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Essencz Blog

Essencz helps you to live a balanced life by suggesting the best home remedies, fitness & diet places, and provide medical help.
In today’s time every second person die due to heart problem. People are still with an old mindset that consulting someone for our problems they will only increase. But people change i… Read More
An ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) is a physician trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose throat, and related structures of the head and neck. They have special… Read More
Top 10 Best Podiatrists In Kolkata
Feet play a vital role in our body carrying our entire weight. Other major roles are all-in-one stabilizers, shock absorbers, and propulsion engines that are associated to overall health and… Read More
In this fast moving world of technology and the growing ambition to earn money makes people prone to a hectic and disturbed lifestyle. Their ignorance towards their health makes them worst s… Read More
In this fast moving world of technology and the growing ambition to earn money makes people prone to a hectic and disturbed lifestyle.Their ignorance towards their health makes them worst su… Read More
We undergo a lot of experiences in our lives everyday which shape our thoughts and thinking. It is not easy to come forward and speak up about the mental turbulence one might be facing. Our… Read More
In our day to day life, we come across various activities some put positive and some put a negative impact on our mind. But daily stress and no self-attention lead to psychological imbalance… Read More
Turmeric Latte – Health Benefits
Turmeric (Haldi) is the vibrant yellow-orange kitchen herb affectionately known as the magic sword against inflammation, infections and immunity booster. It was birthed in India and centurie… Read More
Dentists in Dubai offer a number of quality Dental Treatments for their clients. Some of these top dentists in Dubai treat their clients with a number of improved practices at convenient hou… Read More
Women nowadays suffer from many type of physiological and mental disorders and they usually hesitate from undergoing any type of test. But there are many type of health disorders that women… Read More
Top 10 Best Dietitians In Lucknow
In today’s sedentary life style, people don’t have time to pay attention to their body. Now days problems like mineral deficiencies, low calcium density, obesity, bone disfigure… Read More
In this era of limitless deadlines and dire necessity of staying awake, Coffee and tea becomes our ‘need’ to stay alive and active. And when the weekend arrives, a bit of fun bec… Read More
Teeth Whitening Cost In Mumbai- 2019
What constitutes a beautiful smile is a set of beautiful teeth. Contrary to that stained or discolored teeth can be quite a put-off. Unfortunately, if you are suffering from this problem, th… Read More
Due to the food habits of this generation, many people often suffer from various illness pertaining their mouth. Due to the lack of nutrients they often have a sore throat or other problems… Read More
Everyone wants a flawless smile and wants to dazzle amongst many people. While getting a flawless smile is not so difficult. Maintaining definitely is, if you don’t take proper care of… Read More
Due to the food habits of this generation, many people often suffer from various illness pertaining their mouth. Due to the consumption of excessive processed food they often have a too… Read More
Dentists are medical practitioners who majors in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases and problems related to teeth. We have learnt from our schooling that we have to brush two times a da… Read More
A Dentist is a Medical Practitioner who majors in the treatment of diseases relating to the Dentals. They also take care of cosmetic requirements of the teeth. The appearance of the face is… Read More
Top 10 Best Dentists In Nasik
Life is all about smiling through the difficult times to the happy hours. But have you ever imagined that the precious smile that takes you through gets lost because you didn’t take ca… Read More
Top 10 Best Neurologists In Surat
Do you suffer from frequent migraine attacks and blackouts? Have you ever felt a shooting pain or an unwanted shudder across various parts of the body namely the head, arms, legs, and torso… Read More
Top 10 Best Neurologists In Patna
Do you suffer from frequent migraine attacks and blackouts? Have you ever felt a shooting pain or an unwanted shudder across various parts of the body namely the head, arms, legs, and torso… Read More
Top 10 Best Gynecologists In Surat
Puberty, Maternity and Motherhood constitute as an integral part in a woman’s life. Becoming a mother is in itself a new experience and caring for a little baby is a huge responsibilit… Read More
Top 10 Best Gynecologists In Lucknow
Puberty, Maternity and Motherhood constitute as an integral part in a woman’s life. Becoming a mother is in itself a new experience and caring for a little baby is a huge responsibilit… Read More
Top 10 Best Gynecologists In Pune
Puberty, Maternity and Motherhood constitute as an integral part in a woman’s life. Becoming a mother is in itself a new experience and caring for a little baby is a huge responsibilit… Read More
Top 10 Best Dermatologists In Noida
In today’s busy world, people can often lose sight of what is important, and what really matters. It’s probably safe to say that you are on first name terms with your doctor or d… Read More