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A new nonfiction book, THE LIGHT EATERS, by Zoe Schlanger, delves deeply into the potential of plant intelligence. According to the blurb, she explores the abilities of plants "to communicat… Read More
Sounds like a 1950s SF horror movie, doesn't it? Don't worry, they rewire their brains -- not ours -- in response to temperature fluctuations: Octopuses Redesign Their Own Brains An octopu… Read More
A project at John Hopkins University explores how stories enhance learning and memory: How the Brain Processes Stories They've even set up a writing contest for flash fiction works to be u… Read More
Apparently, crossing the edge line pavement marking is discouraged, but it is not illegal. That unbroken white line on the right side of the motorway, between the "slow" lane and the rumble… Read More
Here's a new article by Cory Doctorow about copyright takedowns and the intricacies of the "fair use" doctrine: Copyright Takedown Cautionary Tale Fair use is a subtle, context-dependent m… Read More
I've just finished watching Season Four of THE CHOSEN, the streaming series about Jesus and his followers. (It seems likely the title refers to the latter.) I find it captivating, although n… Read More
The latest issue of SKEPTICAL INQUIRER includes an article exploring whether advance exposure to spoilers actually makes the experience of reading a book or viewing a movie (the author mainl… Read More
Given the potential copyright issues if you use a photograph taken by someone else for your professional portrait, it's not a bad idea to take the shot yourself.If someone else takes the pho… Read More
Here's an article about the evolution of the romance fiction market: Romance Novels Have Changed This discussion seems directed to people who don't regularly read romance and have stereoty… Read More
Ethics and the Internet have long parted ways.Over the last decade, legal blogger Peter S. Vogel of  Foley & Lardner LLP  has written some fascinating blog articles about super… Read More
Here's an essay by Cory Doctorow about fiction, movies, and games giving audiences what they need instead of what they want, or think they want: Against Lore Writers hijack the reader's "e… Read More
The bold and the fearless sounds like a soap opera... it's not easy to get a touch of romance into a blog about copyright law... but there you go. There is a law firm with Bold and Fearless… Read More
The second season of the current INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE series has begun. I'm ambivalent about this project. It has lots to admire. The series format allows far more delving into and exp… Read More
Working writers, and even retired writers, need insurance. For many of us, putting ones writing pursuits under the umbrella of an LLC.Legal blogger Dave Griswold of the law firm Wolters Kluw… Read More
Peter S. Beagle, author of THE LAST UNICORN, has just released a fantasy novel titled I'M AFRAID YOU'VE GOT DRAGONS. What if dragons weren't huge, majestic, terrifying beasts, but household… Read More
When I lived in Germany, I belonged to an ex-patriate group whose name I forget, but it was nothing at all like Real Housewives of the Taunus. They had a DIY ringbound cookbook which they pu… Read More
In Cory Doctorow's latest LOCUS column, he analyzes why everything on the internet is in his view "(suddenly, simultaneously) getting (much) worse." The Villain of Their Own Story He begin… Read More
Recently, I've often pondered the question, "What if you could live your life over?" Many works of science fiction and fantasy explore this provocative idea, such as the 1986 movie PEGGY SUE… Read More
'Tis the Season to be jolly. Not. At least, "not" in the sense of expecting a portly foreigner to come down the chimney bearing gifts.It might, however, be the season for romance writer conf… Read More
Last weekend, my husband, our daughter, and I attended RavenCon near Richmond, Virginia. Here's the convention's website. Information about this year's con is still up. RavenCon Guests of… Read More
One has to be careful of unicorns. They may be the stuff of fantasy and fabulists, but like "black swans", they can also be understood in stock market terms. A unicorn company is valued at a… Read More
Is AI good or bad for authors? AI (artificial intelligence) is such a broad term, and the technology included under its umbrella -- from little more than an enhanced variety of autocomplete… Read More
Maybe not everyone knows this, but if you have an LLC, for instance to protect yourself as an author in case you are sued for something you published, you have to file with FINCEN. That is t… Read More
Is it possible to be a good Dark Lord (or Lady)? The term "good" in this context is ambiguous. It can mean competent, skilled at certain tasks, fit for his, her, or its purpose. Or it can me… Read More
Why Santa Claus? Why a Mammogram, and not an MRI? Obviously this is an extended metaphor, it might even qualify as an allegory. Santa Claus is a probably not real, he does not fly around the… Read More
A work of art (specifically, literature, including poetry such as song lyrics) does not necessarily reveal the life or personality of the artist. Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers didn't ma… Read More
Clichés aren't copyrightable, and rightly so. It would be unjust and inconvenient to deprive the populace of the right to express an inoffensive idea (even an over-used and unoriginal… Read More
Cory Doctorow advances the position that capitalism isn't evolving into socialism (as classical Marxism predicted) but into a new form of feudalism: Capitalists Hate Capitalism His explana… Read More
Guest Author Post
This week we have a guest blog, in Q & A form, from multi-genre author Karen Hulene Bartell: "What inspired you to begin writing?" IMHO, reading is the inspiration for and entry into wri… Read More
Last week was a bad one, at least for my discretionary (aka writing) time. As writers, we are under pressure to promote, which means populating social media sites, making lots of friend… Read More
The Red Cross won't take my blood. No matter how overdrawn the blood banks are, some blood is just too muddy to be accepted as a donation to those who desperately need a transfusion.As you m… Read More
Confronted with yet another stretch of several rainy days in a row, I'm reminded of the passage in the New Testament that illustrates divine impartiality with the statement that God sends ra… Read More
Do you sometimes see emails that appear to have come from yourself or your author name? Only when you hover your cursor over your name do you see that the email address is actually from an a… Read More
Another post by Cory Doctorow about how good platforms go bad and, by extension, how the internet goes bad: Intermediation Why didn't the internet, as promised, "disintermediate the world"… Read More
Some superstars get to trademark a word and buy themselves trouble, and others have to persevere for many years before their brand and image is shielded. As far as I know, no one has tr… Read More
One of my publishers hosts weekly author chats. I recently read the transcript of a chat that warned against "overwhelming" the reader. Specifically, it discussed the hazard of overwhelming… Read More
This week T. Kingfisher's new horror novel, WHAT FEASTS AT NIGHT, was published. Sequel to WHAT MOVES THE DEAD (a retelling of "The Fall of the House of Usher"), it features the same narrato… Read More
"Two wrongs don't make a right," directly contradicts "An eye for an eye", which notion of equal justice predates Exodus, and is thought to come from the ancient Mesopotamian Hammurabi's Cod… Read More
Speaking of living one's life over again, have I mentioned Jo Walton's novel MY REAL CHILDREN before? Having reread it last week, I'm impressed anew by its unusual approach to alternate hist… Read More
February 2 is almost upon us -- Groundhog Day, aka Imbolc (Celtic) or Candlemas (Christian). Here's a brief overview of its history: Imbolc This date constitutes one of the major seasonal… Read More
Who cares if a late night comedian's voice-over says PERIOD and displays an exclamation point? How influential is that? It is thoroughly illiterate, and wrong... or is it, if a powerful gove… Read More
Recently T. Kingfisher published the fourth book in her "Saint of Steel" series, PALADIN'S FAITH. (The others are PALADIN'S GRACE, PALADIN'S STRENGTH, and PALADIN'S HOPE.) Also in the same s… Read More
I was planning to regurgitate some of the current discussions about AI, particularly with respect to copyright (this is, after all, a blog by and for authors), but I have just changed my tit… Read More
I've recently finished reading an anthology called WEIRD TALES: 100 YEARS OF WEIRD, edited by Jonathan Maberry, current editor of "The Unique Magazine." As the subtitle implies, this book wa… Read More
"Once..." is an odd and exciting word. It sets up expectations for what is to come next. Three possibilities come to mind.Once... Twice, as in "Once bitten, twice shy," the proverb, and the… Read More
A robotic device called ElliQ, which functions as an AI "companion" for older people, is now available for purchase by the general public at a price of only $249.99 (plus a monthly subscript… Read More
Just what we need for an AI-enhanced Happy New Year: AI-enhanced scams, data breaches involving everything a "population health technology company" has on millions of patients, trademark sca… Read More
Cory Doctorow's latest LOCUS column analyzes AI as a "tech bubble." What Kind of Bubble Is AI? Although I had a vague idea of what economists mean by "bubble," I looked it up to make sure… Read More
My topic for the day is "Pig Butchering", which is a brutal name for a type of scam. For my title (not to borrow someone else's title), I took Anatomy, with reference to meaning #6, Examinat… Read More
January 1 is Public Domain Day for works still under copyright that were first released in 2028: Public Domain Day 2024 The article includes selected lists of books, plays, films, and musi… Read More
If you do an internet search for images of Trolls, you are likely to find small, colorful creatures with wild hair, big toothy grins, and retrousse noses with large, wide nostrils.The nostri… Read More
The solstice is upon us! There's hope that within a few weeks darkness will stop falling at 5 p.m. Happy winter holidays! It might seem natural that if people with arcane psychic talents ex… Read More
It was a time when all women were men, at least on the stage. Boys and men played the female parts. The "nurses" and other character parts were the Mrs. Doubtfires of the Elizabethan and Jac… Read More
Can a computer program read thoughts? An experimental project uses AI as a "brain decoder," in combination with brain scans, to "transcribe 'the gist' of what people are thinking, in what wa… Read More
Punctuation is a matter of courtesy to ones reader. I believe that Sir Ernest Gowers wrote words to that effect in his influential "Plain Words". He was a powerful advocate for brevity and p… Read More
Here's yet another list of the supposedly most intelligent nonhuman animals, or at least a selection of them: 11 of the World's Smartest Animals How is intelligence defined for purposes of… Read More
What's In A Meme? In a fund-raising email, with the subject-line "Fight For The Memes", Christian Romero of the EFF Membership Team wrote of memes:"Support your right to have fun online.""De… Read More
A study at the University of Kansas Medical Center "discovered that cats use nearly 300 distinct facial expressions to communicate with one another": Cats' Facial Expressions In contrast… Read More
Now this is interesting if you happen to want to be legally correct while writing about a naughty astronaut.Per ardua ad astra is the motto of the British Royal Air Force, and means (roughly… Read More
Happy American Thanksgiving! Ordinarily we spend the weekend after Turkey Day at ChessieCon, formerly Darkover Grand Council, which has traditionally occurred every Thanksgiving weekend for… Read More
Whether the photo is of your wedding or is taken as you arrive at a glamorous event or awards ceremony (not that the latter two are mutually exclusive) or even if it the one-in-a-million pas… Read More

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