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Antisocial Social Worker Blog

A social work perspective through an antisocial lens
From when I first started training as a social worker, all the way to now, I've always had a pull towards the importance of boundaries in my work, whether I mean in helping people with them… Read More
Author Kristin Johnson is offering a special promotion on her book, "unprotected", which is about a child protection social worker. Here's a synopsis:Unprotected is the story of Amanda Dansc… Read More
Is it about gun control or mental illness... Great article HEREObviously, the much bigger issue is that Liza Long is not Adam Lanza's mom. The similarity begins and ends with the… Read More
Jon Ronson's The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry is a collection of stories and interviews that question the mental health system and the possibility of psychopaths i… Read More
Whenever I hear this phrase from a social worker (or a nurse, or psychologist, or a counsellor), a little alarm goes off in my head. I buy into it a bit because it's what we've been told in… Read More
I am doing better.There are some changes that have really helped, but there is still a lot of work to do. Reading therapy related books and blogs only at work has really helped. I've discove… Read More
No, not the show, the feeling of it.I feel lost right now. My well worn paths have been intentionally barricaded to some extent, but my head wants back on. Anxiety pops up and the familiar r… Read More
In this small journey, I've found that I have been able to get off the usual path, but have also discovered that my first resort is past paths that I've taken previously. I've been trying to… Read More
I have this wonderful topic to write about, but as I sit to write it, I don't know where to start. It is an experience that I am having right now and it stems way back to years and years ago… Read More
Things are definitely moving. Slowly, but they are moving. As I stated in my previous post, my former job was a bit less challenging than I needed, as well as a bit too laid back and slow fo… Read More
In my last post, I talked a little bit about some of the struggle I was having in my professional life. Ok, not so much talked about it, but alluded to it. Well, just before the holidays I d… Read More
This after graduation period is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. It is a very weird feeling not having something due for school that I previously had to worry about. While my… Read More
I thought I'd pass along this information to my readers. The journal Current Directions in Psychological Science is opening up their current issue to the general public. The issue theme… Read More
It's so funny coming back to writing on here after all this time. It simply slipped away in a worry of not wanting to identify people I work with (or myself, for that matter) and simply not… Read More
I love Idiocracy, and this is probably the best scene. Not very social worky related, but it's worth spending 12 seconds of your time watching the clip! Read More
It's difficult to believe that my MSW program is winding down. I just completed one major paper and have one more due for this semester. My internship is completed, 600 hours worth, and I'm… Read More
Something about a recent post at Jung At Heart really resonated with me. In my work, I struggle with working within the medical model, and with the DSM-IV, etc. While our work is based in re… Read More
     I've had this book in my sidebar for quite some time now, and to be honest, I finished it a while ago and have read a couple others since. However, I would like to revisi… Read More
In a recent post, I wrote a bit about kids on anti-psychotics, and a related story. There's a follow up to this and it has some relation to the new revisions being proposed for the DSM. I th… Read More
I don't have a lot to say about this post that I want to offer, other than it really touched me. It's a great way about how to think about how we define success with clients: A Gift Read More
I tend to think these random post posts are more my style, for now. There's so much going on, and I'm so busy, that I just can't sit down and really delve into a post. I don't think I ever h… Read More
So what about Self Help. We walk into a major bookstore these days, and there are rows upon rows of self help books. There are books for every flavor of problem that we may have, but do they… Read More
I've been following this blog post on the Psychology Today blog area about psychotherapy interventions. He's doing a countdown, and so far, has three posted, along with a related post discus… Read More
I can't tell you how disturbed I am by the increasing trend to put kids on antipsychotics, and ever increasing psychiatric medications. Isn't Ritalin bad enough? There is little to no resear… Read More
Doubt And Affirmation
Before the holiday break, I was on track, in gear and rolling. For the first time, a placement was really working for me and I didn't want it to be over, as I have with all three of my other… Read More

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Antisocial Social Worker
