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Virginia Essene Contemplated Her Channeling Ability 1986-1994

back cover art and channeled message of New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity

Jon Klimo in his book Channeling (1987, expanded 1998) commented about transcendental communication cases involving "Jesus Christ and Other Ascended Masters": "Of the dozens of contemporary examples, one rather beautiful and compelling case of Christ as purported source is New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity, channeled by Virginia Essene."  The woman who wrote down the clairaudiently heard chapters of New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity (1986), Virginia Essene described how she perceived her predicament in the Afterword for the book.  While a vast proportion of people alive today know nothing about 'channeling' case chronologies—most without ever having taken the time to learn about the subject—I'm presenting this Afterword to offer another opportunity for readers to become acquainted with another case of transcendental communication.  (channeling cases articles index) 
Virginia Essene is one of the many individuals who unexpectedly found themselves responsible for carrying out tasks intended to help all human beings lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life through the instruction and displaying of Divine Dispensations manifested at the will of the omnipresent 'Source Consciousness' interconnected with every personality or self/'unit' of what transcendental communicators have called 'All That Is.'  (article)

The Updated Edition of 1994 includes
a new Foreword providing further information about the author and her first channeled book.
When this book was finally published in time for Easter of 1986, initiated by my Israel trip in the fall of 1984 (with 45 other meditators), I thought I had completed my writing task for the one called Christ Jesus.  In fact, I was expecting to return to my college teaching career and continue in my chosen life profession as if nothing had happened.  Ha!  However, life would take a very different turn so that now, after six book publications in eight years, the outcome of that first act of willingness has moved me inexorably along a defined path of spiritual service that merely uses those same skills under the direction of my soul intention.


I'm delighted to share a few personal comments with the readers of this book because I can testify to the changes that meditation, prayer and contemplation have made in my own life, and which paved the way for me to accept intuition — or the God connection — as a normal part of my everyday existence.  So much so that I could now accept the assignment of transcribing these notes from the Master known as The Christ.  I feel certain that it was the many years of meditation and my earnest desire to be of assistance that drew his energy to me, along with my willingness to give the necessary time such an undertaking requires.  He also told me that many Christians had frozen him into a past that was over and gone and he needed someone who could allow him to be the expanded being that he is today.

To say that I have been privileged to receive this information can only hint at the deep feeling of joy it brings.  Yet I share honestly that it also brought up every emotion of fear, lack of self-worth, and doubt that my personality still retained even after years of psychological cleansing and efforts  to become emotionally grounded and secure.

When I was first approached for this task I had a constant questioning that demanded, "But why me?  Why me, when there are so many other good people available?"  And the answer came, in gentle support, "Because you wish to know the true me, are willing to serve, and have given me permission to enter your life."  Over and over again I was told that because this is a free will planet, all of us must ask to receive the spiritual ones
— must agree to cooperate by our personal choice.

I need to share with you, also, that I had to confront fear if the greatest magnitude
— fear that I couldn't do it "right" — fear that I would be laughed at, ostracized or scorned — fear that my mortality might tint the truth of the message . . . and many other things.  I experienced this in spite of a joyful relationship with the great one who insisted we had worked together before and that he was grateful for my help once again.

Still, doubt and fear were my companions many times when Jesus first spoke to me and I even broke my toe as a symbol of the ungrounding I felt in my mental and emotional attitudes.  At first I would nervously ruin tapes I was speaking into or my fingers would become blocked when I sat in the silence before my typewriter ready to hear his message for transcription.  I have to admit that until I just surrendered and relaxed into the peace of meditation, he had to struggle to be heard in my mind.

The question that I often asked him was, "Jesus, will anybody believe I can do this?"  For although I am a college teacher of known sanity, I felt people would think I had gone crazy.

How patiently he let these fears surface, and how lovingly he led me a step at a time those first days.  It was not until I felt the sure contact between us that I finally agreed to make the notes for the book and worked, day by day, not knowing exactly where the next day's information was leading.

Eventually, during the nearly six months of work, a clear and consistent pattern emerged in which each day's message fit together and took the form of a book with nine chapters.  There were times I could feel him searching my mind for words to explain a concept that he could not find and he would have to explain a concept that he could not find and he would have to detour and use an alternative expression which probably was not his first choice.  Also, where he would release mental pictures, light packets, or symbols, I would be overwhelmed by the immensity of their content and would have to have him slow down and go over it with me piece by piece.  Still he insisted I was doing well and that he was pleased with my energy and service.  In the beginning Jesus would often revamp phrases and verbiage over and over again, but as he learned what vocabulary was available in me, he quickly moved to utilize it to the maximum extent possible.  Nevertheless, due to our hurry in publishing this book, there are probably errors for which I must take full responsibility.  Should you find any, please let me know.

There were many times when I could feel the Master's presence with me as if he were temporarily entwined.  I have felt his sadness at the way the world has treated his teachings and I have felt his indignation, as well.  He is a being of immense love but also a powerful, practical thinker of enormous will.  There were times, too, when I cried either during or after a session from the realization that many souls will refuse to listen to his
— or any — words of love and peace.

At the end he told me we had achieved most of what he had hoped for and we were far enough along that he would let the rest go due to time restraints.  But in any case, you the reader must select from its contents what is valuable for yourself.  If there are any questions please write me about them.

My main reason for not wanting to scribe this book was the tremendous responsibility it seemed to hold.  However, I was told not to take on anyone else's responsibility.  Rather I was told to write the words down and let them speak for themselves.  Here, then, is that gift for your perusal.  May it serve you in some meaningful way.

Many of you are already channels of love, and many channel by means of intuition or the way you sense and know things.  Many have undoubtedly had direct experience of the words or presence of Jesus and other great masters
— your own personal teachers and guides — or the inner guidance of soul and Holy Spirit.  Some of these contacts are personal and private, but others contain the seeds of truth to be shared with others.  I encourage you to take your step forward, to release the doubts and fears you may have, and give what you can right now if you are asked to participate.

For those who are just beginning the meditation process, don't be surprised if there is a cleaning time you must go through to reach a higher level of purity in your mental and emotional attributes.  I had meditated nearly ten years and still it was six months after my return from Israel before Jesus was able to speak clearly to me regarding this material.  During this six months I had some unusual changes in consciousness and some physical distress as various barriers to the higher vibrations were cleansed away.  That is not to say I am perfect even now!  Nor do I say each person requires that long to cleanse.  It was only my unique experience.  But most of us can't sit down and immediately receive the higher vibrations without a time of cleansing out the old ideas and patterns that would stand in the way
— a time to be healed enough to present the material in as pure a form as possible.

So if you wish to have soul guidance, please be willing to meditate both daily and then weekly in groups with others who desire peace on this planet . . . for by that action did I, myself, make a way for this message to be brought forth, so I know it works!  I would also like to publicly acknowledge my friends and fellow meditators for the hours of deep peace and joy which sharing our hearts' love together in a group has brought.  Without that I am certain my road would have been very different.  So to each and every one with whom I have ever meditated I say a sincere and grateful, "Thank you!"

Because of the intense and insistent comments from Jesus about humanity's need to meditate, I was expecting to include a bibliography of sources and groups which are involved with this activity.  But I was told that each one who is sincere merely has to ask within to learn which meditation style and/or group is appropriate, and the way will be made clear.  Lists of books can be obtained at libraries and book stores, of course, and you will be drawn to your own answer and experience.  Yes, ask within.  That is the place to begin always.  But then you must follow through with action for the cycle to be completed.  For this is a planet where manifestation and realization of mind thoughts must occur to show us our creations.

I honor your own path, and again encourage you to do the greater things that Jesus asks us to do in the seeking of inner peace.  You may have noticed that I continue to use the familiar name "Jesus," rather than "The Christ," which seems impersonal to me.  But this is just my habit.  Truly, this is a comic being who speaks to us!

In closing, I want to share that through his mental pictures I have seen other solar systems, galaxies, and far-flung corners of the Universe, which deepened my awareness of what he seeks to draw us toward.  And I realize that we of earth are far more than I ever dreamed . . . . . perhaps more than I can even comprehend while in physical form . . . . .

Yours in love and service,

Virgina Essene

Also in 1986 Virginia published Secret Truths for Teens and Twenties and described how her channeling had evolved after the publication of her first book.

Since the completion of the New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity book, I have continued to channel, or to mentally receive, information about humanity's present plight, about probable earth changes, and about the call for peace and preservation of all life, from three sources: the Christ energy of the Gold Ray; the Blue Ray of Archangel Michael; and the Scarlet Ray of Archangel Gabriel.
Because of the different thought patterns and communication styles of these great beings, it has been an arduous task to organize the various channelings into a coherent, meaningful message.  In order to do this I have seldom directly quoted the information, but the reader may sense the different styles, even though their separate material has been interwoven wherever possible.

There are two direct channelings quoted, however, where the information was self-contained and long enough that each could stand by itself.  These come toward the end of the book and are clearly identified as delivered by the Silver Ray and The Christ (Gold Ray).

Five years later in 1991, Virginia presented a new description of the course of her channeling in an anthology book New Cells, New Bodies, New Life! by herself along with a group of 'channels' numbering 12 in all; each chapter author altogether contributing "various styles and energy vibrations."  A previous blog article on the topic of 'channeling' includes 'Lazaris' through Jach Pursel differentiating "objective channeling" (another intelligence coming through a person) from "subjective channeling" (a person spontaneously using his or her own imagination).  It would seem that channelers such as Virgina Essene may not be able to quickly distinguish between these two approaches to 'channeling' when considering any single transcript of another 'channeler.'  Virginia wrote in the 1991 book:

In the 1970s, when I first began to meditate, I had no idea where future events were leasing, which is probably just as well.  It would have been too unbelievable, fantastic and frightening.  Yet I remained willing to be involved in a continuum of volunteer activities, such as grief and bereavement and hospice work, that brought me ever onward to goals only my soul understood.
During a two-year period, I experienced the deaths of the three major relationships in my life, which led me to question the meaning of life and death.  As a part of my emotional healing, I became involved as a volunteer in grief and bereavement counseling.

Sitting with other human beings, listening to their pain and suffering, I began to broaden my perceptions about life, to surrender some of my judgmental attitudes, and to desire a different life for myself and everyone else on earth.

I underwent an intense spiritual questioning, which led me to search out metaphysical materials and the answers they provided.  The comfort and clarity which I received from this exploration gave me a deep realization that I had to get healed so I could assist others to go within themselves to begin their own healing process.

After some years in grief and bereavement counseling, I became more involved with people who were actually dying and needed physical as well as emotional support.  So I co-founded an eight bed hospice unit within a skilled nursing community.

Throughout this period I belonged to metaphysical churches, joined organizations such as A.R.E. and listened to some of the early channelers like Kevin Ryerson.  Then I taught a class on Comparative Religions and completed reading a set of books entitled A Course in Miracles.

At this time, I also assisted a woman called Robin Cameron, now deceased, to bring forth messages from two invisible energies: one called "The Old One," and another, "Sin-Ji."  These were my first two spiritual guides.  They opened my awareness that consciousness exists everywhere and can communicate even though no physical body is present.

While this was a turning point in my own consciousness, I never expected to become a channel myself, strange as that seems to me now.

Perhaps part of my resistance to channeling was due to the fear that I would lose my job as a teacher; however, a major part was due to the rigid beliefs in my own personality, and my unwillingness to change.

Eventually, though, I turned my life over to broader direction and surrendered to the request that I become a scribe for inspirational information.

To complete the first book, New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity, I took some unpaid leave from my college employment and made a time commitment of nearly a year to get the book ready for publication.

I truly expected that was the end of it, but because the Gold Ray energy of Jesus Christ wished the book to be available by Easter of 1986, I had to publish it myself.

Shortly thereafter, I was asked to scribe another book from other spiritual energies, so I took very early retirement and finished the second book entitled Secret Truths for Teens and Twenties.

I then collaborated with a spiritual sister, Ann Velentin, to bring forth a book called Cosmic Revelation.  The two of us traveled together, as speakers, to many national and international destinations.

This was followed by another collaborative effort with Ann in Descent of the Dove, which for me finalized a series of four books from a variety of cosmic beings.  Each of the four books differed in phases of information and energy vibration levels. . . .
Here's the brief profile of Virginia in Channeling by Jon Klimo:
Virginia Essene.  Californian Virginia Essene, often working in a collaborative channeling process with her colleague Ann Valentin, has been responsible for a considerable body of channeled work since 1986.  As they put it, Essene channels "the Gold Ray" and Valentin the complimentary silver one.  In New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity, "The Christ" identifies himself: "I appeared on earth as that one called Jesus . . . Because I am your World Teacher, I will attempt to give you enough cosmological  information."  He tells us that "this message is being related to you (via telepathic transmission) . . . I, myself, will send help to any who choose it, for I want to strengthen all who desire self-growth and greater service to the Creator.  Many confused souls and a vast number of the unbelieving and uncommitted need to be awakened."  Again we hear the language of dimensions: "The third dimension, where you reside in your physical flesh, is denser in vibration and uses death as its termination of life experience.  But you operate from the fourth, or higher, area through your intuition or soul knowing if your heart is open and your mind is dedicated to the living God."  And again we hear the transitional tone: "Let it be known that you must change and do it quickly . . . The time is critical!  We can not delay!  Peace must come to earth!"
The material in Cosmic Revelation, is mostly channeled through Valentin from "The Silver Ray" with some of it said to be coming through Essene from "The Gold Ray" and from "Jesus."  We are told again that "because of an intergalactic charter which prohibits even a free will planet from being self-destructive, since its aftermath would obviously harm others in the womb of God's cosmic energy, the Parent of all has now reminded Earth to establish peace at once.  In Descent of the Dove, it is the "Archangel Uriel," channeled by Essene and Valentin, who tells us, "Dear friends, the plan has begun.  Your limited linear time is vanishing . . . and with it the rigid structures of your third dimensional reality.  You now approach the only true reality, which is the state of cosmic consciousness or awareness, the home of God's love and your only joyful expression.  You will perceive of yourself as a Christed being of light living out galactic law and the Creator's will in a physical life experience . . . You are fine-tuning the frequency of your soul to a center point in a level of Universal Mind."

Although these sentiments reflected the epoch at the time when the books were published, the messages demanding peace are more urgent today than ever before due to military egotism and indoctrination having corrupted the human heritage of peaceful diplomacy conducted between leaders of countries (or 'paperwork principalities') worldwide.
While preparing this article, I also found an undated entry about Virginia, as follows.

Essene, Virginia (1928-)
Contemporary channel, Virginia Essene was born Virginia Varner in Denver, Colorado, in 1928.  She attended the University of Colorado, where she earned a B.A. degree in psychology and social science.  After several years of being an elementary schoolteacher, she completed a master's degree at the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1954.  Through the 1960s and 1970s she taught at several schools (University of Oregon, San Jose State University).  She continues to teach in various adult education courses on a variety of topics, but has concentrated through the 1990s on hospice work and counseling with the bereaved.  She founded the Casa Serena hospice care unit in San Jose, California.

Essene is not as well known for her educational and hospice work, but for her channeling activity.  In 1984, she visited Israel and, while at the Sea of Galilee, had a life-changing mystical experience, during which she experienced what she believed to be the "energies of Jesus."  She began to channel messages from him that became the basis of a book, New Teachings for an Awakened Humanity (1986, rev. exp. ed. 1995).  She founded the spiritual Education Endeavors Publishing Company and the Share Foundation to nurture and disseminate her channeled material.  She has subsequently published Secret Truths: A Young Adults Guide for Creating Peace, Descent of the Dove (with Ann Valentin), You Are Becoming a Galactic Human (with Sheldon Nidle), and The Hathor Material (with Tom Kenyon) (1966).
New Teachings for an Awakened Humanity espoused the idea of the "Love Corps" an alliance of people who seek inner peace and the application of such peace to the global situation.  Those who associate with Essene—the SHARE Foundation and the Love Corps—dedicate themselves to a process of achieving inner peace through meditation and self-healing and in sharing that reality with others.  The Love Corps work is carried out by a group of "lightworkers" who work for the foundation.

This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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Virginia Essene Contemplated Her Channeling Ability 1986-1994


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