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Tort Of Malicious Prosecution
Tort of Malicious ProsecutionTort of Malicious Prosecution: An Introduction Tort of Malicious Prosecution; the malicious prosecution is a common-law international tort. Malicious prosecution… Read More
Essential Elements Of Tort
Essential elements of tort mean an ingredients for commission of civil wrongful act. Three essentials of tort can be seen in the law of torts. Before, discussing them, let's see th… Read More
Ashby V White Case Summary
Ashby v White Case Summary Ashby v White, 1703 is a landmark case in the English Law of Torts. Ashby v White Case is also known as the "Election Case". Moreover, it concerns the right t… Read More
Sources of Law in JurisprudenceSources of law in jurisprudence have been explained in this article. There are various sources of law in jurisprudence, these are;Custom LawLegislationPreceden… Read More
Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita 2023 Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita 2023 is approved on 25th December 2023 by the President of India, which repeals the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973… Read More
Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita 2023 Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita 2023 is approved on 25th December 2023 by the President of India, which repeals the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita 2023… Read More
Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam 2023 Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam 2023 is approved on 25th December 2023 by the President of India, which repeals the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Bhartiya Sakshya A… Read More
Types of Organization Structure Types of organization structure have been discussed in this article. Generally, there are two types of organization structure and these are; Fo… Read More
Difference Between FIR And Complaint
Difference Between FIR and ComplaintDifference Between FIR and ComplaintDifference Between FIR and Complaint is discussed in this article. An FIR and Complaint are two important terms to und… Read More
Nature And Scope Of Administrative Law
Nature and Scope of Administrative Law Nature and Scope of Administrative Law have been discussed in this article. Nature and scope of administrative law is the key factor for the smoot… Read More
Rights of Arrested Person Under CrPC Rights of Arrested Person Under CrPC are conferred under the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 and the Constitution of India. All humans are born with t… Read More
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Justice
Advantages and Disadvantages of JusticeAdvantages and disadvantages of justice are a broad topic that encompasses many different areas of law and the legal systems. There are some specific a… Read More
Principles Of Growth And Development
Principles of Growth and DevelopmentPrinciples of Growth and Development are used interchangeably and taken as synonyms terms. After conception in the womb of a mother change occurs. ch… Read More
What Is The Role Of Public Prosecutor?
What is the Role of Public Prosecutor?What is the Role of Public Prosecutor? The main role of the public prosecutor is to assist in prosecuting criminals before the court to maintain a crime… Read More
Bailable and Non Bailable OffencesBailable and non bailable offences have been explained in this article. The term "Bail" has not been defined nowhere in the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973. T… Read More
Origin and Development of Human RightsOrigin and development of human rights means all the rights which are inherent in their nature and without such rights they cannot live as human beings… Read More
Rights of Unpaid SellerRights of Unpaid Seller have been defined under the Sale of Goods Act, 1930. In a contract, there is always a reciprocal promise which means the buyer and seller… Read More
What Is Restitution Of Conjugal Rights?
What is Restitution of Conjugal Rights?What is restitution of conjugal rights? The restitution of conjugal rights is a legal remedy available to married couples in India. The restitution of… Read More
Books on JurisprudenceBooks on jurisprudence for LLB students that are recommended by some of the top scholars and researchers of the Law of Jurisprudence.Books on JurisprudeceThese books on… Read More
Taken on Board ApplicationTaken on board application format has been provided under this article. We have provided the taken on board application format in PDF, you can download this format… Read More
Who can Cross a Cheque? has been discussed briefly in this article.A cheque is nothing but a bill of exchange which is drawn upon a specified banker and payable on demand.Who can Cross… Read More
Books on Contract LawBooks on Contract Law - A list of the Best Books on Law of Contract has been provided in this article.The Indian Contract Act, 1872 is the primary subject for every law… Read More
Article 1 of the Constitution of India Article 1 of the Constitution of India deals explicitly with the name and territory of the Union. Article 1 of the Indian Constitution has been en… Read More
What is an Acceptance in Contract Law?What is an Acceptance in Contract Law? The Acceptance meaning and the essentials of valid acceptance are briefly explained in this article. General… Read More
Ashby Vs White Case Summary
Ashby vs White Case Summary Ashby vs White, 1703 is a landmark case in the English Law of Torts. Also, Ashby vs White is also known as the "Election Case". Moreover, it concerns the right to… Read More
Institution Of Suit Under CPC
Institution of Suits Institution of suits is the initial stage of the procedure of a civil suit. Institution of suit means presenting a plaint along with other documents before the court i.e… Read More
JMFC Syllabus
JMFC Syllabus and Exam PatternJMFC syllabus and exam pattern are provided in this article. This will help you to understand the JMFC syllabus and exam pattern. Syllabus for Competitive Exami… Read More
Modes Of Discharge Of Contract
Modes of Discharge of ContractModes of Discharge of Contract are provided in the Contract Act. Discharge of a contract means the end of the contract. The term discharge means… Read More
Forms Of Consumer Exploitation
Forms of Consumer ExploitationForms of consumer exploitation are disclosed under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.When someone possesses the right then they should have remedies too, becaus… Read More
Drafting Pleading And Conveyancing
Drafting Pleading and ConveyancingDrafting, Pleading and Conveyancing are three pillars of Advocacy. However, the art of drafting, pleading and conveyancing has not fully developed in spite… Read More
Salary Of Chief Justice Of India
Salary of Chief Justice of IndiaSalary of Chief Justice of India is discussed in this article. The salary of Chief Justice of India is governed by the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and… Read More
JMFC Syllabus And Exam Pattern
JMFC Syllabus and Exam PatternJMFC syllabus and exam pattern are provided in this article. This will help you to understand the JMFC syllabus and exam pattern. Syllabus for Competitive Exami… Read More
Legal Notes
Legal Notes Legal notes will provide you with a broad and critical understanding of the structure and functions of the legal system. These legal notes are free and easy to access la… Read More
Why Do We Need A Constitution
Why Do We Need a Constitution?Why do we need a Constitution? There are some reasons that explain why do we need a constitution? The basic need is to have a constitution because, without it… Read More
Professional Misconduct Of Advocates
Professional Misconduct of Advocates Professional Misconduct of Advocates is nowhere defined either in the Advocates Act, 1961 or Indian Bar Council because of its wider scope. Under th… Read More
Enforcement Of Foreign Judgments
Enforcement of Foreign JudgementsEnforcement of foreign judgments and decrees passed by foreign courts has been discussed in this article.Enforcement of Foreign JudgmentCivil Procedure Code… Read More
Amendment Of Pleadings
Amendment of PleadingsAmendment of pleadings has been provided under Order VI Rule 17 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908.Table of ContentsThe Meaning of Pleadings in CPC has been defined unde… Read More
Kinds Of Law In Jurisprudence
Kinds of Law in JurisprudenceKinds of Law in Jurisprudence have been discussed in this article. Before that let's see what is the meaning of the law?Kinds of Law in JurisprudenceLaw is used… Read More
Pleading In CPC | Order VI
Pleading in CPCPleading in CPC has been provided under Order VI of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908. Pleadings in Law are nothing but the written presentation by the litigants in a lawsuit set… Read More
Salient Features Of Advocates Act 1961
Salient Features of Advocates Act 1961Salient Features of Advocates Act 1961, were brought into force to implement all the recommendations made by the All India Bar Commission.Salient Featur… Read More
Double Jeopardy
Double Jeopardy: IntroductionDouble Jeopardy is a legal defence in Criminal Law. Meaning of double jeopardy in law can be found in Jurisprudence. Doctrine of double jeopardy means a procedur… Read More
Amalgamation Of Trade Unions
Amalgamation of Trade UnionsAmalgamation of Trade Unions means, "the merger or combining the two or more trade unions into one trade union." The previous relating to the amalgamation of trad… Read More
What Is Suit In Law
What is Suit in LawWhat is suit in law? The term "suit" is nowhere defined in the Civil Procedure Code, 1908. So, what is the suit in law? and what is meant by suit? are discussed in this ar… Read More
Doctrine Of Res Judicata Meaning
Res Judicata: IntroductionRes judicata is the term which is evolved from the English Common Law System. Res judicata meaning has been provided under section 11 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1… Read More
Constructive Res Judicata
Constructive Res JudicataConstructive res judicata is provided under section 11 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908. The provision relating to the constructive res judicata is contained in Exp… Read More
Place Of Suing In CPC
Place of Suing in CPCPlace of suing in CPC has been provided under sections 15 to 21A of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908. Whereas, the term 'place of suing' signifies the venue for the trial… Read More
Meaning Of Summons
Meaning of SummonsMeaning of summons definition has been provided under Order V Rules 1 to 30 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908. And, in Criminal Law summons meaning is provided under Chapte… Read More
Hierarchy Of Civil Courts In India
Hierarchy of Civil Courts in IndiaHierarchy of Civil Courts in India, the judicial system in India is the guardian of the Constitution of India. There are various types of courts in India an… Read More
Transfer Of Suits In CPC
Transfer of Suits in CPCTransfer of suits in CPC has been provided under sections 22 to 25 of the Code of Civil Procedure Code, 1908. Transfer of case from one district court to another… Read More
Creation Of Agency: Types Of Agency
Creation of Agency: Types of agencyCreation of agency and types of agency contract has been provided under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. The modes of creation of agency are classified into… Read More
Agency By Ratification
Agency by Ratification Meaning in LawAgency by ratification meaning in law is provided under sections 196 to 200 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. A contract of agency by ratification is cre… Read More
Difference Between Lawyer And Advocate
Difference Between Lawyer and AdvocateDifference between lawyer and advocate is often used as a synonym in the layman's world. But, in the legal fraternity, there is a difference between law… Read More
Termination Of Agency
Termination of AgencyTermination of agency is the end of the relationship between the Principal and Agent. Therefore, the termination of agency cannot be done by the act of one party, as the… Read More
Delegatus Non Potest Delegare MeaningDelegatus non potest delegare is a Latin maxim. Delegatus non potest delegare means ‘One to whom a power has been delegated, further cannot delegat… Read More
Kinds of AgentsKinds of Agents in Contract LawKinds of Agents in Contract Law – There are 3 types of agents in contract law, these kinds of agents in contract law are;General AgentSpec… Read More
Contract of AgencyContract of agency is a special contract provided under Chapter X and sections 182 to 238 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. The contract of agency is a legal relationship w… Read More
Discharge of SuretyDischarge of surety has been provided under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. In certain circumstances, a discharge of surety from his liability towards the principal de… Read More
Rights Of Surety
Rights of surety in contract of guarantee have been seen under sections 140 to 146 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. The contract of guarantee is also known as a "Contract of Suretyship".As… Read More
Re-Issue Summons Format And ApplicationRe-Issue summons FormatRe-Issue summons is the initial stage of the civil proceedings, the application for issuing summons is written as;BEFORE THE HON… Read More
Definition of Jurisprudence in Law in its widest sense means, "knowledge of the law". But in its limited sense evolution and explanation of general principles upon which actual rules of law… Read More
Kinds of guarantee, a contract of guarantee may be a particular guarantee for any specific dealings only or a continued guarantee. There are two types of guarantees, the kinds of guarantee a… Read More
Contract of guarantee has been defined under section 126 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. Provisions relating to the contract of the guarantee are provided in Chapter VIII and under section… Read More
Contract of pledge is governed by the Indian Contract Act, 1872.  Contract of pledge is a subset of the Contract of Bailment. Contract of pledge in contract law and provisions relating… Read More
Contract of bailment has been provided under sections 148 to 181 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. A bailment involves the contractual transfer of assets or property from a bailor, who… Read More
Difference Between Bailment and PledgeDifference Between Bailment and PledgeThe difference Between Bailment and Pledge has been given as below;BailmentPledgeBailment has been defined under s… Read More