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A Fellowship in Diabetology is an advanced training program designed for medical professionals who wish to specialize in the management and treatment of diabetes. Here are some key details a… Read More
A Masters in Public Health (MPH) is a graduate-level degree that focuses on the science and practice of protecting and improving the health of populations. The MPH degree encompasses a… Read More
The field of digital health was growing rapidly, and there were various opportunities for digital health analysts in India. However, the availability of specific job listings can vary over t… Read More
As of 2024, the landscape of public health jobs may have evolved due to changing healthcare needs, emerging health challenges, and advancements in technology. While I can’t provide rea… Read More
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has shown significant potential in various aspects of diabetes management and research. Here are some ways AI is being applied in the context of diabetes: Early… Read More
Hospital planning in India involves the systematic and strategic development of healthcare facilities to meet the growing and diverse healthcare needs of the population. It encompasses vario… Read More
The privatization of hospitals is a complex and multifaceted topic that varies across countries and regions. Privatization generally refers to the transfer of ownership, control, or managem… Read More
Globalization in healthcare refers to the increasing interconnectedness, collaboration, and integration of healthcare systems, services, and resources on a global scale. In the context of In… Read More
Globalization in healthcare refers to the increasing interconnections, collaboration, and integration of healthcare systems, services, and resources on a global scale. In the context of Ind… Read More
In India, there are various courses and programs related to hospital administration and healthcare management that you can pursue to build a career in this field. These courses are designed… Read More
Public health is a very important domain affecting all segments of society of a nation. It is one of the most important pillars for the constructive and sustainable growth of any countr… Read More
A Masters in Public Health (MPH) is a graduate-level professional degree program designed to prepare individuals for careers in the field of public health. Public health is a multidisciplina… Read More
A Career as a TPA (Third Party Administrator) manager can be rewarding and challenging, providing you with opportunities to work in the insurance and healthcare industries. TPAs are organiz… Read More
A career as a Hospital CEO (Chief Executive Officer) or CFO (Chief Financial Officer) can be highly rewarding and challenging. These roles are critical in overseeing the overall operations a… Read More
A career in Environmental Health Analysis can be both rewarding and impactful. Environmental Health Analysts play a crucial role in assessing and managing the impact of environmental factors… Read More
A career in biostatistics offers numerous opportunities to contribute to the field of healthcare and make a meaningful impact on public health. Biostatisticians are in high demand, given the… Read More
To make a career as an epidemiologist, you will need to follow certain steps and obtain the necessary education, skills, and experience. Here is a general roadmap to help you pursue a career… Read More
As the healthcare sector expands, the economics of healthcare becomes more complicated. Teams must negotiate new rules, make sense of massive amounts of data, manage different leases, and st… Read More
Healthcare is a complex and constantly evolving industry, and overseeing it may be challenging to all of the moving components. An administrator must engage with both the individuals who wo… Read More
One of the most potent forces influencing our present and future history is widely acknowledged to be globalisation, which is the rising transnational circulation of money, goods, people, id… Read More
Medical robots are assisting healthcare providers in giving their patients more intelligent, thorough treatment. The recovery process can be drawn out and emotionally taxing, especially whe… Read More
In the past few years, Virtual reality (VR) is making headway into different industries and it is getting popular day by day.VR technology has been fully established in the gaming industry… Read More
Health is the basic fundamental right of a human and it must be equally available and access to healthcare must not be refused to anyone. For healthcare to be readily available to everyone… Read More
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the importance of point of care systems and the need to develop the Healthcare system. Many low to middle income countries across the globe are afflicted… Read More
Data management is one of the most important aspects of the modern health care industry. An increasing number of health care providers have started focusing on finding analytics solutions;… Read More
Healthcare marketing is a method of planned outreach and communications levied out to appeal to healthcare consumers, lead them through their healthcare needs, and keep them involved with t… Read More
Each day, millions of medical procedures are executed in healthcare facilities around the world, with caregivers and patients relying on the availability and use of a wide range of supplies… Read More
Disaster, as defined by the UN, is a severe interruption of the functioning of a community or the social order, which involve widespread human, material, economic or environmental effe… Read More
Dengue (pronounced Den-gee) fever is a painful, incapacitating mosquito-borne disease initiated by the dengue virus, spreading through the virus infected aedes aegypti mosquito bites. With… Read More
If you’ve ever spent a night restless and turning, you already know how you’ll feel the next day — exhausted, bad-tempered, and disoriented. But missing out on the 7… Read More

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Public Health Blogs
