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Limitless Skies Blog

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Viennese Frosting
Click to view slideshow. The wind shrieked and swooned down the spiral staircase smacking our shivering faces; the draft carried with it whispers that grew louder with each upward step. At m… Read More
Grass and weed had grown all over the sanctuary of Dionysus. A brown-eyed vagrant in his tabby coat surveyed a group of varied jacketed brigands from a stone podium. The audience sat, p… Read More
The Soul Of Athens
Parthenon The overcast sky was bound to fulfil the forecast of a rainy afternoon. To avoid being drenched, we left for the Acropolis early in the winter morning. We walked past the foothill… Read More
A March To The Little Monastery
Syntagma Square(Metro is on the Left) That winter afternoon in January 2017 was no reflection of the probably heated day in September 1843, when King George I had faced a military uprising a… Read More
A Roman Stopover
A trip to Rome is said to be incomplete without tossing change into the Trevi Fountain. Sounds wishful! Not really on a winter’s day, when the coin is most likely to bounce off the fro… Read More
Budapest,by The Danube
Shoes by the Danube with the Chain Bridge in the Background My feet were cold for my canvas shoes and layers of cotton socks felt porous like a sieve. I had forgotten to pack my cap for the… Read More
Markets In Budapest
Draft of citrus and cloves slapped my cold-numbed face; mulled wine and punch simmered in drum-like vats in one of the stalls at a Christmas market in Budapest. It was a week after the 25th… Read More
    Mahabodhi temple   Amidst the clamour of shlokas from the speakers placed next to the Maha Bodhi tree, I sat with closed eyes trying to meditate at 5:30 A.M. I wondered wh… Read More
Dust arose from his broom like incense emanates from a holy alter. Sunlight streaked through the white marble screen and caressed the man in white, whose sideways swaying of stick broom reci… Read More
Flooded Wadi Tiwi A surge of muddy water roared, gurgled and fanned out into the sea. Our vantage point atop the Muscat-Sur highway kept us away from the currents, but not from the rain. Dar… Read More
Moss covered trees, logs, and stones, much like green frosting on an irregular sponge. With each step, I inhaled the woody forest air. Hiking on the trail in Yangminshan National Park, I was… Read More
Our ride to the summit of Mount Noulja was in the darkness of a moonlit night. The wind slapped my face to freeze my ears and nose and hissed past our climbing two-seater chairlift. The nigh… Read More
Inside the Sami Tent, Kiruna, Sweden Smoke filled the Lavvu or Sami tent, yet the air inside was more agreeable than the breeze blowing from the frozen River Torne. We huddled around a… Read More
Kiruna The town welcomed us with snowflakes and winds of sub-zero warmth. Carpets of snow-covered the trees, houses, cars; the entire landscape, but the road. I am from the tropics, so to me… Read More
Entrance of the Ice Hotel I lay on my side trying to shield my face from freezing cold. The stench of reindeer skin, similar to a wet dog, made me smell like a Neanderthal. No wonder th… Read More
The mist that carpeted the surrounding mountains crept into the lake, and the moisture laden breeze chilled our bones. The white sky reflected on the rippled water surface that became&n… Read More
Ubud It lay lifeless on an elevated platform, with its sides already being eaten. Its mouth was partly open, possibly its last scream. Packs of hungry carnivores sat next to it waiting to ge… Read More

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