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English Conversation for Beginners English Conversation between two Friends  about Family Julia: Hey Flora, how’s your family doing? Flora: Hi Julia, they’re good, thanks! H… Read More
Why Living Far Away from Child is Hard I have had many experiences, working as an operations manager at a grocery store in Melbourne but none as touching as the incident last week. Last wee… Read More
How to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle Leading a sustainable lifestyle involves making choices and adopting habits that minimize your environmental impact and contribute to the well-being of th… Read More
How to Avoid Negative ThoughtsNegative thoughts refer to pessimistic or unfavorable mental attitudes and beliefs that can affect a person’s emotions, behavior, and overall well-being… Read More
Present Headache of WeddingsWhat does the season of winter do to a lot of us more especially to our parents? Well, along with cold freezing weather, it seems to bring us a lot of cards. Hap… Read More
Where Angels Guard The SleepingWhen I first visited the Armenian Church 15 years back, it was an illustration for a weekend national paper, while the story was being dug out by an expatriate… Read More
What Has The World Come to I have the other day my mother was getting infuriated due to all the work that was left undone. She had already informed a friend of hers to lend in some extra hel… Read More
IELTS Speaking Practice Test (2024) Describe a person who is helpful to others.You should say: who this person ishow you know him/herwhether you met him/herand explain why you think this per… Read More
Best High Protein Breakfast In the hustle and bustle of daily life, a nutritious breakfast often takes a backseat. However, a high protein breakfast can be a game-changer, providing the e… Read More
Healthy Breakfast to Lose Weight In today’s fast-paced world, many of us often overlook the importance of a healthy breakfast. We rush through our mornings, grabbing whatever is co… Read More
10 Best High Protein Low Fat Foods-In today’s health-conscious world, people are increasingly seeking ways to maintain a balanced diet while still enjoying delicious meals. One key… Read More
One of the biggest concerns when buying a dog is what to do with it when we want to go on a trip. There are several options that can be considered, such as leaving it with a friend or relati… Read More
Short Story from Real-Life Experience A Beggar’s Woes I was passing through Dhanmondi Road 27 on the way by car at around 6.30 pm when suddenly something caught my eye. There was… Read More
Recent USA Student Visa Interview Questions and Answers Visa Type: F1 (undergraduate program) Visa Status: Issued (2nd time) Date of Interview: Apr 04, 2023 Scheduled interview t… Read More
How to Avoid Criticism ? Have you ever encountered criticism? Surely! I believe that sometimes we all encounter some criticism in life. But if it is rarely to tolerate critical people, then… Read More
Some people think that to be a winner, there must be talent and some people think that to be a winner they have to work hard. No matter what you say, the winners have unique qualities th… Read More
Emotion is a kind of feeling. It includes love, hatred, happiness, sorrow, anxiety, anger, faith, fear, etc. If you cannot control emotions, you will lose a lot of things. So it’s impo… Read More
I have been walking in the rain. I have looked out the window for signs of storms, and I have spotted the skies come alive with monsoons. That is when the heart is made glad, for in the poss… Read More
A thief believes everybody steals. When two thieves quarrel, the farmer whose cow was stolen by one of them gets back the animal. This is a Finnish proverb. Ambrose Bierce is of the opinion… Read More
When Abdul Karim walked into a room, he would enter it slightly sideways, as if his intent upon entering was merely to remain as close to the wall as possible. The way he looked thirtyish, s… Read More
I don’t know about the other, more photogenic and hateful half of the human population, but as a rule, most images of me that the automatic photo-machine booth spits out—-I swear… Read More
If there’s one situation I don’t want myself to be in, it’s fighting for life in an ambulance on the streets of Dhaka city. I’m not going to go on about the terrible… Read More
The days of our youth are the days of our glory.  I’ve always thought that with the advent of mature and responsible adulthood the first loss is the freshness of youth. When I… Read More

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