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Kunle Microfinance Blog

Tags: human human historical relationship soyinka investment book social human social benin yoruba greatest knowledge freedom field social soyinka sofola british igala writer freedom lekki deep sea nsukka stood abu dhabi social metric tons freedom college dangote refinery nigeria social dangote hamilton soyinka indomie abaxial surface cement york fragmentary ambush approach igbo trillion tribe hamilton human social british government approach yorubas social dangote abaxial wole soyinka british troops federal government stock social refinery fragmentary british dhabi freedom history king charles study african literature trillion dollars tinubu british troops social prejudice human environment freedom volunteer militia men surface wole soyinka waiter fela egypt historical history human government soyinka sofola charles king soyinka yoruba social psychology cultural freedoms genre federal social floor yoruba greatest nigeria igbo freedom mankind historical greatest history soyinka history uncommon breed maximum egregious squanderer tonal language philosophy fairy art councils caretaker committees lead judgement apex court funsho aiyejina literary art president spoken village crypto music rational historical government cities africa nairobi lawyer middlesex multinational africa uncommon breed wealth market vain fahrenheit social achilles shrapnel
MICRO FINANCE unknown to many is the sole panacea to mass poverty eradication in human society.The blog specifically focuses on the industry around the world but with more bias on Africa-unarguably the poorest region of the world.
Close hauled clamourous charlatans clothiers of indigent times coalescent coagulants coincidental cognate of collapsible times comely, comestible and commemorative compunction and conciliato… Read More
Soyinka At 90 Part One
The works of the youth shall follow them when they re old and if it be evil sticks like immortal evil and if it be good sticks like immortalized good.Hence what do you do with your t… Read More
A hackney of happy-go-lucky and haggard habitude, impalpable immisibles, defiance from the hales of halcyon's,hard hearted fiends and hanger-ons, plethora of impetuous heathenish, impercepti… Read More
That deponent took him demulcent in the dendrology and the ecology of dendrology across enfilade of abeyance that may denude himself of the sarcastic denouement of the forest.Deplorable as i… Read More
Dangote Refinery Part 2
I was scared of the huge size of Dangote Refinery in the same way,I was scared of his previous monopolies in sugar, cement and even stranglehold of stock exchange at some point where Dangote… Read More
However in the aftermath of the historic judgement there was panic in many states where a staggering 437 local government councils in 19 states risk zero allocation beginning from this month… Read More
In the statement issued by national publicity secretary of APC Felix Morka on Friday that the judgement "gives practical expression to constitutional recognition of local government councils… Read More
The landmark verdict by the supreme court of Nigeria which granted full financial autonomy to the often marginalised third tier arm of local government opens a revolutionary dawn in… Read More
At the African CEO Forum 2024 anchored by powerful journalist and the two speakers were álíkó Dangote and Patrick pouyuwane president of total energy gave eloquent speec… Read More
There is element of truth in what we know and the optimal value of knowledge does not retard nor desperately dissipates long after its use value of necessity had outlived its utility.Dependi… Read More
Knowledge management:The significance of knowledge capability in the context of change management which opulently factors into account the reflexive nature of problem management appears by i… Read More
Achilles Heel.Strumpets And Studhorses,whirlpool Of Humdug, Stupefied Stuffed Shirts, Sacerdotal Squirels, Sisyphean Maelstrom Of Skidrows , Intellecities ,Stuntsmen,shrillings Of shrinking… Read More
Freedom by modal stuff are inveigled bestrewed cultural characters in the benign climate of social system's disruptive spaces of social relation's indiscriminate bias of social prejudice to… Read More
Mordern societies in the place of social politics operate social impairment politics which assures that social disorder is guarranteed and we do not need to enquire too far why balkanisation… Read More
A relative share of effective freedoms is more than possible where the developmental enterprise of social relation supplanted by politics of social perception clearly safeguards the clueless… Read More
I think it is possible for social reengineering of social system to effectively work where there's rational patronage that guarantees the functional utility of social equity.An average human… Read More
Freedoms as hyperheaded sovereign public resources,most primed public assets of mordern civilisation,most erudite societal technology of public life are denominated and arbitraged for per ca… Read More
The daunting task of culture to give birth to operating history or real history not the actual history or the empirical history using the backward histology in the most ideal period of mars… Read More
In a socially sensitive clime we bargain the class of freedom we desire .And the tendency to choose the right type of specific freedoms suitable for societies is extremely withheld from perc… Read More
Rational choices are naturally adopted and influenced by the magnitude of social challenges.Driven by prism of freedom genre subject to clinical dissection of empirical review and historical… Read More
The capacity constraint of the individual choices is one hydraheaded monster and the other challenge being able to raise perception adequate to strategically demand for the required volume o… Read More
Contemptuous contempt contends them as soon as their asinine contemporaries were begun in their Pandora ranting to conjure conspiracy that they could barely smother,so much froth in the conc… Read More
Huge economic challenge is facing every economy worldwide and can be covered up extensively in the face of sordid mirage and volatile economic growth rate . Certainly this growth delusion ab… Read More
A Deluge Of Crypto Wealth In Nigeria
I was surprised by this punch report below and the size of crypto market wealth strategically in the country but I think is yet evenly distribute itself across the economic divides i… Read More
Didn't you tell me you re good in history and very versatile?""It depends on what you wanna know.""What do you mean really ?""History is versatile and broad and so you must be versatile too… Read More
The blogger was recently engaged in a discussion on intimidating profile o Bard of Kongi and prove how the nobel laureate is arguably the greatest professional in the whole world.This was in… Read More
There's a new discussion on Facebook about British isles and influence of United kingdom worldwide in this edition the blogger made longest comments in the spirit of discussion and here repo… Read More
Quite interesting the moment I stumbled on the essay in my Facebook page today after I woke at 3 to 4am and I was shocked and glued till I finished reading it.I Ve always said our politician… Read More
Development In The Cities
Nigeria is lagging behind consider our best expressway in the giant of Africa and compare it with Nairobi and other cities in Africa see main nairobi… Read More
Very few Nigerians like southpaw oluloyo and chike óbị could face him in mathematics a mystery don at unilag.The first professor of mechanical engineering in Africa.They call hi… Read More
The blogger in the pages of Facebook often at loggerhead when Igbo started their lies.Then he intervened to counter the logics that criticized the Yoruba languages are not the most widely sp… Read More
How can u compare the two some body with seven novels or 11 books to a man with 62books including translations.Are the d same?Nò nobel laureate in history is great as wole Soyinka and… Read More
🎯 Some Historical Events That Occurred Between The Igbo And Igala People 📌 The Igbo-Igala War:: A series of conflicts that took place between the Igbo people and the Iga… Read More
Obasanjo 's Phenomenal Remedy.
The blogger once again profete solution to our many economic problems once and for all.Although I used to like Obasanjo until he provoked me especially his opoosition to tinubu's presidency… Read More
There is serious tribalism going on in the country ,completely ruined everything and a major reason behind our economic backwardness and every tribe seems to twisted the Nigerian history to… Read More
I think it is a fact Ibadan is the most powerful city in yorubaland in terms of warfare after Ogbomoso,Oyo state.It was the only city that fought major cities of the yorubala… Read More
Nigerians are bloody tyrants of ethnicity and related jingoism and the writer in this piece debunk the claim that IKWERES are Igbos.We are a great nation and of course as giant of Africa but… Read More
I think I believe All things are possible Not that they can be But absolutely must be Beyond the crucifix of impossibility Golden charm to change the cantankerous Beneath this surge of impo… Read More
I doubt the current administration of tinubu will finish that laudable projects like Lagos Calabar project he had begun.Many investment had been ruined along the coastal corridor and every a… Read More
We are endangered species in this part of the world and I think we should state categorically the way it should be stated the mountain of debt gripping States and federal government in Niger… Read More
Take a look at my choice essays,news,reports, interviews over the last one month or and enjoy the reading Read More

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