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Holistic Therapy Directory Blog

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The Holistic Therapy Directory is a unique marketing suite than helps holistic therapists generate leads and clients in their local area. Holistic Practices can promote locally, nationally or globally.
Benefits Of Autophagy
What is Autophagy?When it comes to weight loss and in particular the reversal of type 2 Diabetes, the word Autophagy is thrown around as a potential catalyst to healing. However, little is u… Read More
Benefits of PEMF MatsHistory of the PEMFMagnetic therapy for physical health is a technique that has been in use for at least 2,000 years, dating back to ancient Greece in 200 B.C. Greek phy… Read More
What is Grief?Grief is a natural part of being human. The emotions that come with grief are complex and can go beyond what we might have imagined.It's a deeply personal journey that cannot b… Read More
The secrets are in the plants. To elicit them, you have to love them enough. - George WashingtonPlant MedicinePlants have been utilized by people since B.C., in the form of herbs, as a topic… Read More
The Truth About Genetics And Obesity
Weight loss is absolutely not fair. The blunt,scientific truth, is that some people are born larger, will gain fat easier and lose it slower. No one wants to have this nuanced conversation b… Read More
Our network assists individuals in obtaining what they desire for their health, healing, the people around them, and themselves.We also consider ourselves a community where we work or collab… Read More
What is Reiki?Nowadays life is full of inevitable challenges, where self-care is vital. Reiki is considered one of the best self-care activities.Building a self-care plan requires us to lear… Read More
The indigenous Khoisan people of South Africa's Capearea had long utilized the plant buchu as medicine and thought it was an elixir of youth. It is a protected plant and a member of the… Read More
If you're having trouble regaining your energy and feeling caught in a rut— it is because you need to start taking care of yourself. How many of us ignore the signs of self care.You ma… Read More
Psychotherapy has been with us for many centuries but the “talking cure” that we know of today came into use in the 19th century.  A boring fa… Read More
Growing hemp has become increasingly popular in the United States in recent years. The main reason that federal law has changed is to allow individuals to grow industrial hemp on their farms… Read More
An essential oil called CBD is made from hemp plants. It has been used for decades to treat ailments like pain, inflammation, anxiety, and other conditions. CBD can assist vetera… Read More
WHAT IS ENERGY MEDICINE, AND HOW CAN WE USE IT TO HEAL?Energy Medicine is a holistic approach to mind, body, and soul healing. It is an evolutionary practice that recognizes the… Read More
 WILDERNESS THERAPY “Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit”. Edward Abbey The wil… Read More
BEETROOT JUICEBeetroots (Beta vulgaris) are a type of root vegetable that is also known as red beet, table beet, garden beet, or just beet. They belong to the Chenopodiaceae family, which in… Read More
Holistic Medicine may be the best route for your health: find out why with these four reasons!Holistic medicine is not a new buzzword; it is a philosophy and practice that has existed for ce… Read More
In summer, mosquito season reaches its peak, and mosquito bites become a common problem. Mosquito bites are not only itchy and painful, but mosquitoes also transmit diseases such as malaria… Read More
The world is changing and oftentimes not for the better. However, one aspect that is changing for the better is how we live our lives and how we are trying to make how we live — an exa… Read More
There are tiny unseen invaders found everywhere in the house corners such as in the air, cupboard, counter and bed. These invaders make your house dangerous for your health and hygiene depen… Read More
Air quality is essential for a good quality of life, especially for those with allergies and asthma, who may be hypersensitive to the quality of the air around them. The Environmental Protec… Read More
Eczema is a condition that can cause a lot of distress for the people who suffer from this problem. However, eczema can be managed with the right natural remedies and the professional advice… Read More
Losing weight should be easier than ever thanks to the many quick-fix weight loss methods available these days. However, the reality is quite different, because those quick-fix weight loss m… Read More
There are many natural ingredients that have proven to be beneficial for the human body. However, one of the less known - but still extremely beneficial for health - is black seed oil. The n… Read More
In the past year, I have struggled tremendously with dental problems. Last November, I was hit with a dental abscess, which frankly gave me the worst pain I ever experienced in my life perio… Read More
Have you been wanting to set up your own holistic therapy business for years, but not really sure how to get started? No need to worry, as this useful guide will tell you everything you need… Read More
If you’ve been doing a general yoga routine for weight loss but don’t seem to be making any headway on your goal, you might want to take a step back and look at the asanas you&rs… Read More
One of the main branches of holistic health therapies encompasses aromatherapy, which is the use of aromatic essential oils for pain relief. Aromatherapy specializes in the use of essential… Read More
Lately, my mail box has been flooded with feedbacks from coaches. They share their greatest challenge and deepest concern in their business. “I put in a lot more effort preparing my co… Read More
Very few names in the modern day go hand in hand with natural health or holistic living. If you believe in the thought that mother nature gives us all you need to remain healthy in a world s… Read More
The Supplements of 21st Century: Combining Modern Technology & Organic Ingredients for Supreme HealthThe dawn of the 21st century has brought about a remarkable revolution of our underst… Read More
Sleep, like water, is the one thing that you can't do without. It's even more important than what you eat, though what you eat can also be detrimental to your sleep. It is a sad fact that ma… Read More
On Valentine’s Day, something amazing happened.  My 3-year-old son Eric ate a few of the heart chocolates I had given him, and then unwrapped the next one and asked, “Can I… Read More

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