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Econmatters Blog

Welcom To EconMatters, we are the analytical truth-seaker of market event matters to strategic investing
Inflation Has Become Geopolitical
According to La Tribune, Saudi Arabia and Russia are determined to push the price of a barrel of oil towards $100. That's not going to help Europe and the United States in their fight aga… Read More
No Bank Is Safe: Short Selling JPMorgan
When the FDIC put Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank into receivership in March, a study reported on the Social Science Research Network found that nearly 200 midsized U.S. banks… Read More
The Fight Over Truth
The modern world of American politics brought us this wonderful propaganda ecosystem which even the most gifted sophist would admire, bringing in such glorious words as disinformation, misin… Read More
China, Post-COVID
Lessons to be Learned from East AsiaThe world should take a lesson from how East Asia ran itself in 2020. Japan had no lockdown. None. With an aging population, its death rate has been creep… Read More
Demo Trading To Gain Success In Forex
Forex trading is not as easy to do as it seems. As a retail trader, if you think that without making any preparation, you can make money, you are wrong. To make money, you have to know the t… Read More
Flying, Lobsters, And Inflation
When Friday rolls around in the Trend Trader Daily Nation, we roll out the charts.Why? Because we’re convinced there’s no easier way to get up to speed and positioned to pro… Read More
Inflation Is Hitting A Red Hot 2.4%
How Average Inflation Hit A Red Hot 2.4%When even lifelong democrat Larry Summers warns that inflation will hit 5% by year-end, and expects it to be anything but "transitory" as th… Read More
The Fed Is Wrong: Inflation Is Sticky
The Fed's god-like powers will be revealed for what they really are: artifice and illusion.The Fed will be proven catastrophically wrong about inflation for the simple reason that inflation… Read More