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Jutsablog Blog
personal, political, poetry, my life and times, stories, jokes, grief, happiness, a bit of everything
2016-03-19 18:53
One day, during his morning walk, John Howard drops dead. He arrives at the Pearly Gates, to be told by St Peter: "We seldom see a Liberal, so we're not sure what to do with you." No proble… Read More
2016-03-19 18:53
Some points about the 'promises' of stem cell research. Firstly, the debate is polarised already and defined in terms of "religious ideologes" versus "scientists". The rest of us are irrle… Read More
2016-03-19 18:53
I just found a blog by someone who is or claims to be an American soldior in Iraq, and who is generally making comments about prisoners of both sides (comparisons thereof, and with his own l… Read More
2016-03-19 18:53
I come from a dry place. Almost Siberian in its extremes. In summer, if you sleep all day, you can go out at night in bare feet, and the concrete is beautifully warm. That same concrete in d… Read More
2006-03-06 07:06
Make that a south-east Asian coffee break. So nervous - I always get pre-travel jitters. Basically I'm very superstitious in a quantum physics kind of way and think that if I focus on the… Read More
2005-10-29 12:59
I bought a new Paul Celan book not so long ago, from a great little bookshop in Potts Point. The kind that has books right up to the ceiling - they fit an entire library into a space the si… Read More
2005-10-11 13:43
Drove back up to the NSW countryside tonight. Just me and the trucks on the road, and the mournful roadkill - ignored and re-driven over endlessly. I'm glad I'm familiar with the roads… Read More
2005-09-14 11:13
JASMINE "Islam is a peaceful religion." ANNA "All religion is bullshit - all fundamentalists are exactly the same." RUTH "Christians can find no justification for violence, whereas Mu… Read More
2005-08-04 11:04
I was mid in a log this afternoon, when we had a total blackout. Now I feel like all the following will be repeating what I already said. *sigh*First, an introduction. For those of us who… Read More
2005-07-20 02:33
This was allegedly posted very briefly on the McDonnell Douglas Website by an employee there who obviously has a sense of humour. The company, of course, does not have a sense of humour, and… Read More
2005-07-12 08:48
Here's my thinking on language: everybody can only ever speak 2 languages (unless they are bilingual from childhood). Your first language is Language Number 1. All other languages are Lan… Read More
2005-07-11 14:06
A Lancaster releases a million poppy petals to mark the 60th anniversary of the end of WWII Read More
2005-07-11 09:05
I have been getting emails from various people with a word document containing a new Jamie Oliver cookbook. The grapevine has it that someone at the publisher's transferred it to Word when i… Read More
2005-06-19 04:58
A trip to a far-away blog land called inspired me to share a little food tale.In a beautiful sub-tropical part of Australia, close to the Pacific but not a… Read More
2005-05-17 00:33
This is me trying to interpret the poem. *Repetition of abends, nachts in 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th stanzas causes feeling of inescapability, unavoidability, just as night falls without fail. The… Read More
2005-05-16 23:33
Black milk of daybreak we drink it at nightfallwe drink it at midday and morning we drink it at nightdrink it and drink itwe shovel a grave in the air there you won't lie too crampedA man in… Read More
2005-05-15 06:49
I had a run-in with the police yesterday.I was riding the antique peugeot push-bike down the main street in the little town where my folks live to collect the papers. I had been chatting hap… Read More

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