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Tags: baby van rensselaer humphreys lady ducayne air lines flight eastern air lines uncle larry lady ghost bella cooper ledgelawn summer estate flight fanshawe morgan house santa barbara castle squire kitty bhuli bhatiyari acadia national park raj kiran hotel prospect harbor lighthouse sidhe country house bridge house tourist lodge morgan house tourist story upper berth dacircsouza chawl summer baxter castle dream chawl dumas beach maze ballyheigue castle acadia national park ramoji film prospect harbor house bass harbor summer estate spanish armada staad abbey santa barbara badlands banshee village rms lusitania film house ledgelawn summer castle borim bridge casa lercaro airport anemone cave hotel stateroom berth scattery island edgar watson braganza house banshee kuldhara braganza house beach castle wessington road national park dacircmello house igorchem bandh baytakhol road badlands ghost country house sidhe country ship bhuli bhatiyari jarzil spanish ballyheigue road death gaurav tiwari kiran hotel killone lake harbor lighthouse lighthouse baoli ghost ghost august island ghost cat national park house stone road everglades ghost ship rodeos airport paranormal eye killone amber loarre agrasen mansion house road lusitania tunnel suddenly igorchem bandh road harbor dolls valley voice tree ramoji haunted santiago road watson dumas camino newhall house june house haunted arrabassada road edgar villagers haunted eye borim jenny rosses haunted june june scattery putulbari june ralph adams cram tree july july july july haunted stretch house dudu ghost june kilstuitheen july island
The Moon Mausoleum is an online magazine and a collection of the haunting, horror, macabre and mysterious in the world. We do in depth analyses of the well known and not so well known ghost stories we love to hate and the meaning of the movies, books and games that do their homage to it.
The Haunted Mystery Of Dumas Beach
The Black sand and even darker history made Dumas Beach get a haunted reputation. People claim to have heard ghostly voices amid the waves crashing in as well as shadowy figures leaving no f… Read More
Los Rodeos Airport Ghost Passengers
After a horrible plane crash at Los Rodeos Airport on Tenerife in the 70s, over 500 lives were lost in the deadly collision between two planes on the runway. It is believed that the lost sou… Read More
The Ghost Girl On The Arrabassada Road
There is a ghost girl hitchhiking on the Arrabassada road in Spain. On a sharp turn in the road people claim to have picked up a vanishing hitchhiker that keeps reminding them to slow down o… Read More
The Rival Ghosts By Brander Matthews
The good ship sped on her way across the calm Atlantic. It was an outward passage, according to the little charts which the company had charily distributed, but most of the passengers were h… Read More
The Mystery Of D’Souza Chawl
Deep in the D’Souza Chawl there is a well that had to be sealed after a woman fell out and drowned in it. Her ghostly screams trying to get out of the well are still heard, and residen… Read More
The Ghost Of Catalina In Casa Lercaro
In a dark mansion on sunny Tenerife, there is a legend of a ghost haunting the grounds. Catalina, the daughter of the man of the manor supposedly threw herself down the well when she was for… Read More
The Dead Valley by Ralph Adams Cram
I have a friend, Olof Ehrensvärd, a Swede by birth, who yet, by reason of a strange and melancholy mischance of his early boyhood, has thrown his lot with that of the New World. It is a… Read More
The Room In The Tower By E.F. Benson
It is probable that everybody who is at all a constant dreamer has had at least one experience of an event or a sequence of circumstances which have come to his mind in sleep being subsequen… Read More
The Sand-Walker By Fergus Hume
I make no endeavour to explain this experience. Explanation of it is impossible. I can conceive no theory upon which to base even the most slender attempt. It baffles me, it has always baffl… Read More
The Horla By Guy De Maupassant
May 8. What a lovely day! I have spent all the morning lying on the grass in front of my house, under the enormous plantain tree which covers and shades and shelters the whole of it. I like… Read More
The Upper Berth By F. Marion Crawford
Somebody asked for the cigars. We had talked long, and the conversation as beginning to languish; the tobacco smoke had got into the heavy curtains, he wine had got into those brains which w… Read More
A View From A Hill By M.R. James
How pleasant it can be, alone in a first-class railway carriage, on the first day of a holiday that is to be fairly long, to dawdle through a bit of English country that is unfamiliar, stopp… Read More
The Haunted Stretch Of Death
There is a road in Extremadura, Spain that has been called The Stretch of Death because of all the accidents that are said to happen there. There is one legend though, that one of the accide… Read More
One Summer Night By Ambrose Bierce
The fact that Henry Armstrong was buried did not seem to him to prove that he was dead: he had always been a hard man to convince. That he really was buried, the testimony of his senses comp… Read More
Some people do not believe in ghosts. For that matter, some people do not believe in anything. There are persons who even affect incredulity concerning that open door at Ladlow Hall. They… Read More
10 Most Haunted Places In Paris
A list of the ten most haunted places in Paris, from haunted houses on cobbled streets, catacombs, and marbled and golden palaces. Haunted places in Paris are said to be, well, very Fren… Read More
10 Most Haunted Places In France
A list of ten of the most haunted places in France from enchanted forests, dark châteaus to dark graveyards, the country is filled with ghost stories still haunting from beyond their g… Read More
10 Most Haunted Places In Hong Kong
Most Haunted Places in Hong Kong goes from dark metro stations, historic buildings as well as victims of war crimes, murders and stuff og legends. In the cityscape of Hong Kong lies a rea… Read More
The Curse Of Tenaya Canyon In Yosemite
One of the more dangerous places to travel in Yosemite National Park is the Tenaya Canyon where many people have gotten hurt or even died. Many believe that the canyon is cursed after Chief… Read More
Drumbeg House And The Haunted Rooms
From the many rooms at Drumbeg House in Ireland, there have been reports about the haunted screams from a woman and other strange occurrences that guests claim have to be of the paranormal s… Read More
10 Most Haunted Places In Beijing
The ghost of executed prisoners, concubines in old palaces and poltergeists in modern buildings, let’s have a look at some of the Most Haunted Places in Beijing. The capital of Chin… Read More

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