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Charm City Edibles Blog

A blog about life, love, death, and eating well. Featuring musings on everything from my orange-stealing grandmother to the ways in which we love the people around us, each post ends with a recipe that is made to be gluten-free but easily modified for gluten-lovers by swapping out the flour.
As you may just be visiting for the recipe and I have not mastered the “Jump to Recipe” button, I won’t go into a long screed about wintering. If you are interested in what… Read More
We’ve been lied to, friends. It’s hard to imagine, but for years we’ve been buying ultra expensive almond butter as a nice alternative to your standard peanut, paying at le… Read More
Ho-ho-ho, bitches. The holidays are in full swing, and you couldn’t get off this train if you wanted to. Might as well lean in, call up a friend, and go hang out. Bring this as a snack… Read More
Full disclosure: I am not a huge fan of regular hummus; it is somehow rather pushy, and I get sick of it after a few bites. But when my friend served up this incredible dip (and let me take… Read More
I haven’t posted here since the beginning of the summer, and if you haven’t read that post you need to go there because it’s the most delicious salad that translates into f… Read More
I am going to share a top secret recipe today that is fail-proof, delicious, cheap, and vegan (if you skip some of the garnishes). It’s because I LOVE YOU, and I want you to have good… Read More
What do you do when the sun is out, but it’s frigid, with temperatures dropping and snow on the way? And you just need a little tart sweetness in your life? You make passionfruit and l… Read More
So The Child is coming home for the holidays, and she has requested a few things for food. Salad (shocking), spice cake (not as shocking), and That Beef Stew Thing. “That Beef Stew Thi… Read More
All I want to do is get off of WordPress and onto some other easy-to-use site. And yet here I am, languishing on a platform I hate for the sake of occasionally posting here. It’s a pla… Read More
At the exact moment this blog is published, 4:26 pm on March 14th, I will turn 50. As you read this, if you come across it on that day, I will be on the sand in Assateague, listening to the… Read More
Twenty-two years ago today I met my husband, and eight years ago on Tuesday, February 16, he died in a single-car accident about 1/4 mile from our home. We had a rom-com-worthy meet cute. I… Read More
I don’t have many encouraging words right now. I am in quarantine, unexpectedly, and the 8th anniversary of Dane’s death is approaching. The winds are high, and my anxiety is lev… Read More
Every year, and KWeeks makes a little fun of me for this, I record all of the books I read. I do this for several reasons, not the least of which being that I have the short-term memory of a… Read More
The irony is not lost on me that this is the year that I decided to emulate Austin Kleon’s annual “100 Things to Love about _____.” First, comes COVID, a righteous clusterf… Read More
A week ago today, the nation suffered through the actual day of election after weeks of mail-in ballots and early voting and pontificating and bullshit leading up to it.. Four days later, pr… Read More
It’s Election Day, 2020, and things couldn’t be more uncertain. The only thing that is crystal clear is that this day is going to last longer than 24 hours – Maryland alone… Read More
Pancakes and muffins are for Saturdays, but Sunday means waffles. Crispy on the outside, soft and steamy on the inside. I eat the first one off the iron with my hands before the lid is even… Read More
Look, I’m not gonna say that this is the best thing you’ll put in your mouth all week. I don’t know how you live your life. But if you want a strong contender for that titl… Read More
In the alley behind KWeeks’s house there are three Poncirus trifoliata trees. Known more commonly as bitter orange, hardy orange, or sticky orange, it grows well even in cold climates… Read More
Edited: this was written prior to the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We have apparently now entered the meaty side of things. Yes, I am aware that I said we would get in… Read More
I don’t know about where you live, but here in Maryland we have just gotten our first glimpse of fall. This past week overnight temps hovered in the mid-60s, and daytime highs were jus… Read More
I have been in the past, and still am, if I am being honest (which I always try to be), a cynical person to varying degrees. I have referred to myself as an optimistic pessimist – thin… Read More
When I lived in the south I had a friend who was a little bit crazy. Actually, really, very crazy. But she was my friend and she was fun until she wasn’t, and she hated ambrosia salad… Read More
One of the most poignant and bittersweet memories in my childhood is of steaming vats of water in an already-steamy, un-airconditioned rustic kitchen, used first to slip tomatoes of their pa… Read More
So I am reading The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative, a book from 2017 only reminds me of how elemental it is to retreat to a natural space when it&rsquo… Read More
So this is it for me. I am officially going on a break with this blog, at least until the fall, I think, or until I redesign the blog and move it to another host, or something becomes so com… Read More
I seem to have temporarily lost my voice. Not my actual one – the one that I use in my work. A combination of fear, doubt, grief, the weight of the world. I feel silenced and flummoxed… Read More
So here we are, already in June, with each month either accelerated beyond comprehension or dragging along. I can’t decide which one May was. Fast, maybe? At any rate, it is increasing… Read More
Mapping Police Violence. Goddamnit. I can’t post this week’s links without talking about George Floyd and Breanna Taylor. The death of George Floyd is now under investigation by… Read More
We’re gonna go ahead and start this party with a little bit of shirtless Prince at his live birthday show in Detroit in 1986. If I am honest, as I always try to be, I will say that I w… Read More
Friends, this poem is incredible and timely. It almost made me cry, the last stanza, especially as we are in such an extraordinary time of avoiding human contact. I did not know Aracelis Gir… Read More
This past week has proven quite fraught, emotionally speaking. I blame the full flower moon in Scorpio for my big, deep feelings. How has it been for you? Are you still locked down, or are y… Read More
Well, so here we are in May. How are you? Depending on where you live, you have been practicing social distancing for almost two months now. It’s unnerving to think of how we will inte… Read More
So it’s about 70 degrees outside as I type this from my aerie facing 35th Street in the Hampden neighborhood of Baltimore. Just now, I can hear a firetruck and, over that, my neighbor… Read More
“Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.” Frederick Buechner As I type this, Khristian is teaching cooking on Zoom to his pre-K class… Read More
Just and only this small offering today. Goodness. Dropping Keys The small woman Builds cages for everyone She Knows. While the sage, Who has to duck her head When the moon is low, Keeps dro… Read More
For you, on this Earth Day, a reminder: The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. There are two sides of me warring inside as we continue with this pandemic, even as the e… Read More
Yesterday was SHITTY. It doesn’t really matter which day “yesterday” actually was because, let’s face it, no one really knows what day it is, and if they say they do… Read More
Today’s poem is by me and was published by Plainsongs, a journal of Hastings College Press, last summer, 2019. How optimistic things felt then, how wide open and expansive. This was ma… Read More
Well, here we are, another Thursday. I am starting to use these Thursday posts as markers of time passing, like slashes on a tree to mark time when stranded in the jungle (we just binged sea… Read More
So for now, here’s a picture of trees. Bluehost, the company that hosts this lovely blog, has backed me out of my new version of WordPress so that I can at least upload pictures. Much… Read More

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Charm City Edibles
