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I heard a former elected official who later became an appointed high-level advisor talk about a weekly email once sent round by the chief of staff. It was the title that initially got them e… Read More
Global head of religious sect makes headlines for saying cancel culture should stop. Cue journalists rushing to riff on the Papal Bull. What struck me from a selling perspective, was his use… Read More
Phew. England finally produced something to salvage a smidgen of Ashes pride Down Under. Against the odds, batting out the final day in Sydney to save the game and avoid the almost ritual la… Read More
Ever start a call or drop a message saying; “…just looking to follow-up…?” Please, no. Yet this is a fairly commonplace error. A prospect asked me about this recent… Read More
The holiday trade know a thing or two about PR. Now I learn about their label for the day of the year giving them their highest spike in bookings. Sunshine Saturday is the first Saturday of… Read More
Still time to slate in that calendar year launch event. A meeting often referred to this century as the SKO; sales kick-off. Following on from my trio of ideas for a slot as 2021 drew to a c… Read More
End of year algorithm picks for what Big Tech think you’ll click vary from the chastening insight into your inner soul to the bewildering choice that makes you wonder what could have p… Read More
There’s often a thundering rush to promote all things Growth this time of year. The traditional SKO broadcasts a challenging (yet ideally, achievable) target for what more business sha… Read More
I’ve been involved in specific work lately to craft the SKO for our video-meet age. This so-termed ‘Sales Kick-Off’ conference can have many labels and come in several guis… Read More
Your Annual Predictions Slide
This is the chief exec of a pollster. Zooming in to a rolling news media slot. Possibly from her London office. Perhaps adorned with a Japanese streetscape, above the plantlife and candles… Read More
Quite the foresight. This 3min sketch comedy treatment is from Jan 2014. The top comment on the buzzfeed page on this is from ‘sharkfighter’, with this extra gem; What about the… Read More
Looking for inspiration for your annual bookend get-together? Then here’s another idea from the field. Huge engineering conglomerate BAE Systems. With their paws across everything from… Read More
‘Tis the season to wrap-up and kick-off. That corporate tradition of seeing out the old year and welcoming in the new in the form a of specific meeting (or two). Whether company-wide… Read More
An opening monologue. From tv comedian turned start-up news channel host, Mark Dolan. I doubt that you, like me, are on either extreme of this debate of our coronavirus age. Yet the messagi… Read More
Sales Tips Re-Shared As Atomic Habits
This is gleaned via the Atomic Habits author James Clear newsletter passing on a Sales angle in 2020. From the original source as shown above [image links to y-combinator posting of (Texan… Read More
Go No Go & The Bouba Kiki Effect
These are my representations of the widely available shapes used to signify sounds. [I used standard Powerpoint seven-pointed star and cloud ‘shapes’, then used the ‘edit… Read More
Indecision is not just a sales-killer. It keeps so many an endeavour from reaching its potential. Would-be buyers hamstrung by their colleagues making the often political call to maintain th… Read More
What irritates you every day? Fix that first. One of ‘nineteen tricks’ I recently scrolled through from a London paper’s queen of living space bliss, presently renovating a… Read More
μ Mu. Hailing from Colombia, apparently. When ‘discovered’ in September, scientists and those in the pay of the public purse that do not hold anyone’s interests to heart… Read More
Goal current RealityOpinion (or Obstacle)Will (or Way forward) GROW is an 80s’ coined acronym (backronym, you suspect) from the mentoring trade. Above, how compilers Mind Tools define… Read More
Here’s an interesting piece of framing, picked up from the construction world. The often fraught B2B of solution selling through third parties without true skin in the game. Influencer… Read More
View this post on Instagram A post shared by salespodder (@salespodder) I sense this COP26 post merits further highlight beyond my insta above. The pa… Read More
When Customers Eat Up Your Journey
Donuts. Very bad for you. But how can you resist? I find myself often drawn to London’s Crosstown. Best not start on Duck and Waffle‘s incredible ox cheek doughnu… Read More
For many, mainly tech-related, solution sells, the buyer nowadays starts to gain from the moment they receive delivery. In ye olde days, the huge Day One costs meant long and often arduous j… Read More
A recent call to form your Sales Labs Unit brought to mind the absence of genuinely effective best-practice driving initiatives I observe in our sector. Technology alone is not the answer, p… Read More
“a phenomenon for which a cell infected by a virus becomes resistant toward a second outcoming infection by a superinfectant virus” That’s the first result returned for the… Read More
Real World Brutalism
Britain’s Brutalist buildings flagbearer, Owen Luder, died recently aged 93. Obituaries focused on the generally reviled over-powering concrete monstrosities the architect imposed on t… Read More
No algorithm is omniscient. You don’t need to be a fan of dystopian near-future sci-fi to know this. To slavishly follow the diktats of an algorithm can often mean missing out on a gen… Read More
Superstar Phone Video Backdrop
Adele. A name known to all. About to plaster the public psyche with the imminent release of her fourth album ‘era’; 30. Or more accurately, a room in which Adele sat. As she spo… Read More
This is the stool @Tyson_Fury sat on between rounds!! @BTSportBoxing #FuryWilder3 — Caroline Pearce (@CarolinePearce) October 10, 2021 Or perhaps for us me… Read More
I recently came across a start-up in the ‘video communication’ space. In twelve months just past, going from idea through prototype, beta release and $100 a year subscription lau… Read More

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Salespodder: because today’s salespeople should
