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Real Fire Man Blog

My blog is about fire and safety related topics. It will give you information about fire causes, fire prevention, fire safety and steps to counter these fires. It will also cover safety procedures, safety guidelines and safety tools.
How To Become Freelancer Developer
FreeLancer Developer. Becoming a freelance developer can be a rewarding and flexible career path. Here are some steps to help you get started:Choose your area of specialization: Determine wh… Read More
Amazon | Amazon Prime | Amazon Jobs
Amazon is a multinational technology and e-commerce company based in Seattle, Washington, USA. It was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 as an online bookstore, but it has since expanded its busi… Read More
Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending emails to a group of people or a targeted audience with the aim of promoting products, services, events, or building and… Read More
There are numerous banks in the United States, ranging from large national banks to regional and local institutions. Here is a list of some of the well-known banks in the USA as of my last k… Read More
Hotel Room Safety
They are watching you when you're in the bedroom and when you're in the bathroom. No i'm not talking about your three-year-old kids. One of the last things you think about when going on vaca… Read More
What is Hydraulic Treatment Chair for Salon?A hydraulic treatment chair, also known as a hydraulic treatment table or hydraulic therapy chair, is a piece of equipment commonly used in medica… Read More
UPS | UPS Usage
What is UPS?An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is a device that provides emergency power to electrical equipment during power outages or fluctuations in the main power supply. It is desig… Read More
Carbon Monoxide Sources In Home
Tragically more than half the deaths that happened during hurricane laura was due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Now how was it due to carbon monoxide poisoning?Unfortunately people get gener… Read More
Accidents can occur anywhere and any time. You can get hurt at home, in the classroom, when rushing down the stairs, on the playground or while crossing the road. It happens, doesn't it?Now… Read More
Do Macs Need Antivirus
Today, We are going to ask a big question — Do Mac need antivirus?You must have heard that Macs don’t effected with viruses. You may have said that yourself. Sadly, the latest Ma… Read More
When you work in a factory, you are surely to be surrounded by machines. What powers these machines is electricity and if electricity is not handled accurately you are at risk of injury and… Read More
An isolated power system, also known as an off-grid power system, is a self-contained electrical network that operates independently from the national grid or utility power supply. It is typ… Read More
5G's all the rage right now but some people are worried that it could make them sick so we've decided to do a deep dive on this new technology and find out how it affects the human body roll… Read More
Fuses | Fuse Links | Fuses And Earthing
When the lights go off all of a sudden, what do we check at first?It is the fuse box. Because if anything goes wrong with our electric supply it is our fuse that blows off. The fuse protects… Read More
What is an Electric Outlet?An electric outlet, also known as a power outlet or a socket, is a device installed in buildings or structures that allows electrical devices to be connected to th… Read More
Put Out Grease Fire
What is grease?Grease is a thick, oily, and usually semi-solid or solid lubricant. It is commonly used to reduce friction between moving parts and prevent wear and tear. Grease is made from… Read More
What is Voltage?Voltage, also known as electric potential difference or electric tension, is a fundamental concept in electricity. It measures the difference in electric potential energy bet… Read More
A pedestrian light, also known as a pedestrian crossing signal or pedestrian signal, is a type of traffic control device specifically designed to regulate the movement of pedestrians at inte… Read More
Water Heater How to Install.A water heater is a device that is used to heat water for various purposes, such as domestic use, bathing, or industrial processes. It is typically installed in h… Read More
Water heater how to repair. A water heater is a device used to heat and store water for domestic or commercial use. It is typically found in homes, hotels, and other buildings to provide hot… Read More
How To Become Freelancer Developer?
FreeLancer Developer. Becoming a freelance developer can be a rewarding and flexible career path. Here are some steps to help you get started:Choose your area of specialization: Determine wh… Read More
Hydraulic treatment chairs are a great way to provide comfort and relaxation for your clients at an affordable price. In this blog we will cover a few hydraulic treatment chair safety tips s… Read More
Cindy Crawford Beauty CreamCindy Crawford is a well-known American supermodel, and she has her own skincare line called Meaningful Beauty. While I don't have access to specific information b… Read More
JLO Beauty CreamJLo Beauty is a skincare line created by American singer, actress, and businesswoman Jennifer Lopez. While I don't have specific information about the latest developments aft… Read More
New York Times Cooking | Cooking AppThe New York Times Cooking is a popular cooking website and app that provides a wide range of recipes, cooking tips, and techniques. It features a vast co… Read More
Global Industries | Inmotion IndustriesGlobal industries refer to the interconnected network of businesses and organizations that operate on a global scale. These industries encompass a wide… Read More
Skin Care and Beauty ProductsSkin care and beauty products encompass a wide range of products designed to improve and maintain the health and appearance of the skin. Here are some common typ… Read More
Transformer oil, also known as insulating oil or dielectric oil, is a specialized type of oil used in electrical transformers and other electrical equipment. Its primary purpose is to provid… Read More
Here are 14 time-saving computer life hacks we wish we had learned sooner. Now there are three types of computer users. The ones who use their Mouse, those who use their keyboard and those w… Read More
Hydraulic treatment chairs are a great way to provide comfort and relaxation for your clients at an affordable price. In this blog we will cover a few hydraulic treatment chair safety tips s… Read More
Natural gas is one of the cleanest, safest, most efficient energy sources available and is the preferred energy source for heating American homes and businesses. Natural gas is versatile and… Read More
City Cycling- If you've not done it before, city cycling can be a little daunting.- Cycling's really fun out in the open countryside, but it can be really fun in the city too. You just need… Read More
Tragically more than half the deaths that happened during hurricane laura was due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Now how was it due to carbon monoxide poisoning?Unfortunately people get gener… Read More
The railway keeps the country moving. It carries us to work and gets us to school, brings us together and takes us away. The railway's there for us, our families and our friends and it's mas… Read More
What is safety?Accidents can take place anywhere and at any time. You can get hurt at home, in the classroom, when rushing down the stairs, on the playground or while crossing the road. It h… Read More
It's my breakfast kitty. It's my breakfast. Check this out everybody its parties well something from Hardee's I figured why not while grabbing lunch yesterday get breakfast for today and the… Read More
Today, I’m gonna ask a big question — do Macs need antiviruses?You may have heard that Macs don’t get viruses. You may even have said it yourself. Sadly,the latest Malwareb… Read More
Consider you have just received a present your first smartphone. Did you know you can do tons of things with a smartphone. One of the coolest things is that you can go on the internet. The i… Read More
Safe work environment is not always enough to control all potential electrical hazards. You must be very cautious to work safely. Safety rules and occupational health and safety will help yo… Read More
five g's all the rage right now but some people are worried that it could make them sick so we've decided to do a deep dive on this new technology and find out how it affects the human body… Read More
when the lights go off all of a sudden, what do we check at first?It is the fuse box. Because if anything goes wrong with our electric supply it is our fuse that blows off. The fuse protects… Read More
Can you believe this, sudden burst of flames is the result of water being thrown on a burning frying pan the old adage oil and water don't mix. could not be more true you absolutely should n… Read More
Put aluminum foil in your toilet and see what happens but first let's head on over to the Dollar Tree just in case you don't have any of these items handy grab yourself some tin foil or… Read More
Hello all my little friends....Lucio today i'm going to talk about your cousins yes about pedestrian traffic lights listen boys and girls when you want to cross the street you should always… Read More
which will kill you volts or amps?voltage or current you may have heard the saying it's not the volts that kill you it's the amps in one way that's true but as you'll see that's not the comp… Read More
You are looking at the nightmare that happens every year across America pushing the limits of thin ice. A day ruined, property destroyed, and in the worst cases, lives lost.And it can happen… Read More
Earth, the third planet from the sun, the only planet having a vast diversity of life forms while other planets of our solar system are either scorching hot or bitterly cold earth has a rela… Read More
Hi Gang! I get asked every now and then, what is ground? Sometimes it's to do with household ground, this prong and hole in your plug, sometimes it's about finding a good ground when making… Read More
What is Firewall? how many types are these Firewall is a network security tool that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic And it decides that on the basis of security rules Allow or… Read More
Lets test Windows Defender against ransomware and see where we're at when it comes to real-time protection as usual we're going to use some of the most infamous threats from The Last Five Ye… Read More
today WE WILL DISCUSS ABOUT how you can make your windows 10 pc go faster now if your pc feels like a turtle well that that was actually a pretty fast turtle but if your pc feels like a slow… Read More
hi and welcome to komski corner today we're going to be talking about network security looking at some of the threats there may be to a computer or computer network this video is specificall… Read More
In this blog, we're gonna be looking at how we can delete all types of different cache which is stored on the computer and we're going to be using just a manual way of removing this rather t… Read More
Safety Rules On The Road
Hello and welcome back..We will continue with a chapter keeping safe. Today we will learn about children safety on the road.Why should we follow safety rules on the road?Careless driving and… Read More
Hello and welcome to my site realfireman.First aid kits are equipped with tools that can be used to treat a wide variety of injuries. Knowing the proper use of these common tools will allow… Read More
Hello and welcome to my site realfireman.There are many causes of accidents like negligence, unsafe work areas, misuse of tools & equipment and failure to use protective equipment.Here a… Read More
Today we are going to discuss about spread of fire or products of combustionopenings and fire rated walls floors and ceilings for electric equipment must be fire stop using methods approved… Read More
Electrical Insulated Mats-Volt Safety
Hello and welcome to my site realfireman.Let's talk about the insulated floor mats. First of all we should know what is insulated mat?So lets start with the basic. Insulated mat is a mat mad… Read More
Passive fire protection consists of products installed in a building to improve its fire safety. The products may be part of the fabric of the building or they may be added to the building t… Read More
Hey everybody welcome.Over the years people have asked me do you have any tips for me as a rookie firefighter?So there are my 3 tips for how to be the best firefighter you can possibly be.1… Read More
Hello and welcome to my site realfireman.This blog is for informational purposes only. The contents of this blogs cannot substitute for proper training under and implementation of industry s… Read More

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