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#labradorlandprotectors Human Rights Movement Blog

"Who do we turn to when its our own government oppressing us?" We are a group of concerned citizens fighting against the development of the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric mega-project. We are Labradorians.
#YINTAH WORLD PREMIERE: 1, 2, 3 March 2024 In Columbia, Missouri At True/False Film Fest - GIVE ME TRUTH - Yintah Is A Feature-length Documentary On The #Wetsuweten Fight For Sovereignty. A Decade In The Making, Yintah Follows Two Leaders As Their Nation Reoccupies & Protects Ancestral Lands.@yintahfilm 8 February 2024 YINTAH WORLD PREMIERE: 1, 2, 3 March 2024 at True/False Film Fest - GIVE ME TRUTH - is a feature-length documentary on the #Wetsuweten fight for sovereig… Read More
'MAPLE WASHING HIDDEN HORRORS' - Keeping Up Appearances; ‘A Tale Of Corruption And Greed Where The Truth Is Often Absent.’; HONESTY IS MY BEST POLICY; 'HIS MAJESTY'S JACK'; Political Integrity Tory UK #PoliticalSatire #DeepAIGeneratedImages Tiddly Trudeau And Fishy Rishi Artworks Llewelyn Pritchard 28 February 2024… Read More
Explain How Ending Fossil Fuel Finance And Implementing Climate Justice (valuation Strategies) Rooted In Human Indigenous Rights Is An Educational Opportunity - For Everybody With A Good Moral Compass - To Better Protect Our Life-sustaining Systems In The Cost Of Living Climate Crisis On Planet Earth. #DeepAIGeneratedImage #PoliticalSatire #NoDirtyBanks Fishy Rishi And Tiddly Trudeau Artworks Llewelyn Pritchard 14 Feb 2024 #Conservation #ConnectWithTheLand #HumanRightsBeforeProfits
  End Fossil Finance. Support Climate Justice (Valuation Strategies) Rooted in Human Indigenous Rights. Educational Opportunity to Protect Our Life-Sustaining Systems.&nb… Read More
Are You Up For An Adventure?
  Are You Up For An Adventure? The tours offered by "LIVING LOCAL IN LABRADOR" showcases the most breathtaking and adventurous experiences one can have while visiting THE BIG LAND… Read More
Traitor UK’
 'Traitor UK' 'Gaming The System Russian Rules' Boris Johnson #DeepAIGeneratedImage #PoliticalSatire Fishy Rishy Artworks Llewelyn Pritchard 9 January 2024… Read More
Abuse Of Executive Power By UK And RUS Shown By Several Factors In Vladimir Putin's Russian Interference Supporting Traitor Johnson's Brexit Treason. For Example, Traitor Johnson Ignored Intelligence Advice On National Security; Suppressed, Delayed Publication Of The Russia Report; Accepted Conservative Party Donations From Putin’s ‘March Of The Oligarchs’ @PeterJukes; Held Strategic Meetings With Evgeny And Alexander Lebedev About His Own And Putin’s Ambitions And By His Failed Leadership That Embo
 'Traitor UK' 'Gaming The System Russian Rules' Boris Johnson #DeepAIGeneratedImage #PoliticalSatire Fishy Rishy Artworks Llewelyn Pritchard 9 January 2024https://www.lin… Read More
CLIMATE CRISIS ACT NOW MAGISTRATES AND JUDGES WORLDWIDE Wherever Corrupting Criminal Justice Systems Exist. For Example ...UK, Canada, Russia And More  Prosecute Crimes Against Humanity. Prosecute Politicians And Business Leaders Causing Climate Breakdown Whenever They Advocate, Promote, Climate Ecocidal-genocidal Systems Of Governance. Free Climate Activists Who Are 'protesting Because A Corrupt Criminal Justice System Has Refused To Protect Them, Their Families And Others From The Greatest Act Of Genocide
Free Prior Informed Consent by Canada for Ecocide-Racial Genocide Political Satire #DeepAIGeneratedImage Llewelyn Pritchard 9 January 2024Climate Genocide Act Now image Dina Powves… Read More
Treating Traditional, Patriarchal, Colonial MisMANagement By Corrupt Tory Government UK ‘just As A Nightmare’ Particularly Rishi Sunak (PM No Nationally Elected Mandate) And Boris Johnson ‘Traitor UK' Is Unhelpful For Several Reasons ... Scroll Right Down To Find Out More #AI #Perplexity Llewelyn Pritchard 17 January 2024 #ClimateJustice Is #SocialJustice
 WORLD YOUTH FOR CLIMATE JUSTICEBob Dylan - Murder Most Foul Official AudioPerplexity:Treating traditional patriarchal colonial misMANagement by corrupt Tory government UK ‘just a… Read More
A Human-centric, Holistic, Rights-based, Promoting Sustainable, Regenerative Culture, Educational Approach: Enforced By Various Initiatives Such As The Ecocide Law, Fossil Fuel Non-proliferation Treaty, Climate Justice And Rights Of Nature Legislation - Addresses The Interconnected Challenges Of Cost Of Living, Climate Crisis, And Social Justice. This Approach Is Rooted In The Frameworks Of International And Regional Human Rights Law And Does Not Require The Breaking Of Any New Ground. #AI #Perplexity #Chat
  HUMAN RIGHTS NOW CANADA UK Climate Justice is Respecting and Protecting Human Rights as Rights of Nature WORLD YOUTH CLIMATE JUSTICE Perplexity: ‘The co… Read More
A Human-centric, Holistic, Rights-based, Promoting Sustainable, Regenerative Culture, Educational Approach: Enforced By Various Initiatives Such As The Ecocide Law, Fossil Fuel Non-proliferation Treaty, Climate Justice And Rights Of Nature Legislation - Addresses The Interconnected Challenges Of Cost Of Living, Climate Crisis, And Social Justice. This Approach Is Rooted In The Frameworks Of International And Regional Human Rights Law And Does Not Require The Breaking Of Any New Ground. #AI #Perplexity #Chat
  WORLD YOUTH CLIMATE JUSTICEClimate Justice is Harnessing the Transformative Power of Education for Climate StewardshipINTRODUCTION‘The phrase “human-centric… Read More
For The Most Urgent Attention Of Magistrates Judges Worldwide: The Law Has Become A Powerful Tool In The Fight Against ALL Fossil Fuel Sources Of Power And Energy To Rapidly Cut Rapidly Accelerating Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Including Mega Dam Methane Madness. Here Are Some Examples Of How, Where, And Why The Law Is Being Used … #AI #Perplexity #OpenSource #DemocracyDiesInDarkness Llewelyn Pritchard MA 16 August 2023
 Judge rules in favour of Montana Youths in landmark climate decision. Washington Post Kate Selig 14 August 2023'The law has become a powerful tool in the fight against ALL fo… Read More
Explain Boris Johnson Ex- Foreign Secretary, Ex-PM UK's And Justin Trudeau PM Canada’s Deeply Embedded Colonialist, Criminal Lies. Lies Proven Beyond Reasonable Doubt In Johnson’s Case By The House Of Commons Privileges Committee, The Part He Played In Causing Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe Imprisonment In Iran And His Facilitation Of Russian Interference In Elections UK EU Referendum 2016 VIDEO: Criminals on Patrol podcast - hosted by @Pam_Palmater - S1 Royal Canadian Mounted Problem EP2 RCMP's Colonial Past now on YouTu… Read More
'Think Global Act Local' Corruption Of Named Political Leaders, RCMP Failings And On-going Colonial Cover-up Regarding Muskrat Falls, Grand River, Mistashipu, Nunatsiavut Lower Churchill, Colonial River Industrial Project Of Methane Hydro, Methyl-mercury Dam Reservoir, Ecological-climate Destruction And Two Colonial Deaths 3 February 1940, Port Hope Simpson, NunatuKavut, Labrador, NL, Canada - A Case Study Of British Colonialism 1934-1945 And Beyond By Independent Research Llewelyn Pritchard MA 11 August 20
  Lucasian Professor Stephen Hawking An appreciation by Lord Martin Rees, University of CambridgeDr Peter Carter summarising the lack of climate emergency at #COP25 10 December 201… Read More
Explain Why The Coronation Of King Charles III Represents Both Colonial History And On-going Ecocide In The Form Of Corrupt Colonial, British Crown, Capitalist, Racial Genocide In Canada Exemplified By Crown Corporations Such As Nalcor, Acts Of Impunity, ‘man Camps’, Murdered And Missing Indigenous Women And Girls Facilitated By UK And Canada’s Unjust Constitutional And Criminal Legislation.
Full Title: Explain why the Coronation of King Charles III represents both colonial history and on-going ecocide in the form of corrupt colonial, British Crown, capitalist, racial genoc… Read More
A) Evaluate Increasing Evidence That Large Hydroelectric Dams Contribute To Atmospheric Methane Emissions, Which Are Even More Potent Greenhouse Gases Than Carbon Dioxide. B) Evaluate The Evidence That Large Hydroelectric Dams Cause Methyl Mercury Poisoning Of Land, Water, Food And People. C) Explain Why It Is Crucial For Life On Earth And How Realistic It Is That Ecological Destruction, Atmospheric Methane And Other Greenhouse Gas Emissions Caused By The Unsustainable Business Development Of Hydro Electric
 METHANE MADNESS HYDRO DAMS MUSKRAT FALLS A DODGY DAM IN CANADA'S EAST original image The Economist 19 Aug 2017 Full Title a) Evaluate increasing evidence that large hydroelec… Read More
Poll Of Polls Of Attitudes Towards EU Membership Jan 2021 - Dec 2022 [Professor John Curtice Professor Of Politics University Of Strathclyde And Senior Research Fellow At The National Centre For Social Research] And Britain’s Post Brexit Trade Deals: Taking Back Control Or A Threat To Sovereignty? [Louise Dalingwater, Professor In British Politics At Sorbonne Université, Paris] 15 December 2021
Figure 1 last two years rolling average of last six polls asked people how they would vote in another referendum on EU membership, Don’t Knows excluded from calculations. Professor Joh… Read More
Democratic Debate Corruption [Giphy]Corruption, fighting climate change means fighting corruption, She Devil facial tumour, sustainability in all things, [Beth Timmins] BBC 30 March 2019&nbs… Read More
“The Absolute Imperative Now Is #CivilResistance To Ensure That The Transition To What Comes Next Is Democratic And Egalitarian Rather Than Fascist And Genocidal. If We Fail, Our Young People Will Experience Terrible Deaths Before They Reach Middle Age. Face Your Responsibilities At This Time. Join Just Stop Oil Meet Up.” Source: Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21 29 July 2022 Thank You Roger
THREE DEGREES OF GLOBAL WARMING IS QUITE PLAUSIBLE AND TRULY DISASTROUS Rapid emission cuts can reduce the risks but not eliminate them. [Briefing The Economist] 24 July 2021 https… Read More

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#LabradorLandProtectors Human Rights Movement
