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Voyager Blog

We are a travel blogging couple and Traveling has been our passion and we love exploring world cultures, seas, mountains, nature, food, art, history and urban places. We set up ‘Voyager’ blog as a place to share our stories and experiences of our amazing travel journeys and aim to inspire other travel lovers to see what this amazing world has to offer through our stories, videos and photos.
Top 10 Oldest Countries In The World
Discover the stories of the oldest countries in the world. Join us as we delve into their ancient pasts and rich origins. There are so many countries in this world, each with its unique s… Read More
Wonderful Places To Explore In Italy
Italy is well known for its historic landmarks and architectural wonders, here is a list of the best places to explore in Italy. Italy is globally renowned for its architectural richness… Read More
7 Famous Waterfalls In Kerala
Dive into the cascading beauty of Kerala’s waterfalls – nature’s finest spectacle! Read this post to know about the famous waterfalls in Kerala. Kerala, often referred t… Read More
13 Incredible Facts About Dwarka
Here are some incredible facts about Dwarka, the legendary and historical city that is believed to have been established by Shri Krishna. The sacred city of Dwarka nestles on the banks of… Read More
Amazing Rani Ki Vav History
Rani Ki Vav history is as interesting and fascinating as the artistic and architectural brilliance of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Gujarat. If the stones of Rani Ki Vav, the UNESCO W… Read More