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Must Try Adventure Trips In 2020
Are you bored with your usual 9 to 5 routine? The best way to escape with your monotonous life is to go on an adventure trip. It is the best way to explore the world which usually requi… Read More
Must Try Adventure Trips In 2019
Adventure does not always mean scaling the Mt. Everest or walking with the Cheetah. It is actually embarking on something daring, unusual and outside YOUR comfort zone. An adventure trip giv… Read More
Why You Should Build An Emergency Fund
If you undermine the need of having an emergency fund, think again. Even if you are prepared financially, life has this unique way of throwing a curveball that you never expected. The unexpe… Read More
How To Use A Credit Card Smartly
A credit card is a useful way to pay for the things you require. It offers the convenience of making the purchases at the moment but making the payment at a later time. But like any other co… Read More
The month of March is dreaded by many (Is your reason as valid as Julius Caesar?) Mostly, it is due to the money hassles. You have to declare your income and also wish to save tax in it in w… Read More
Benefits Of Having A Line Of Credit
Vikas was on his way to visit his parents when he realizes that he has forgotten to buy gifts for his family members. And since it is the end of the month, he has no money in his account. He… Read More
You would have definitely received a sales call from a bank trying to sell you a credit card with all those amazing benefits and offers. But does every credit card benefit you? The answer i… Read More
Best IndiaLends Blog Posts Of 2018
As 2018 is coming to an end, we bring to you a summary of the best of IndiaLends blog. We are happy to inform that our IndiaLends blog helped a lot of our customers on personal finance. From… Read More
Banks Vs NBFCs- Same Or Different?
Do you remember how you used to shop until a few years ago? You’d have to take out time to go out, visit multiple shops and then decide where to buy your essentials keeping in mind the… Read More
How To Save Money On Food?
“One cannot think well, sleep well if one has not dined well.” This is one of the most relatable quotes that defines how important food is in our life. According to the statistic… Read More
The Truth About Zero Credit Score
Skepticism is an innate part of human nature. Even the most trusting people can be skeptic about certain events, people or things. Lenders are no different. When a person applies for an unse… Read More
Ways To Get Best Deal On Personal Loan
The simple rule of economics states one should get as much possible and pay as little as possible. This rule is applicable to the finance sector, especially in the personal loan segment. How… Read More
9 Things To Improve Credit Score
Your credit score is one of the most crucial things you can come across in your financial journey. It determines your creditworthiness which in turn determines whether you will get a loan an… Read More
All About Post Office Payments Bank
According to a recent report by the World Bank, around 19 crore Indian adults don’t have a bank account. That is like half of the nation’s population fall under the unbanked sect… Read More
Which Type Of Traveler Are You?
Astrology, in its broadest sense, is the search for purpose in the heavens. But can it determine which type of traveler are you? Cultures all across the world have mentioned zodiac signs whi… Read More

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