to bond with your pet, find the best pet toys, and care for your pet's overall health? Visit Furry Encounters for all that!
Are you a proud hamster owner looking to add some variety to your pet’s diet? Or perhaps you’re just curious about the dietary habits of these adorable little creatures. Eith… Read More
If you’ve ever found yourself snacking on a bowl of Cheerios while your chinchilla curiously peeks over from their cage, you might have wondered whether sharing this beloved breakfast… Read More
Are you tired of your hamster giving you the cold shoulder every time you offer it a boring old carrot or lettuce leaf? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the juicy… Read More
Have you ever found yourself cleaning up after your pet hamster, only to discover a small pile of regurgitated food? It’s not the most pleasant experience, but it’s a common… Read More
Welcome to our latest blog post, where we explore the question: Can gerbils eat ferret food? Gerbils are known for their love of grains, seeds, and fresh produce, but some owners may be c… Read More
When it comes to finding a furry companion, many people consider gerbils and guinea pigs as potential pets.  Both species are well-known for their cute and cuddly appearance, and the… Read More
Who doesn’t enjoy naptime? You get to rest, relax, and refresh! Still, some of us are notorious for wanting to go to bed late and then never wanting to wake up early. It&rsquo… Read More
Losing a beloved pet is a hard thing for anyone.  It’s no different when your gerbil passes away. Because of this, pet parents would like to know how gerbils die, just in ca… Read More
Are you wondering about fun ways to get your gerbil to exercise? After all, they’re like little bundles of energy!  Pet owners enjoy their playful antics and speedy movement… Read More
As temperatures begin to drop during the winter months, it’s natural to wonder if our furry little friends, such as gerbils, go into hibernation.  Gerbils are small, rodent-lik… Read More
Pet bites can be a frustrating and painful issue for pet owners.  It’s important to understand that biting is a natural behavior for animals and can be a sign of fear, aggressi… Read More
This might sound strange, but do gerbils eat each other? If you own a gerbil as a pet, you might have come to fear this. We do see animals eating their counterparts in the wild all the… Read More
Nobody likes to stink! I mean, it can be a real turn-off, especially around strangers. But our animal friends are a bit different. Not only do they not care if they stink, but it ca… Read More
Have you ever wondered if hamsters have the ability to defy gravity and leap into the air? Can a hamster jump, and if so, how high exactly? Well, get ready to be amazed because these… Read More
Gerbils are small, adorable creatures that require a well-balanced diet to thrive and if you own one of them, you should provide them with a variety of healthy foods.  One vegetable… Read More
Imagine a tiny rodent showdown happening right under your nose.  It’s Hamster versus Mouse in the ultimate battle for dominance in your home. But wait, can hamsters attract mic… Read More
Are you a proud hamster owner looking to add some variety to your furry friend’s diet? Can hamsters eat honeydew melon?  We’ve got the lowdown on whether this sweet tr… Read More
 Hamsters are a popular choice for pets, especially for those who live in smaller apartments or homes. They are easy to take care of and require minimal space. Hamsters can thrive… Read More
Pets getting fat is a concerning trend that mirrors the growing issue of obesity in humans. Beyond the adorable pudginess, it poses significant health risks for our furry companions… Read More
Color blindness, a common human condition, isn’t exclusive to our species. It also affects animals, shaping their world in unexpected ways. While we perceive vibrant landscapes… Read More
Cashews, nature’s buttery treasures, are more than just a snack; they taste of luxury. These kidney-shaped nuts add a touch of creamy indulgence to our lives and are packed with hea… Read More
Radishes, often overlooked in the world of veggies, are healthy items that you can enjoy often. They have a crisp texture and a peppery kick to add some zest to your meals. Can hamster… Read More
The Fat-tailed Gerbil is a unique and fascinating species of rodent found primarily in arid regions of Africa and Asia. Known for its plump and distinctive tail, which is used to store fa… Read More
Radishes are little firecrackers of the vegetable world, bringing a burst of flavor and a pop of color to any plate!  Not only are they tasty, but they also come in hues of red, pink… Read More
Turnips may not be the most glamorous vegetable, but they sure know how to bring some fun to the table! With their round shape and vibrant purple or white color, turnips can add a playful… Read More

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Furry Encounters
