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Business901 Blog

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A Lean practitioner that specializes in Service Design and Sales and Marketing. Most of my recent work has been in SaaS discipline working with organizations in the Business Development area and to onboard external groups such as affiliate, re-sellers and reward programs. I have also managed and worked closely with their sales and marketing teams and even been that department.
In the dynamic landscape of organizational development, transforming grievances into a positive vision for the future is a powerful strategy for driving meaningful change. This concept invol… Read More
Creating a clear sense of purpose is crucial for transformative change initiatives. Transformational change involves a comprehensive and fundamental rethinking of strategies, processes, and… Read More
The concept of a marketing philosophy has never been more crucial. At its core, marketing philosophy involves a comprehensive and fundamental rethinking of strategies, processes, and objecti… Read More
You need people who can be trusted as your “critical friend.” The role of the critical friend is not always easy to fulfill. This person is a trustworthy individual who will chal… Read More
The Balancing Loop archetype is a fundamental concept in systems thinking. It represents a feedback loop where a change in one variable triggers a response that eventually leads to a return… Read More
Systems Thinking Approach to Uncovering Marketing Plan Blind Spots The Systems Thinking approach provides a powerful lens through which you can dissect your marketing plan and identify poten… Read More
In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, the success of any organization heavily relies on its ability to sell its products or services effectively. This is where the Inquiry Sales… Read More
One of the most effective ways to scale a company is by identifying the different wants associated with the problem. How does this solution need to feel to the people who matter: the potenti… Read More
Action Learning benefits include improved problem-solving, innovation, team building, and engagement. Action learning is a powerful tool that has gained significant recognition in the busine… Read More
A Market Opportunity Map is a strategic tool used in business to identify potential growth areas. It helps companies visualize markets they can enter or expand within by analyzing different… Read More
Step into the future of manufacturing with Industry 5.0, the next industrial revolution set to unlock unprecedented potential for manufacturers. Industry 5.0 is all about the collaborat… Read More