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Government and politics, Entertainment news,Twerking videos, Satanism,Illuminati & freemasonry, Latest music, music videos. kenyan girls twerking videos,Nigerian girls twerking, Tanzanian girls twerking videos, African celebrities with big assets,Kenyan celebrities with big assets, curvy celebrities,Richest african musicians
Origin Of Superman
Superman is born Kal-El on the alien planet Krypton. His parents, Jor-El and Lara become aware of Krypton's impending destruction and Jor-El begins constructing a spacecraft that would carry… Read More
Characters That Wont Survive CIVIL WAR
 With war comes casualties, and the Civil War was one of the bloodiest battles in American history. We have a feeling Captain America: Civil War will live up to its namesake, and that m… Read More
 Unable to create new Super-Soldiers, and willing to hide the Project Rebirth fiasco, the American government casts the now-powerful Rogers as a patriotic superhero, able to counter t… Read More
 Kingsman: The Secret Service's sequel certainly seems to be trying to fill the gender gap in its cast. With Julianne Moore reportedly on as the villain for the new movie, Matthew Vaugh… Read More
Sex is to be enjoyed and there’s absolutely no point getting into all the trouble only to be disappointed at the end. It is not only embarrassing to be done barely moments after gett… Read More
Former Devolution Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru was initially cleared of the National Youth Service (NYS) scam due to a “communication breakdown” with other government agencie… Read More
Abu Anis only realised something unusual was happening when he heard the sound of explosions coming from the old city on the western bank of the Tigris as it runs through Mosul. "I phoned… Read More
US air strike has killed more than 150 al-Shabab militants in Somalia, the Pentagon says.Spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said the strike hit a training camp where a "large-scale" attack was bei… Read More
– Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho confronted Ferdinand Waititu after the Kabete MP was arrested in Malindi over voter bribery allegations – Mwea MP Peter Gitau was also arrest… Read More
  ODM’s Willy Baraka Mtengo is the new MP elect of Malindi after beating his close political rival from JAP, Philip Kitsao Charo by 15,281 votes. Mtengo a businessman… Read More
– Jubilee Alliance Party’s Aaron Cheruiyot won the Kericho county senatorial by-election to become the youngest senator in Kenya– Cheruiyot overcame a serious challenge fro… Read More
URP leaders have not appreciated what they consider to be a lack of campaign appearances made by Uhuru ahead of the Monday, March 7 by-elections in Kericho and Malindi counties. The URP le… Read More
– A new affidavit drags John Mbadi, Jakoyo Midiwo and Suna East MP Junet Mohammed into the NYS scandal– The affidavi has been sworn by one John Odhiambo Ochillo who is askin… Read More
Deputy President William Ruto and Baringo Senator Gideon Moi will on Saturday face off on the last day of official campaign period for the Kericho Senate by-election slated for Monday.DP R… Read More
Two contenders for the parliamentary seat in the Malindi by election have dropped out of the race in favor of their rival, Jubilee’s Philip Charo.According to the Star, Fuad Kombe (F… Read More
– Militant extremist group al-Shabaab is behind a roadside bomb that went off on Tuesday, March 1, near the Somali capital of Mogadishu– The bombing killed at least five Somali… Read More
–Deputy President William Ruto has accused Raila Odinga, the party leader for the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) of land grabbing– The DP made his comments while at… Read More
 – Uganda has firmed up plans with Tanzania to run a KSh 400 billion pipeline through the coastal city of Tanga, Tanzania– Kenya had hoped to get in on the massive pipeline… Read More
Welcome to Classic Firearms - Where Shooters ClickThis is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.Classic Firearms strives daily to bring you the finest collectable, com… Read More
 Two complainants have failed in their attempt to get Germany's constitutional court to consider their claim against the laws banning sex with animals.The two unnamed individuals say… Read More

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