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Clean Well Water Report Blog

Our offer for counseling and marriage counseling is free . Basically, we can also respond to requests nationwide. Most of the requests reach us but from the regional areas .
How To Shock Chlorinate Sanitize Wells?
This can mean that the well is under the influence of surface water, septic tanks leaking into the well, or that the well was not properly disinfected after either being drilled or serviced… Read More
How To Eliminate Water Heater Odors
 Sulfur or "rotten-egg" odors can develop in water heaters and in corroded iron piping even if the water is chlorinated city water. This usually occurs if the water has a low chlorine r… Read More
Clean Water Made Easy Podcast!
The Clean Water Made Easy podcast is now live!  Check it out at: are some links and summaries of recent podcast episodes:1: How Wat… Read More
Which Well Water Filter System?
My question is:  which well water filter system is best for my well water?  I do not have iron or rust stains, but we do get a lot of grit and sediment.   Every 2 -3 weeks I n… Read More
How Do Water Well Chlorinators Work?
Hi Gerry,My neighbor works at our local water treatment plant, and he told us he thinks we should put in a chlorinator.  We have tested off and on ever since we bought this farm for col… Read More
Sulfur Smell In Well Water
My question is about sulfur smell.  I have a sulfur smell in our well water, but after we use the water for a day, it goes away.  We only notice it when we leave the house to visit… Read More
Well Water Smells Like Rotten Eggs
Question for you.  My well water smells like rotten eggs. I don’t know what happened, it did not start to smell until recently.  This summer its been very not and we started… Read More
Neutralizer Question
Gerry,I have a neutralizer but it is not raising the pH to the 7 to 8 range which I had hoped for.  I don’t know who made or installed the neutralizer, it came with our house when… Read More
Well Pump & Pressure Tank Diagram
Gerry,Do you have a well pump and pressure tank diagram you can send me?  My son asked me how our well works, and I was trying to find some basic diagram that showed all the working par… Read More
Hello Kimberly,Thank you for contacting us through our website.  You wrote:“I have sediment in my water coming thru my pipes and I need a bacterial filter as well. What do you sug… Read More
Hello John,Thank you for contacting us through our website.  You wrote:“Water is slightly cloudy in a glass. Toilet has light brown staining at water line and light brown sediment… Read More
Hello Jim,Thank you for contacting us through our website.  You wrote:“I have an E. Coli count of 70.3 and a Coliform count of 275.5 in raw spring water located on a ranch that I… Read More
Hello Fred,Thank you very much for contacting us through our website.  You wrote:“Just bought a place with a well and need a filter system. well pumps 10 gpm...3 person house hold… Read More
Hello William,Thank you for contacting us through our website.  You wrote:“Will be putting a chlorination system and softener“Alright, so by that do you mean you are looking… Read More
Hello Bob,Thank you for contacting us through our website.  You wrote:“our well is 330' deep has high tds, methane gas is also present. We have 2 quotes from local companies with… Read More
Hello Ruben,Thank you for contacting us through our website.  You wrote:“I'd like to make OZONATED OLIVE OIL. Can 500i do it? Do you have available stone tips and silicone tubes?… Read More
Hello Luke,Thank you for contacting us.  You wrote:“How much bleach should I add to an 8,000 gallon tank if it is a 8.25% solution vs a 5% solution (clorox)?”Well, it sort o… Read More
Hello Don,Thank you for contacting us through our website.  You wrote:“looking at a calcite system, what are the differences between a standard tank and the vortex?”Here&rsq… Read More
Hello Pete,Thank you for contacting us through our website.  You wrote:“well water smells and stains sinks “According to the results you shared, the problems appear to be th… Read More
Hello Shaina,Thank you for contacting us through our website.  You wrote:“We calculated our water flow rate at 4 GPM and our water's pH is 6.14. We'd like to know which calcite fi… Read More
Hello Mr. W,Thanks for contacting us through our website.  You wrote:“We have suspended turbidity.  no sign turbidity settling after 48 hours.  Needs some type floculant… Read More
Hello Lumo,Thank you for contacting us through our website.  You wrote:  "I would like to use a whole house filter as a point of use shower filter. I would like to remove the… Read More

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Clean Well Water Report
