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Are You Awake During Crown Lengthening? Blog
Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps fitting over a natural tooth for aesthetic or structural reasons. For example, dentists recommend a dental crown if you have a cracked, broken, or misshapen tooth. Crowns are also helpful to complete dental procedures like root canals, dental implants, and bridges. The crowns are firmly affixed to an existing tooth. Crown lengthening is also helpful. Periodontists perform crown lengthening by re-contouring gum tissue and even the bone to expose more of the tooth’s surface for a crown. Crown lengthening is a standard procedure and requires under an hour to complete. Why May You Need Crown Lengthening? You may require to undergo crown lengthening if there isn’t sufficient tooth structure in place to hold a dental crown by itself. Broken and decayed teeth do not permit dental crowns from attaching firmly. Dental crown lengthening decreases gum tissue and trims the bone if required to ensure more of the tooth is above the surface of the gums. Correctly fitted crowns allow better oral hygiene and comfort. You may seek crown lengthening to alter a gummy smile if your gums are visible over the teeth when smiling. Preparing for the Crown Lengthening Procedure If recommended the crown lengthening procedure, the first question in your mind will be crown lengthening painful? During your appointment with the periodontist before the process, you can inquire about the discomfort you may experience besides the anesthesia options you have. The periodontist inquires into your entire medical history and takes x-rays. In addition, you must provide information on any medication you take to receive advice from the periodontist on whether you must discontinue any medications before the procedure. What Happens during the Crown Lengthening Procedure? Periodontists perform crown lengthening procedures as an outpatient process, indicating you can go home after they complete the lengthening. The time required for the operation varies depending on how many teeth require the procedure and whether soft tissue and bone require removal. If you have temporary crowns on any adjacent teeth, the periodontist removes them before the process to replace them after they complete. The periodontist must cut the gums and pull them away from the teeth to expose the roots and bone. You receive local anesthesia in your mouth besides sedation to ensure you don’t experience any discomfort during the procedure. Sedation helps manage your anxiety, and local anesthesia is for pain management. You remain awake during the process, responding to any queries by the periodontist but entirely relaxed to feel no pain. In some cases, the periodontist only needs to remove gum tissue. Then, the surgeon washes the surgical site with saltwater before stitching it up and placing a dressing over it for additional protection. However, rest assured you will remain awake during the procedure unless you have requested deep sedation because of extreme dental anxiety. You will experience pain as the anesthesia begins to wear off. The periodontist prescribes pain relievers and a special mouth rinse to help your gums heal faster. Recovering from the Crown Lengthening Procedure Recovering from crown lengthening requires approximately three months. However, you can resume regular activities as your gums begin healing. However, you must avoid strenuous activity for the initial 72 hours. Heavy exertion, lifting, and a physically demanding job can inhibit the healing by causing more bleeding. You can discuss with your periodontist the specifics of your recovery. However, it helps if you follow the guidelines mentioned below: Take the prescription or over-the-counter medications as recommended by the periodontist. You are also prescribed antibiotics and prescription-strength painkillers to manage infections and any discomfort you will experience. To reduce swelling on your face, you can use an ice pack alternatively at 20-minute intervals or even switch to moist heat 48 hours after the surgery. Avoiding hot foods for 24 hours is recommended by your surgeon besides not rinse your mouth. These practices can make bleeding last longer. Subsist on a diet of soft foods avoiding the surgical site when eating. Don’t eat hard, acidic, spicy, sticky, or highly seasoned foods. Avoid tiny seeds and nuts, and drink plenty of fluids. Refrain from drinking alcohol until after your first post-operative appointment and stay away from smoking or any tobacco products. Oral surgeries are becoming efficient and effective. Crown lengthening is a standard procedure performed for dental and aesthetic reasons. Updated dental techniques and products allow you to remain awake during the lengthening if you wish or even request deep sedation to sleep through the procedure. Dental surgeons have the methods to satisfy your needs as you undergo the crown lending procedure.
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Are You Awake during Crown Lengthening?


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