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Blogging For Jobs Blog

tips and tricks for those on the job hunt. how to get noticed!! learn the unwritten rules of the job search from a professional recruiter and networker.
The bulk of this blog post was originally published at my blog site, but I thought it was an important piece and wanted to repeat it here. Originally I had come across an article d… Read More
In their new book, Tracy Maylett and Matthew Wride offer up a simple solution for building a strong and successful organization: focus on creating a better employee experience. Seems si… Read More
Working from home sure has its advantages, you don’t need to tell me. This morning I had to commute all the way from the bedroom to the couch to write this article. I love that about m… Read More
If you’re like most people these days you probably listen to podcasts regularly. You probably have a few you like and probably know the company or person that produces it fairly well… Read More
As Uber, Google and others experiment with driverless cars, worries mount that fleets of driverless taxis, though probably safer and more efficient, will mean eliminating thousands of j… Read More
Blind recruiting is a trending topic in HR. Part of the buzz is being generated by new software technologies that promise to remove gender and ethnic bias from the hiring process. Products r… Read More
The tech industry and how HR plays out in that space is one of my professional fascinations, and that extends to the boom/bust cycle of HR startups and software providers, some of which are… Read More
The days of 9 to 5 cubicle jobs are over. The new generation of workers places a high value on flexibility in a job. But, that doesn’t mean they don’t work hard, or expect not to… Read More
Be sure to check out part 1 of our Strategic in HR series.  Many in HR, and even outside the industry, would argue that in 2015, HR is all about strategy. It is true that increasingly… Read More
Most of us are familiar with the story of the Wizard of Oz. It is the story of a great and powerful wizard who saves a city, and provides hope to a girl and her companions. They were awed by… Read More
Subscribe to our RSS feed and check back for Part 2 of this series discussing Strategic HR.  The role of HR is constantly evolving and changing. Its roots are firmly planted in administ… Read More
The latest Bureau of Labour Statistics Employment Situation report is out, and the numbers are neither alarming nor fantastic. 227,000 non-farm payroll jobs were added in January and the emp… Read More
Last Thursday, Kraft Heinz announced that instead of buying another pricy Superbowl ad, they would instead turn the event into a holiday for their entire salaried US workforce. They&rsq… Read More
I wrote a lot about diversity hiring efforts last year, including covering tech companies making pledges to rapidly transform their workforces. Now that we’re a few weeks into the new… Read More
Lately I’ve been looking back on my career from corporate HR to blogger to analyst and wondering what the next 5-10 years has in store for me. Up until recently, I haven&rsqu… Read More
On January 18, 2017, USCIS published a new ruling designed to clarify DHS policies and “enable US employers to retain high-skilled workers.” An initial goal of the ruling is to c… Read More
You may have noticed a trend that has been developing over the last couple of years: people are banding together in small groups of common interests. The anxiety that many people are feeling… Read More
The face of recruiting has changed greatly over the last decade, but the tools our industry uses have essentially stayed the same. While there are a few that are able to offer what a recruit… Read More

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Blogging for Jobs
