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Eco Planet News Blog

A website that brings environmental news together in one website so readers can find more information about the planet.
A temperature record was measured in the Mediterranean Sea on Monday. This was reported by Spanish researchers from the AFP news agency on Tuesday. +++ Current developments on the ext… Read More
Wiesbaden. Life expectancy in Germany fell by more than half a year during the corona pandemic. This is the result of calculations by the Federal Statistical Office. According to this, t… Read More
Ob at the professional societies or the World Health Organization, the opinion today is unanimous: In the first six months, everything that is not breast milk is suboptimal. It is true th… Read More
Its grains make people happy on the beach, are used in houses and computer chips, and each has its own character. The journey of a grain of sand from birth to death. See more here Read More
In times of heat waves and drought, water is an important but limited commodity. Especially in the south and east of Germany, the deeper soil layers are currently too dry, the groundwater… Read More
We have been in permanent crisis mode for 3 years now. The pandemic that is not over yet. The war that raises many questions and the inflation that doesn’t make our daily life easi… Read More
The Australian Tim Shaddock has had three months survived on a boat in the Caribbean Sea. Shaddock, who was sailing from Mexico to French Polynesia with his dog Bella, lost his route when… Read More
Midsummer has arrived in Germany and when in North Rhine-Westphalia temperatures up to 36 degrees are measured, there is dissatisfaction among employees. Because many people find it diffi… Read More
Deliver excellent work and constantly improve yourself: young people in particular strive for perfection. Until they are paralyzed by their own demands or even become ill. Experts explain… Read More
A buoy from the US weather agency NOAA measured 36.1 degrees on Monday evening (local time) near Johnson Key. Another buoy had recorded a temperature of almost 35 degrees near Vaca Key t… Read More
“At some point I asked myself why I actually own an unusual snake print jacket or drive such a flashy car,” says Hans-Peter Erb. The social psychologist found the answer witho… Read More

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