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Julian Worker Fiction Writing Blog

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Excerpts from my murder/mystery stories and examples of my creative writing.
Maigret out of Paris on a bicycle in the French countryside. Lovely descriptions of the weather, the fields, and the canal boat community. I’d have preferred it if they’d kept… Read More
Mystery Groups
The book Mystery Groups is available on a discount here The description is as follows: Do YOU have trouble putting IKEA furniture together? Yes? There’s a Buddhist group wh… Read More
Keeping In Touch
The Book Keeping in Touch is available for a discount here A description: We are closer to those further away than to those nearer to us. This is a story about communication… Read More
Dragon Lawyer : Scales Of Justice
I’ve always thought dragons and lawyers have been badly treated. When I see a dragon, it’s usually being attacked by St George and skeweredwith a lance. Lawyers are criticised… Read More
Our Cats In Amsterdam – 10
On the rest of this today and the next today the humans packed and unpacked their bags several times each and changed their suitcases twice. This suggests indecision to me, but they eventual… Read More
The Diary Of Hercules – 5
Day 370 I had to borrow a massive clothes peg from the laundry because of today’s fifth labour, cleaning out the massive Augean stables in a single day. Luckily, thanks to the Eryma… Read More
Our Cats In Amsterdam – 9
“Hello Freddie and Gemma, how are you, and who were your friends?” “Hello Rufus, how’s the flying going? Are you going further?” I ask. “I am increa… Read More
Our Cats In Amsterdam – 8
“Can I have some books, please?” I ask politely, “a nice variety of books, fiction, geography, comedies, business, that sort of thing.” “Yes, we’ve hea… Read More
Our Cats In Amsterdam – 7
“Will you remove the dye after the mission is completed?” I ask, “just so my humans will recognise me when I come back? I wouldn’t want them to think the cat sitter h… Read More
The Diary Of Hercules – 4
Day 369 After travelling towards the North pole and back in the previous year, it’s nice to be home although Eurystheus isn’t very pleased with the piece of antler I brought b… Read More
The Woods Of St Francis – 4
Knowles screwed up his face with doubt and rubbed his chin. Barnes nodded. “Well, that’s a theory,” said Knowles,”but, she must have been drunk or blind. Strong to… Read More
Payment Deferred By CS Forester
William Marble is a bank clerk. He is short of money. A chance visit from a well-off distant relative provides him with an opportunity to solve his financial woes. The relative is buried in… Read More
Our Cats In Amsterdam – 5
“And who are the people on the other side?” I ask, “the people you need my help against?” Arabella and Aubrey then go into a long explanation of my role and Gemma… Read More
The Diary Of Hercules – 3
Day 3 – Day 368 The third labour was to capture the Ceryneian Hind. This animal is big and fast, having golden antlers and brass hooves. The hind also snorts fire. This is no ordina… Read More
Our Cats In Amsterdam – 4
“Well, that’s true, as usual you are right Freddie,” replies Reg, “so go ahead Arabella and Aubrey, let Freddie know what your suggestion is.” “Thank y… Read More
The History Of The Kings Of Britain
Geoffrey of Monmouth completed this book in 1136. It traces the story of the kings of Britain from Brutus – the great-grandson of Aeneas who escaped from Troy – to Cadwallader wh… Read More
Our Cats In Amsterdam – 3
I scamper over the floor and jump onto the counter. I say ‘Good Morning’ to the primroses and all the cacti on the window sill. The previously grumpy primrose returns my greeting… Read More
The Diary Of Hercules – 2
Day 2 The Hydra at Lerna was the second of my labours. I headed over to Lerna with orders to kill the monster. When I arrived, the Hydra was crying. It had just been to the dentist and be… Read More
Our Cats In Amsterdam – 2
I am dreaming about sitting on top of The Eiffel Tower contemplating my existence. As you can deduce, the height of the object I’m sitting on in my dreams is increasing and soon it wil… Read More
Manton Rempville – 2
The two men started to walk over to the eastern wall of the monastery’s refectory where the body had been found an hour earlier by Bingo the retriever, out on a long walk with his owne… Read More
The Diary Of Hercules – 1
I married Megara, daughter of King Creon of Thebes. However, in a fit of madness induced by Hera, I killed Megara and our children. I always find it useful to blame someone else in these sit… Read More
Manton Rempville – 1
Detective Sergeant Rod Barnes surveyed the remains of Manton Rempville monastery with incredulity. He’d heard that 100,000 pounds had been spent on preserving the ruins and he couldn&r… Read More
The Woods Of St Francis – 1
Chapter 1 – Scoresby Police Station – Monday 8:15 am “Good morning, Linda,” said Detective Inspector Colin Knowles as he strolled into the office. Knowles was happ… Read More
Our Cats In Amsterdam – 1
Hello fellow book readers.  It’s been 60 todays since I last wrote anything down that I wanted to share with you. I’ve been keeping my paw in by writing down what’s… Read More
The True Deceiver By Tove Janssen
I almost gave up on this book as it was reminding me unfavourably of The Birds by Tarjei Vesaas. The Birds is a brilliant novel that tells the tale of Mattis, a mentally disabled man cared f… Read More
Diary Of Hercules – Day 2
The Hydra at Lerna was the second of my labours. I headed over to Lerna with orders to kill the monster. When I arrived, the Hydra was crying. It had just been to the dentist and been told t… Read More
To Be Read At Dusk
A short book containing three stories telling of deadly premonitions, the interception of dreams, and spectres bearing warnings. The stories are called ‘To Be Read at Dusk’, … Read More
Diary Of Hercules – Day 1
The first of my labours was to go and attack the Nemean Lion in his cave at Nemea. There are lots of caves near Nemea and there’s a lion in each of them, so how do I know which one to… Read More
The Black Lizard By Edogawa Rampo
Edogawa Rampo is the pseudonym of the Japanese novelist Taro Hirai and is a transliteration of Edgar Allen Poe’s name. That’s what it says on the back cover of the book and yet i… Read More
The Adventures Of Tom Bombadil
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book was published on 22nd November 1962. In the first part of The Lord of the Rings, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin are crossi… Read More
 Pheidippides Diary
I was in Greece recently and came across an amazing find, the original diary of Pheidippides or Phidippides, or Philippides. These are some extracts from one chapter: Day 1: P… Read More
Darkness At Noon By Arthur Koestler
Apparently, like 1984 and Animal Farm, Darkness at Noon is a powerful work of 20th-Century literature that explores the moral danger inherent in a system that is willing to enforce its belie… Read More
Dragon Lawyer – 5
This is part of Chapter 6 from a book called (at the moment) Dragon Lawyer, about Wendy, a five-foot high dragon who has become a lawyer in a magical land of various types of creature. She h… Read More
Dragon Lawyer – 4
This is part of Chapter 6 from a book called (at the moment) Dragon Lawyer, about Wendy, a five-foot high dragon who has become a lawyer in a magical land of various types of creature. She h… Read More
Point Omega By Don DeLillo
Point Omega is Don DeLillo’s fifteenth novel. At the end of a period working for government war planners, Richard Elster retreats to the desert, where he is joined by Jim Finley, a… Read More
Dragon Lawyer – 3
This is part of Chapter 6 from a book called (at the moment) Dragon Lawyer, about Wendy, a five-foot high dragon who has become a lawyer in a magical land of various types of creature. She h… Read More
Dragon Lawyer – 2
This is part of Chapter 6 from a book called (at the moment) Dragon Lawyer, about Wendy, a five-foot high dragon who has become a lawyer in a magical land of various types of creature. She h… Read More
Dragon Lawyer – 1
This is part of Chapter 6 from a book called (at the moment) Dragon Lawyer, about Wendy, a five-foot high dragon who has become a lawyer in a magical land of various types of creature. She h… Read More
The Green Eyes Of Bast By Sax Rohmer
Written by Sax Rohmer in 1920, this book is a good yarn. It’s a compelling story where you more or less know whodunit early on in the story, but it’s a question of why they did i… Read More
6 Books Of Knowles – Book 6
There are six Inspector Knowles books set in and around Goat Parva, Manton Rempville, Willougby Waterless, and Melton Lazars. Where are these places you might ask? Well, they’re in my… Read More
There are six Inspector Knowles books set in and around Goat Parva, Manton Rempville, Willougby Waterless, and Melton Lazars. Where are these places you might ask? Well, they’re in my… Read More
There are six Inspector Knowles books set in and around Goat Parva, Manton Rempville, Willougby Waterless, and Melton Lazars. Where are these places you might ask? Well, they’re in my… Read More
There are six Inspector Knowles books set in and around Goat Parva, Manton Rempville, Willougby Waterless, and Melton Lazars. Where are these places you might ask? Well, they’re in my… Read More
6 Books Of Knowles – Book 2
There are six Inspector Knowles books set in and around Goat Parva, Manton Rempville, Willougby Waterless, and Melton Lazars. Where are these places you might ask? Well, they’re in my… Read More
There are six Inspector Knowles books set in and around Goat Parva, Manton Rempville, Willougby Waterless, and Melton Lazars. Where are these places you might ask? Well, they’re in my… Read More
There are six Inspector Knowles books set in and around Goat Parva, Manton Rempville, Willougby Waterless, and Melton Lazars. Where are these places you might ask? Well, they’re in my… Read More
Our Cats in Amsterdam is the sequel to The Diary of a Buddhist Cat. Freddie and Gemma’s combination of daring rescues, apprehension of thieves, and stealthy listening skills have co… Read More
Tree-Hugging Cats – 5
I say ‘Good Morning’ to the cacti and the primroses on the window ledge and then climb down the trellis. I can feel the metal digging into my pads ever so slightly as the skin ha… Read More
Wendy Drachen – 6
“You’re going to see Rapunzel next?” asked Baby Bear. “I am, she said that she had something to discuss with me and so I’m fully intending to help her.&rdquo… Read More
Tree-Hugging Cats – 4
Chapter 3 – Today It’s a grey day outside and rain is falling steadily. I peer through the blinds and see that there are some clear skies heading our way, so I hope when I go… Read More
Wendy Drachen – 5
“Yes, we have quite a lot of land which we use to run around on, but we pigs are not like humans and feel the need to build large houses to live in. We just need a small house where we… Read More
Review Of 1984 By George Orwell
Quintuple plusgood. What else can you say? I think this is the third time I’ve read this book and it never ceases to amaze. Orwell completed the first draft of this book at Barnhill… Read More
Tree-Hugging Cats – 3
Compare this with the elementary particle fired towards a wall with two holes in it. Does the unobserved particle go through one hole or the other? No, it goes through both. Our world is… Read More
Wendy Drachen – 4
“…so I remembered the bed in the empty house and said to my wife I’d sleep in the house, in the human bed, that would be an experience, and I’d sleep there until I w… Read More
Tree-Hugging Cats – 2
John moves across to the fridge and opens the door. “Do you know when this arrived?” he asks. I drop down onto the floor and creep slowly towards the door and peer inside… Read More
Wendy Drachen – 3
“Thank you, now can you address the fact that absolutely no belongings were found in the house at all, nothing to suggest to anyone that an elderly female lived there. No walking frame… Read More
Tree-Hugging Cats
This is the beginning of the third Freddie and Gemma book and follows on from Two Cats in Amsterdam ================================================================ Chapter 1 – T… Read More
Wendy Drachen – 2
Mrs and Mr Drachen have a daughter called Wendy. Wendy is a five-foot high dragon who wears gloves to cover her claws. She has rather rounded shoulders as her wings have evolved into wha… Read More
Wendy Drachen
Mrs and Mr Drachen have a daughter called Wendy. Wendy is a five-foot high dragon who wears gloves to cover her claws. She has rather rounded shoulders as her wings have evolved into wha… Read More
Epitaph For A Spy By Eric Ambler
Eric Ambler is the Agatha Christie of thriller writers – there’s never been a better one and this story proves the point as any one of the guests at the Reserve pension on the Fr… Read More
Wikipedia Of The Future
This is a Wikipedia review based on the thought stream of a tourist from Iota Centauri during their visit to the Canadian prairies in the year 7575AD. There are high carbon dioxide levels… Read More
Walk The Blue Fields By Claire Keegan
This book comprises eight short stories, seven taking place in western Ireland, and one on the coast of Texas. All of them are wonderful and well written, with in the background an Irelan… Read More
This is a very strange book on one hand and fascinating on the other. Characters are introduced in almost every chapter but they’re never described, in fact the main character is never… Read More
Herod And Mariamne By Par Lagerkvist
This is a superb short story with historical characters as the two main people in the story, indeed the only two characters who are given names. The historical story concerns many other p… Read More
This is a book of 12 short stories by P.G. Wodehouse. The first six are excellent as they involve the familiar characters of Blandings Castle such as Lord Emsworth, his son Freddie Threepwoo… Read More
The shy Unn and the lively Siss are in the same class at school aged around 11. Unn prefers to remain aloof from the other children whereas Siss is the centre of attention and a leader in… Read More
Ivan Dragomiloff is the founder and mastermind of the secret Assassination Bureau, Ltd. The social reformer Winter Hall falls in love with Grunya, who is Dragomiloff’s daughter. When H… Read More
Good Intentions By Ogden Nash
A wonderful collection of witty verses from the late 1930s and early 1940s that made me chuckle, not necessarily because they’re funny but because they’re extremely clever. Perha… Read More
The star of this book is the treacherous Skeleton Coast where the action takes place at two different periods in history, in the 1950s and during WWII. Geoffrey Peace is the skipper of a… Read More
Graham Greene wrote The Tenth Man in 1944 when he was under a two-year contract with MGM. The manuscript lay forgotten in their archives until 1983 . It was published two years later. Thi… Read More
This is a compelling novel about The Gambler, Alexey Ivanovitch, who is working in the household of a Russian General – he was only promoted to this rank on his retirement – who… Read More
This book was published in 1894 and is set in the Northern wilderness of Norway. The book tells the story of a summer relationship between Lieutenant Thomas Glahn who is spending time on hol… Read More
The Figure In The Dusk
John Creasey wrote more than six hundred novels using twenty-eight different pseudonyms during his career as a novelist. This is one of the Chief Inspector Roger West books known alternat… Read More

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Julian Worker Fiction Writing
