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DO YOU HAVE A STORY TO TELL? WE CAN HELP! Writing to Heal, Therapeutic Writing Creative Non-Fiction, Poems and Stories Content Marketing for Authors Writing Workshops, Residencies and Retreats Writing Contests and Awards
"He looks it up: Loss of development. A process by which an egg ceases to be viable." Read More
“Seemingly frozen, Jerry now stood up ramrod straight on the bimah, wondering why some of his ideas had abandoned him." Read More
"You don’t realize the extent that you loved until it’s gone but I’m removing the -ed because I still love you." Read More
“A homesickness for a home to which you cannot return; the nostalgia, yearning, grief for the lost places of your past." Read More
“I am not the only one battling demons. We are the remains of the day. The longing and horror of despair." Read More
I stumble out of the matatu taxi, struggle to hoist up my weighty backpack, and am immediately confronted by several people standing nearby under the leafy canopy of a large thorny… Read More
Arziki said, “I laid down in the desert with the dead bodies. I played dead so the men would leave me alone. It is not easy for me to do,” she said, smiling ear to ear Read More
Pathos is the use of emotion to persuade or influence an audience. It is one of the three modes of persuasion identified by Aristotle Read More
“Words were minced into morsels that she could spit across the room like outrageous profanities." Read More
"She is the daughter who heard the news. Whose eyes began to well, but after eighteen years is all out of tears" Read More
“No one told us what we should do while doctors opened his ribcage and stopped his heart." Read More
"One night is all it took, two people fall in a flash, one instant freezes the moment" Read More
“For in that version, he had spared me a distant handshake. Spared me a goodbye. Left me the wide universe." Read More
“I stare at the cockroach and am sure that it is my father. It’s got the same shifty eyes that he has - well, had." Read More
“It’s always nice when the choices work for you. Yet, it’s still a bit of a Goldilocks quandary, now, isn’t it?" Read More
"My sweet, forbidden, secret recipe. Doctors will call you bipolar disorder, but to me, you are life itself." Read More
"you hold your lavender latte in your puffy red cheeks and let the heat slowly down your throat" Read More
"She stared out seemingly into the netherworld, and told you the tide was going out. You laughed at her hokey premonitions." Read More
In this collection, we explore 35 haiku poem examples, each with its own unique charm and significance, penned by poets who have mastered this art form Read More
"Days trickle like honey. Squirrels whiz and dig around drifts to find underground treasure." The post Dreams are what we have left appeared first on Dreamers Creative Writing Read More
“Jumping was the entire point, of course. V. had amassed the thorns to train the kittens by way of trauma." The post Spiked appeared first on Dreamers Creative Writing Read More
“If I just tried harder my brain would change the structure and would morph into a normal one." The post Dyslexia appeared first on Dreamers Creative Writing Read More
This generator is a straightforward online tool that provides you with random prompts for journal writing. The post Journal Writing Prompts Generator appeared first on Dreamers Creative Writ… Read More
"my hair began against the odds, in discomfort under a glaring sun and with burning flesh" The post Jessica MacLeod Poetry Collection appeared first on Dreamers Creative Writing Read More
"She stares down the street, impatiently waiting for the bus. I stare between the blinds, impatiently waiting for change." The post Between the Blinds appeared first on Dreamers Creative Wri… Read More
"once we sifted sand for seashell treasure over rushing water and storm-frothed waves...." The post Becoming Real appeared first on Dreamers Creative Writing Read More
“It is the sound of a house not shaped by uncertainty, bad decisions and poverty. It is the sound of a normal house." The post The Clock Ticks appeared first on Dreamers Creative Writi… Read More
Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting your creative journey, this guide delves deep into the world of freewriting, its magic, and its role in nurturing your artistic voice. The p… Read More
"As I picked up the cold cream jar and turned it over, I noticed something unusual. There it was, plain as day." The post Saving Mrs. Feingold appeared first on Dreamers Creative Writing Read More
"Her battered suitcase bumped behind her down the cracked concrete stairs, over dung-brown leaves plastered to the pavement." The post The Leaving appeared first on Dreamers Creative Writing… Read More
"In an ultrasound tech’s office, I fold my arms like micro-origami. Maybe I can hide under this crepe paper sheet..." The post Appointment No. 3 appeared first on Dreamers Creative Wri… Read More
"dandelion clock—the fragile dismantling one puff at a time" The post Fragile Dismantling appeared first on Dreamers Creative Writing Read More
"maple leaves curled into veined orange goblets holding dew cocktails" The post Dew Cocktails appeared first on Dreamers Creative Writing Read More

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