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World Litigation Forum Blog

Tags: nslt legal technology legal hinshaw law firm bird amp bird legal technology technology law firms iaacircs legaltech support legal separation claims explorer legal genai accuracy insurance legal legal legal technology consent verification acircwithout incidentacirc kirkland amp ellis law firm suffolk law school legal law firms legal hinshaw law bird technology law legal legal legal insurance legaltech support law firms legal tech legal legal tech legal cocounsel drafting legal legaltech procurement legal legal gen legal tech law firms legaltech bits legal separation document legal legal technology drafting arbitration contract drafting consent verification compliance consent googlebacked investment firm dynamic forms legal tech fund legal tech legal firms fbi cyber expert orbital witness legal legal legal liquidity technology legal women legal legal legal legal iaacircs legaltech legal marketing legal tech document search legal tech innovation clinic legal lexis legal legaltech legal explorer streamlined ediscovery solution suffolk law school kirkland amp marketing solutions conditional logic compliance software legal professionals legal legal current events legal tech funding legal legal tech firm wire transfer issues legaltech legal tech inhouse tech procurement settlement fraud legal sector legal legal legal firms student diligence genai nexis legal legal chatgpt legal tech meeting legal professionals ediscovery solution genai capabilities prompting challenge amp ellis seed funding legal law firm legal document management tool conveyancing hebbia tech procurement privacy legal tech drafting neosai legal legal clausebuilder court legal investment legal natural language processing legal legal generative law enforcement microsoft liquidity events legal tech solutions compliance software market mitratech holdings llc legal hotdocs legal legal tech startups firms legal services lawyer legal legaltech privacy law leya south yorkshire south yorkshire investment aipowered legaltech startups legal tech startup legal tech startup ediscovery legal mitratech generative henchman hallucination rates legal legal tech legal professionals legal professionals legal professionals legal law legal professionals microsoft antitrust charges ashurst legal professionals legaltech startups harvey technology tech hallucination practice legal antitrust legalfly businesses legal tech companies judge tracking meeting responses legal proceedings colorado legal tech landscape amp innovation officer corporate natural language processing boost lawyer productivity response attorneys judge model model hallucinations management agencies conveyancing industry response conflict passed colorado
For the broadest meeting of the finest litigators, legal experts, service providers, and entrepreneurs in the world, two legal events will coincide for the first time ever. Take in mastermind level information from experts as they discuss the newest trends and insights on stage, and then explore the exhibition floor for opportunities to advance your company. Enjoy rooftop sunsets, happy hours, and an industry-inspired nightlife to cap off each day.

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