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Finpp Blog

Here I showcase important Economic, Financial news of the day from my view. I try my best to explain the facts, terminology and events in simple language. Suggestions are always welcome.
Wholesale price index for the week ending 7th March fell more than expected to 226.7 pulling inflation down to 0.44%, an all time low. Previous all time low was 1.13% in February 2002. Very… Read More
Inflation for the latest week came down to 2.43%. It is little better than I estimated below. But still if WPI number doesn't improve in the coming week then most likely inflation will… Read More
Continuing my previous blog on inflation below. Here is current inflation graph.We see a steep drop in inflation resulting out of falling crude price which results in lowering price of commo… Read More
INR 1) INR which was getting stronger at 40 at this time last year is now struggling at 52 and some says the situation could get worse and INR could reach 55. 2) This benefits expo… Read More
Reserve Bank of India cut Repo and Reverse Repo Rate by 50 bps. Repo rate, the rate at which central bank (RBI) lends to banks is now at 5%. Reverse Repo is the rate at which central bank ta… Read More
What is an ADR / GDR?Indian companies issue shares which are traded on Indian stock exchanges like BSE, NSE etc. These shares are sometimes also listed and traded on foreign stock exchanges… Read More
GDP growth of Indian at 5.3% GDP growth of India (12 largest GDP of the world) is estimated at 5.3% for the October –December 2008 quarter, which is a 6 year low. This is mainly caused… Read More
Many a times we want to know CEO/Chairman of some major Indian company. I have compiled a list that would be lot helpful. Let me know if there is any correction or if I missed anything.Compa… Read More
Duty cut of 2%Using every privilege it has to lure voters just before code of conduct for the next general elections is applicable, Finance Minister Mr. Pranab Mukherjee announced 2% cut in… Read More
After a long gap, I am again back to update this blog. Long list of events happened since my last update:1) Satyam Fiasco: A lot said and known already in all daily newspapers, channels.&nbs… Read More
Inflation in India at 9 months lowInflation dropped to 6.84% for the week ending on 6th December. This is mainly because of the fall of crude oil which was reflected in other commodities. Th… Read More
Fed cuts rates againThe US Federal Reserve cut its target for overnight interest rates to a range of 0-0.25%. This now closes option for any further rate cut. The Fed also said it would expa… Read More
Bernard Lawrence Madoff FraudulenTIn what could be the biggest Ponzi scam of all time, Bernard L. Madoff got arrested on 11thDecember2008. He was amongst the most active in NASDAQ and serv… Read More
Cheaper Home LoanBuying a Home has become cheaper for Low/Middle income group and in smaller towns. All of 28 Public sector Banks in India have decided to lower the interest rates on home lo… Read More
Everyday we talk about inflation, few months back this was the biggest hurdle for Finance minister. Inflation was rocketing high. Now we read that as inflation is easing Government can take… Read More
RBI to ease Rates, InterestIn order to infuse liquidity in the system Govt. has set up a committee to discuss on reducing Repo Rates, Reverse Repo and Interest Rates. (Its important to note… Read More
BSE Sectoral Indices(1Dec08)The day started with a ray of hope clearing the dark clouds of terrorist attack. Sensex opened 70 points up in line with asian markets showing mixed performances… Read More
Sensex PerformanceSensex opened firm up at 9160.5 gaining 2.89% over previous close of 8903.12 in reports of federal bailout of citi group. Market were steady intra day reaching high of 9182… Read More
Am back to blogging on Finance and Economic topics. I would keep blogging on various financial and economic factors, conditions and news. To start with, the current highlights are:1) Greece… Read More
Performance of various Sectoral Indices of Sensex. Full Year period is 1-April-2008 to 31-March-2009First Half period is 1-April-2008 to 1-October-2009Realty fell the most in last 1 yea… Read More
Nifty has moved up 2.09% in 2009. It closed at 2959.15 on last day of 2008 and by the end of first 3 months i.e. 31 March 2009 it is at 3020.95! This is the list of how Nifty stocks hav… Read More
India's major equity index has seen change in weightage since last year. First of all a summary of whats added and whats removed in last 1 year:on 10-September-2008 Reliance Power added and… Read More

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