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Flaky Skin: How to Deal With ( Symptoms, Causes and Treatments )

Flaky skin may be a sign of many disorders. Read on to learn all you should know about flaky skin.

Flaky Skin: How to Deal With

Generally, healthy Skin has 10-20% water content. When the protective natural oil produced by your skin begins to dry up, flaky skin occurs.  So, water loss in dry skin is 75 times greater than normal skin. When the skin loses both oil and water, the skin starts to dry out and its topmost surface dies and begins to peel away thin slivers that called flakes. Flaky skin ranged from a red rash with blisters or from scales by the way it looks.

Cold weathers can contribute to flaky skin because a combination of cold dry air outside and forced-air heat and lack of humidity inside combine to dry out the skin rapidly. But flaky skin can also be a response to the extended exposure to heat, such as heated swimming pools, hot tubs, and saunas. Moreover, certain drugs, chemicals and skin cleansers may dry out your skin and cause flaking. However, flaky skin can be a symptom of a number of specific disorders.

What’s Causing Flaky Skin?

Flaky skin can occur due to many environmental causes, such as temperature extremes because cold weather outside and forced-air heat inside combine to rapidly dry out the skin. Also, flaky skin can be a response to extended exposure to heat, such as in hot baths, heated swimming pools, hot tubs, and saunas. Moreover, there are certain drugs and chemicals that can dry out the skin and cause flaking.

Flaky skin can be a symptom of a number of specific disorders including dry skin, skin irritation, stress, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, yeast infection, fungal infection, (HIV) infection, rosacea, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, allergies, and drug reactions.

What are Infectious Causes of Flaky Skin?

Flaky skin might be caused due to many infections including:

– Fungal infections such as tinea

– HIV infection

– Streptococcal or staphylococcal bacterial infections

– Yeast infections

What are Noninfectious Causes of Flaky Skin?

Flaky skin can be caused due to other disorders which are unrelated to infectious agents including:

– Allergic reactions

– Anemia

– Atopic dermatitis.

– Contact dermatitis.

–  Eczema

– Inherited skin disorders

–  Liver and gallbladder disease

–  Psoriasis

– Rosacea

– Seborrheic dermatitis

– Stress

– Xerosis

What are the Life-Threatening Causes of Flaky Skin?

In rare cases, flaky skin can be a symptom of a serious or life-threatening condition that should be immediately evaluated. It can include:

– Autoimmune disorders

– Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

– Cancer

– Neuropathies (nerve damage in legs and feet)

Flaky Skin on Face

It’s not often a serious health issue, but it can be a serious inconvenience that involves flaking, itching, irritation and embarrassment. Therefore, you need to understand the best way to treat dry skin. First, it’s important to  understand why it occurs and learn the best products and techniques to make your skin’s natural moisture and healthy glow.

Flaky Skin on Face

If there is no an underlying, chronic condition , dry skin is often caused by factors in the environment that strip the skin of its moisture. It could be dry air, like the pressurized air on an airplane or heated indoor air from a furnace. If this is the case, running a humidifier in your home will help keep air, and your skin, from drying out. Cold, dry air outdoors in the winter can contribute especially if it’s windy.

There is another factor that can cause your face to be flaky which is improper skin-care. Karcher, MD, a dermatologist in New York CityMost said that people with dry skin are probably using soap that is too strong, or they’re taking long hot shower or baths. Actually, hot water can damage the top layer of your skin leaving it vulnerable to moisture loss. So, you need to use a gentle, non-foaming facial cleanser, take short, luke-warm showers, and apply immediately moisturizer after washing your face or getting out of the bath.

Generally, doctors recommends using a moisturizer with lactic acid as it can help strip away top layers of the flaky skin and penetrate healthier layers underneath. If your skin still dry all day long, you may need to reapply moisturizer 2-3 times throughout the day. You should avoid using alcohol-based toners or astringent, harsh peels and clay-based masks, which draw moisture out of the skin.

Beside moisturizer, you can apply a product containing glycerin or petroleum jelly to  dry spots. Glycerin will act as a humectant attracting and sealing moisture into the skin. It could seem like something so thick and goopy would clog pores; however, its molecules are  too big to penetrate into the skin.

If you want to tackle your dry skin in a more holistic way, you need to  remember that you should stay hydrated. It may not seem like the water you drink and the moisture in your skin are  related, but being dehydrated will keep your tissues and organs from getting the nutrients they need leaving your skin parched. You can add watery fruits and veggies to your hydration levels.

When to worry about your flaky skin face?

If all methods don’t seem to help your dry flaky skin, you need to pay your dermatologist a visit. You may have a condition such as eczema or psoriasis which requires a certain treatment plan and prescription medication.

Eczema is an autoimmune condition that some researchers believe is related to hay fever and asthma. It often appears as dry, flaky patches around the elbows, knees, ankles and wrists; however, it can also appear on the face, especially around the eyes and on the eyelids. Regular moisturizer can help eczema. Your doctor may prescribe a corticosteroid cream or ointment. Eczema may be harder to treat that may also require antibiotics, oral or injected steroids, and antihistamines to relieve itching.

Psoriasis is another chronic condition which characterized by red, irritated skin covered with silvery, flaky scales. To provide relief for the symptoms of psoriasis, you need to use ointments and creams that containing corticosteroids, salicylic acid, or retinoids, even though the underlying condition is usually permanent. It has been shown that daily exposure to sunlight or other sources of ultraviolet rays can  reduce the appearance of psoriasis lesions, like have some oral and injectable medications.

Flaky Skin Around Mouth

Flaky skin can occur about anywhere on your body; however, when it develops around your mouth, it’s especially noticeable and  embarrassing! It doesn’t just happen to people with dry skin, either; even if your skin is oily or normal, you can still experience some dryness around your mouth.

flaky skin around mouth

What’s Causing flaky Skin Around Mouth?

Flaky and dry skin around the mouth is a chronic, ongoing condition for many people. For others, it can pop up seemingly at random, even if the rest of their skin isn’t dry. Reasons differ depending on the person. Below  are some of the most common causes of flaky skin around the mouth.

Perioral dermatitis: It is a condition that can resemble acne. It appears as red, raised bumps around the mouth that are accompanied by dry, scaly, sensitive skin.

Seborrheic dermatitis: It is more common in people with oily skin. It is caused due to the overproduction of oil combined with irritation from a type of yeast which occurs naturally on skin. For some people, this yeast can result in dry, flaky skin. There are oil glands on the sides of the nose, so this can result in the condition becoming apparent in areas close to nose, which of course includes the mouth.

Contact dermatitis: It occurs when something comes in direct contact with your skin and spurs an irritation response. Ingredients such as fragrance, fragrant oils, mint, mentho, lcitrus, and drying alcohol can lead to irritation and dryness.

Climate changes, lip licking, and certain medications: Changes in weather can cause skin to become chapped and dry. Lip licking and drooling  can be  causes because saliva can remove naturally-secreted oils in the mouth area which keep it moisturized. Moreover, there are also certain medications that may lead to dry your skin such as some acne medications like tretinoin and antibiotics like tetracycline.

How to Treat Flaky Skin Around  Mouth?

If you experience flaky skin in the mouth area, the best thing to do is to treat it with gentle skincare products free of fragrance and known irritants, because these will worsen your dry skin. If you use a lip balm, lipstick, toothpaste, or mouthwash with a high amount of alcohol, essential oils, or mint, you need to consider alternatives that don’t include these ingredients. However, it can be hard to find toothpaste that doesn’t contain some amount of mint! You can prevent irritation by using a gentle cleanser to wash the area around your mouth after brushing to remove any toothpaste that might be on the outside of your mouth. You should also use a moisturizer for your skin type after cleansing to help seal in moisture to keep skin from getting drier throughout the day.

If your skin is severely dry to the point of cracking, you can use a petrolatum-based product that will provide the sort of heavy-duty moisture and protection skin needs to heal sooner.

If the dry skin around your mouth doesn’t seem to be getting better with moisturizers, you need to speak to your doctor about the potential causes because it could be the result of a medication that you’re taking, or a medical condition that needs treatment with prescription topical products.

There is no doubt that flaky skin around the mouth can be a frustrating and embarrassing hassle. Therefore, you need to know its potential causes, what to avoid, and what to use to improve its appearance as quickly as possible.

Flaky Skin in Ears

Have you noticed some dry skin inside your ears lately? Wondering what causes it?  Read on to understand flaking skin in the ear better from what causes, to treatment with home cures.

Flaky Skin in Ears

What’s Causing Flaky Skin in Ears?

There are many causes of flaky skin in the ears. The ear has a  layer of natural oil to protect against dryness, the inner ear has wax to keep the moisture in.  This natural protection in the form of a waxy layer can be depleted because of certain habits, infections or because of some reason it is not being produced at all. This will result in scenario where the ear canal itches.

We can say that flaky skin in the ear  is caused by the excessively dry skin in the ear canal. Dryness is the culprit for that inner ear itch. Listed below are the possible causes of the skin in your inner ear drying out.

– Skin Conditions

Skin conditions that cause the skin to dry out on other parts of the body could also affect the ears. You might see some dry skin coming out of your ears or may feel your inner ear canal itching when you have one of the following conditions.

– Ear Eczema

Commonly, eczema can occur in the inner canal and can be irritating and uncomfortable. In such cases, the itching will be on a number of areas. In a few cases, eczema occur only in the ear and may be difficult to self diagonise because the redness, rashes will be inside the ear canal. Other forms of dermatitis, like contact dermatitis that occur when one has an allergic reaction to certain products applied on the skin surface can also cause itching and the appearance of dry skin in the ear canal.

–  Ear Psoriasis

It is an auto immune condition that usually affects the scalp and neck; however, it is known to occur in the outer ear. The skin cycle in people with psoriasis causes dead skin cells to pile up over the skin forming white scaly patches. There is no different when it happens in the case of the ear.  Underneath the crusty patches one may also notice some redness. People with psoriasis can have dry skin behind ears too because this condition can spread from the ear to the rest of the face and neck.

– Sebhoerric Dermatitis

This  condition  can affect the ears the same way it  leaves skin dry and flaky on other parts. In some cases, sebhoerric dermatitis is commonly known may affect the ears and eyebrows at the same time. So, you may  see flaking skin on your face and ears.

– Over cleaning the ears

Being too thorough about cleaning your ears, sometime, may   strip your ears of natural oils. The production of wax might not be able to keep up with how fast one is removing it and the skin in the ears can become dry and start peeling. It can also cause itching inside the ears.

– Hearing Aids

Hearing aids can rub against the skin in your ears causing some dry skin in the ears.

How to Get Rid of Flaky Skin in Ears?

The best treatment for dry and flaky skin inside ears depends on the cause. In  other words, what’s causing ears to itch is what needs to be addressed first in itching ears treatment. For example, if your hearing aid is the one to blame, then having the mold checked and  changed will solve the itching ear. Flaky scaly ears as a result of a skin condition can also cure once the specific skin condition is treated. It is very advisable to see a doctor to prescribe the best treatment for ear eczema, ear psoriasis or dandruff in the ear.

It is also important that you do not use cotton buds often on your ears because you can strip them of natural lubrication. If wax  build up is a real concern for you,  it is safer to approach an ENT specialist who will carry out a professional  clean up. Moreover, he will recommend how often you will need a cleanup.

Some people scratch their ears out of nervousness and anxiety. Actually, this can irritate the skin in your ears, or on the lobe and one may end up with some scabs if you are scratching  frequently and vigoroushy. To avoid this, make a conscious effort to not scratch your ears.

Home Remedies to Cure Flaky Skin Inside Ear

– Garlic and Olive Oil

The whole world knows garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic. This remedy is very helpful due to its antibacterial properties to combat flaky skin in ears. Crush some garlic cloves and mix in a tablespoon of olive oil. Then, heat this mixture gently till you see it begin to bubble then leave to cool. Use this remedy as natural ear drops for itchy ears  by applying  with a dropper inside the ear.

– Vinegar

Dilute vinegar mixed with some rubbing alcohol  can be used as an effective ear dryness treatment.

– Olive Oil

In cases where the ear is not producing enough wax, you can use olive oil to ease the dryness and act as the natural lubricant . Apply two drops of pure olive oil using a dropper every time you feel the dryness.

Flaky Skin around Nose

Any part of your skin can get dry but when the nose area is involved, the problem becomes  disturbing. Flaky skin is  often accompanied by peeling and sometimes itching that can make you  uncomfortable.

Flaky Skin around Nose

What’s Causing Flaky Skin Around  Nose?

Dry heat: The air conditioning system makes life bearable but spending significant time indoors with the heat turned on can ultimately cause dry patches of skin around your nose.

Weather changes: Cold weather is one of most common causes of dry skin around nose. Also, very dry and windy weather conditions will also cause dryness around the nose and other areas of the face.

– Cold:  Common cold doesn’t cause dryness around nose directly; however, the frequent blowing and wiping associated with it is a common culprit.

Certain medications:  There are some topical and oral medications that could  cause dry irritated and flaky skin around the nose. Acne medications such as tretinoin and antibiotics are good examples.

– Exposure to harsh chemicals and irritants: Dry red, and flaky skin around your nose can be a sign of contact dermatitis. It occurs when skin comes into contact with substances which dry your skin and trigger an irritation response such as certain soaps, cosmetics, drying alcohol, etc.

Seborrheic dermatitis: Dry flaky skin around nose may also be a sign of seborrheic dermatitis. It is usually characterized by dry, flaky skin that is producing white to yellowish scales. The condition  affects people with oily skin. It occurs when the action of  occurring yeast on the skin on the excessive skin oil causes an irritation response. It causes drying and flaking of the skin under the nose, around the eyelids and eyebrows, and behind the ears; however, any other part of the face can as well be affected. Stress and immune depressing conditions such as HIV or AIDS are also known to increase the risk of seborrheic dermatitis.

Other skin conditions: Dermal problems like eczema, psoriasis etc. can also be to blame for constant or chronic cases of dryness around the nose.

Vitamin deficiency: It is rare, deficiency in biotin, but it can result in dry, scaly skin around nose and mouth coupled by other symptoms such as cracked corners of the mouth, hair loss, swollen and sore tongue, declined appetite, depression, and insomnia among others.

How to Get Rid Of flaky Skin on Nose?

Flaky skin around the nose is not a serious health concern and it will in most cases heal with nothing. Below are the best home remedies for flaky skin in nose area include:

– Run a Humidifier

The first thing to consider when trying to fight dry patches on the nostrils is a humidifier. Raising humidity levels in your house will help to reduce the loss of skin moisture and oils from your skin which is in turn known to worsen itching. You need to run a humidifier during the cold weather when moisture levels dip to their lowest. Every night, make sure that the humidifier is running at around 60%. If you live in a very dry environment, you may find running the humidifier at night throughout the year very useful.

– Moisturize Regularly

Applying a good quality moisturizing lotion frequently will be helpful to get rid of dry skin around nose fast. It will help to reinstate and maintain the integrity of your troubled skin. The best time to moisturize is when your skin is still wet, after washing your face immediately or taking shower.

– Use Petroleum jelly and petrolatum-based creams

They are also good candidates for severely flaking, or even cracking nose skin. They are however not ideal for people with oily, acne prone skin; a light water-based lotion or cream is the safest bet to prevent clogging of pores.  They are usually greasy, so these products can also not be suitable for use during the day; apply them overnight. If you would rather use natural remedies and products, then almond oil, coconut oil, raw organic honey, and sunflower seed oil can suffice as great choices.

– Avoid Drying Elements and Habits

Continued exposure to the factors that triggered flaky nose skin in the first place will make the situation more severe and result in other symptoms such as itching, redness, soreness, or bleeding.

When to Worry?

A Persistent case of dry spots around nose and other areas of the face will warrant the attention of a dermatologist; however, you should consider booking an appointment with your dermatologist if you experience any of the following symptoms and signs:

– Swelling

– Red bumps

– Pus discharge

– Abscesses

– The affected area becomes increasingly sore

These may be signs of infection or allergic reaction. Your doctor will determine the appropriate course of treatment after diagnosis.

Flaky Skin on Feet

The skin on our feet is naturally dry. The skin on our feet has no oil glands, so it relies on hundreds of thousands of sweat glands to keep our feet moisturized. This can be problematic for people who do not  moisturize their feet on a regular basis, or who have a medical condition such as diabetes or athlete’s foot that causes dry feet. Anyone can have dry feet; however, the condition is more common among seniors and diabetics.

Flaky Skin on Feet

Flaky feet can range in severity from mild, temporary dry skin to severe flaky skin that causes additional problems. Skin can become dry for a number of reasons, but there are ways to prevent it, like keeping your feet moisturized and avoiding rubbing or scratching the skin. Dry feet are  a symptom of another problem, and if you have flaky feet you may experience additional symptoms such as:

– Itchiness

– Redness

– Cracks in the feet

– Rough skin

– Peeling skin

– Rash

What’s Causing Flaky Skin on Feet?

Flaky feet are caused due to a lack of moisture in the skin. There are common factors that can lead to flaky feet, including:

– Excessively hot showers or baths

– A skin condition that dries the skin

– Soaps that are non-moisturizing

– Medical conditions such as diabetes or thyroid disease

– Cold weather

– Low humidity levels in home.

– Aging: we naturally lose moisture in our skin as we age.

–  Long periods spent in the sun

How to Treat Flaky Skin on Feet?

Treating dry feet usually begins with treating the underlying cause. Some people have dry skin and must take extra steps to ensure that their feet are moisturized at all times. The most common solution for dry feet is a therapeutic oil, ointment, or cream.

Most lotions are not recommended for dry feet as they contain alcohol, which can dry the skin. Baby lotion is  acceptable because it does not contain chemicals that irritate the skin. Additional treatments may include:

– Applying lotion to feet after bathing

– Using mild moisturizing soaps for skin

– Staying hydrated

– Talk with your doctor about some home remedies. You can use spearmint, eucalyptus oil, and pumice stones.

– Controlling your diabetes can prevent dry skin on your feet.

Home Remedies for Flaky Skin on Feet

Below are some common home remedies to help you with your condition. Consult with your doctor about any home remedy before trying it:

– Soak your feet in lemon juice for ten minutes. It is a mild acid that helps to dissolve dead and dry skin for easy removal. You can use a loofah or soft foot brush to scrub your feet after you’re done soaking them.

– Combine a spoonful of olive oil and a few drops of lemon or lavender oil to create a moisturizing cracked-heel cream. Shake the ingredients until they form a thick, milky solution. Shake before each use.

– Combine one teaspoon of Vaseline and juice from one whole lemon. Before applying, wash your feet and pat them dry. Apply to the dry areas and heels of your feet until you’ve used the entire batch. You should do this before bed and wear wool socks to lock in the moisture. The wool can  prevent your sheets from becoming stained. The oils in the mixture can soften the dry areas. Exfoliate in the morning.

– Apply vegetable oil to your feet after bathing. After application, wear thick socks. Try doing this at night before bed and wearing your socks to bed.

How to Prevent Flaky Skin on Feet?

Many of the treatment methods mentioned above can  be used to prevent flaky skin on your feet. Below are some tips to help you avoid this condition:

– Contact your doctor about over-the-counter lotions, creams, and moisturizers to help you manage the dryness.

– Do not scratch the affected area.

– Do not wash too often. Avoid bubble baths, fragrant soaps, and other products that will dry your skin. Pat your skin dry when you are finished instead of rubbing the towel over your body. Use lukewarm water instead of hot water. The heat from the water can contribute to your dry feet.

– Avoid saunas and steam baths.

– Moisturize after each shower.

– Wear shoes that allow your feet to breathe.

–  Avoid excessive sweating.

– Avoid blasting the heater in your home.

– Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can cause the itchy feeling to worsen.

Flaky Skin Around Eyes

Flaky skin around the eyes can be common during the winter months. The cold air will dry the skin out; however, it doesn’t have to be cold outside for flakiness to appear around the eyes. Flaky skin under the eyes affects anyone, at any time. Because the skin under the eyes and on the eyelids is thinner than some parts of body, it is less able to retain moisture leaving it vulnerable to drying out.

Flaky Skin Around Eyes

The symptoms of flaky skin around the eyes aren’t pretty and aren’t comfortable. Itchiness, flakiness, soreness, irritation, and swelling can be common side effects. Knowing the exact cause of flaky skin on eyelids isn’t always simple, because many things can cause the symptoms to appear. Harsh shampoos which run down your face during a shower, irritants in cosmetics, harsh facial cleansers, soaps, and sunburn are some of the usual suspects.

Whatever the cause is, you need to take action! Being proactive and caring for your skin around your eyes with the right techniques can help you restore and maintain a soft, healthy looking complexion.

How to Deal/ Treat Flaky Skin around Eyes?

–  Remove Any Irritants

To get your skin back to looking smooth and healthy, you need to remove anything from your face care regime which could be drying the skin out and making the problem worse. Some make-up removers can draw out moisture from the skin that is often more noticeable in sensitive areas like the area around the eye.

– Keep Clean

Make sure to wash your face every day and pay attention to the eye area. Fresh, warm water can help to make sure that all dirt, oil, and irritants are removed from your face. Remember that harsh soaps and cleansers can be a cause of your flaky skin under eyes, so you should choose a gentle, soap-free cleanser that won’t dry the skin out.

– Use Vaseline® Jelly Under the Eyes

You should apply a moisturizer to your skin to keep moisture in and keep skin from drying out. Putting a thin layer of Vaseline® Jelly under the eyes will lock in moisture, and form a protective barrier. This layer of protection can stop cold weather and irritants from making the problem worse. Indeed, regular application of petroleum jelly for flaky skin on eyelids can help to speed up the dry skin healing process.

Remember to be careful when applying any product to your eye area. If you do accidentally get any Vaseline Jelly® in your eye, don’t worry. Vaseline® Jelly is lipophilic, which means it only dissolves in fats and oils.

– Think Prevention

Some lotions can  aggravate dry skin. Try switching to products designed for dry or sensitive skin. Products that marked as hypoallergenic, like Vaseline® Jelly Original, are very ideal because they’re formulated to reduce the possibility of irritation or allergic reaction.

Flaky Skin on Newborns

The flaky skin on newborns will puzzle first-time parents because their own experience with flaky skin is often due to exposure to harsh chemicals or cold, dry weather. Knowing the causes of an infant’s flaky skin and what to do about it can help soothe your concerns.

Flaky Skin on Newborns

How does Flaky Skin on Newborns appear?

A newborn’s skin looks delicate and wrinkly. Parents will notice skin patches that are flaky in appearance, particularly in the ankles, wrists and other skin folds. The skin can appear mottled in color. It may have red areas while others are pale in appearance. This is because of the circulatory system’s inability to maintain circulation at the skin surface. The mottled appearance is  normal and no cause for concern.

What’s Causing Flaky Skin on Newborns?

There is one reason for the flaky skin which is due to the loss of the vernix caseosa, the creamy, white protective covering on your baby’s skin. After birth, much of the substance is washed away. Exposure to air after floating in amniotic fluid for nine months can cause an infant’s delicate skin to flake.

How to treat Flaky Skin on Newborns?

When the vernix sloughs off during the first days after birth, it seems dry, flaky skin. It takes about a week to go away. Caring parents may apply lotions or creams to smooth and moisturize the flaky skin, but this is not necessary.

How to Care of your Newborn Skin?

Natural oils are present on a newborn’s skin  offering effective skin protection. Avoiding baby creams and lotions in the first few months will protect the skin from irritation due to allergens in these products. It is important if asthma, allergies or other skin problems are common in your family history. During the first few weeks of life, a sponge bath a couple of times a week is necessary to keep your infant’s skin clean and healthy. Water is very effective at keeping the infant’s mouth and genitals clean in-between the baths. Once the flakiness disappears, your baby’s skin will stay smooth and healthy with the proper care.

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Flaky Skin: How to Deal With ( Symptoms, Causes and Treatments )


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