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Inner Circle Trance Controls Speak about YOUR States of Consciousness

Tags: body nature atom
 Through Trance Medium Mark Probert
 I hope everyone has now become accustomed to the idea of Messages from 'outer space' and 'inner space' that when properly understood with these blog articles involving ignored and/or misreported case chronologies can only result with greater awareness about wise ones bestowing facts about universal happiness, Superconsciousness and the facts of 'bombshell proof.'  The lesson once again is that Love always is the best solution in our personal relationships as well as in the solutions offered by our national leaders to other members of the human and animal family residing in other paperwork principalities.  Yes, I'm back again — this week with another Q&A transcript post documenting the mediumship case breaking new ground reporting subjects that during modern times have become known categorically with the nowadays somewhat misleading expressions 'UFOlogy' and 'Channeling.'  —MRB

During trance communication sessions of Mark Probert channeling 'The Inner Circle,' the subjects of lessons included reincarnation, transcendental communication, the etheric worlds of Mars and Venus, 'The Universal Force' or 'Cosmic Mind,' and your states of consciousness and awareness.

A recent blog article presents a UFO report about the man whom 'The Inner Circle' 'control' personalities called "our material channel to the physical world" Mark Probert.  The report data may seem evolutionary today in relation to documentation of UFOlogy and transcendental communication cases encompassing Channeling.  This blogger is featuring in this article two additional transcripts published in mainstream magazines of the 1950s edited by Ray Palmer.  The Mark Probert case chronology is documented in the books The Magic Bag (Part 1 first printed in 1949, expanded and revised in future editions with a Part 2 published in 1952) and The Coming of The Guardians An Interpretation of the "Flying Saucers" as Given From the Other Side of Life (first published in 1954 and also later expanded).  A list of these blog articles is included near the end of the recent post reporting about the breakthrough 1975 UFOlogy report.  
Here is the list of the 16 identified 'controls' (entities representing the ascended realm of existence) that manifested through Mark Probert for interims when he was unconscious:

'Thomas Carlyle'
'Thomas Edison'
'Michael Faraday'
'Charles Lingford'
'Lo Sun Yat'
'Professor (Dr.) Alfred Luntz'
'Rama Kaloha'
'Ramon Natalli'
'Dr. Sukuto Nikkioi'
'Irene Probert' (Mark's wife after the end of her Earth life)
'Kay Ting'
'The Maharajah Natcha Tramalaki'
'Sister Theresa'
'The Yada Di Shi'ite'

The following is a 1952 description of the organization that studied and documented transcendental communication manifesting during Mark Probert's trance mediumship.  (source: extant PDF document)

THE BORDERLAND SCIENCES RESEARCH ASSOCIATES is an association of persons interested in 'borderland' facts and happenings, i.e., in occurrences which 'orthodox' or official science, for various reasons, cannot or will not investigate.  Examples of such subjects would be: The Vortexes of the west (where the laws of gravity seem distorted); psycho-kinetic effects; telekinesis and apportation; the Morley-Martin experiments in abiogenesis; effects upon the weather of atomic fission products; the problem of the underground races; a great variety of current etheric phenomena; and specifically at present the origin and Nature of the Ether - Ships and other unknown aircraft now visiting our planet.

BSRA studies are characterized by the fact that the Associates are willing to employ any methods which will yield useful information, whether they be acceptable to 'orthodox' science or not.  Their findings are accessible to the public and are never influenced by considerations of academic position and prestige, or by the teachings of any Cult or Order.  Investigations in the field of psychism and parapsychology are conducted in an impartial and scientific spirit.  The work of the Association is supported by donations, either to the BSR Headquarters or to the Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, incorporated under the laws of the State o! California.

The Association issues numerous booklets, releases and reports, and one bimonthly periodical, the Round Robin. All activities are conducted in a spirit of public service, on a non-profit and non-sectarian basis.  Inquiries addressed to the national headquarters, at 3524 Adams Avenue, San Diego 16, California, will receive prompt attention.

This brochure is prepared by the undersigned National Director, with the cooperation of the Regional Directors and various Associates, and respectfully submitted by them in the public interest to the Authorities named above, to all citizens, and especially to publicists in all fields of contemporary American life.

San Diego, August, 1952

 Meade Layne, M.A.,
for the Borderland Sciences Research Associates.

The name variations 'Ramon' and 'Ramond' with the last name 'Natalli' are both used in this transcript and this is a commonality noticeable throughout the documentation of this channeling case chronology.  The first magazine issue of the two selected to be featured in this blog post is available to be read online.  The reference to 'the atom' in the second magazine article shows one subtle parallel in relation to Ray Palmer, whose name is shared by the alter-ego to the superhero character 'The Atom' in DC comic books to debut a few years later in 1961 as well as being seen in movies, TV shows and video game entertainment released more recently for people unaware of the contributions made by the namesake editor of the books and articles documenting 'flying saucer contactee' cases.  These include The Secret of the Saucers (1955) by Orfeo Angelucci and Flying Saucer Pilgrimage (1957) by Bryant and Helen Reeve.  The readers' letters in the first presented magazine article include one from 'contactee' author Dana Howard.  There's also a small advertisement with the name Mark Probert and a San Diego address for purchasing the two volumes of The Magic Bag for $5.  A reader's letter from Toronto, Canada includes these statements: 

. . . one may wonder why, during the past several years, flying saucer sightings have steadily increased.  One reason, at least, was related by a Mark Probert trance Control, Lao Tse, in 1948.  To quote:

"Always when a civilization has reached its height, and is destined to collapse, the Etherians have appeared in numbers.  They come to make examination and final record for their own knowledge."

Source: Mystic Magazine August 1955 Issue No. 11 

 Professor Alfred Luntz [portrait by Mark Probert]
"Hypnotherapy Versus Dianetics"
By Professor Alfred Luntz

During a recent Mark Probert seance, a question submitted by Carl Cursio regarding hypnotherapy was put to Professor Luntz.  His answer seemed to us to rate a separate treatment in MYSTIC.

WHILE hypnosis is the oldest method used to reach into the mind of an individual to get at the cause of his bodily ailments, there are other methods which I feel are just as good if not better.  One of these is known in your present day as “Dianetics.”  (Created by L. Ron Hubbard. —Ed.)

The fact that it was mishandled and suffered a good deal of abuse in its initial period is no logical reason to assume its lack of value in what you are seeking to do.  Of course you did not mention whether or not you had tried using anything other than hypnotherapy.

While I mention Dianetics (now called Scientology), there are many other approaches to the “inner” self, and it is my belief that no single one of them will work successfully on all individuals — and more, it is my concerted opinion that all too many people are caused to have their period of suffering unnecessarily prolonged because of the wide-spread belief among physical and mental doctors that there is such a “touch-stone” and each one claiming he alone has it.

Now in regard to your statement that “the Hindu hypnotist can hypnotize anyone,” you will pardon me if I object to that assertion.  While it is true, by and large, that the Eastern psychologist is considerably better in his practice with things dealing with mind, he is still a human being and as such he is no more given to infallibility than is anyone else.

While it is true that almost all human beings are by nature subject to hypnosis, there are a multitude of fears and phobias lying deep within the unconscious that prohibit them from opening their minds for inspection.

Unfortunately, orthodox psychology, in seeking the origin of complexes, has sought it in only the present life’s experience of the patient.  I suppose this is a natural situation, for very few of your modern psychologists have given much thought to Hindu psychology and the teachings of reincarnation.  If we accept reincarnation as a fact we shall see the logic in assuming the so-called soul or spirit of an individual to be a composite of recorded experiences and no more than that.  We shall also begin to understand that the physical body is a direct creation of the mind of the individual wrought out of the memories of past experiences and what he will have to use it for in each new physical expression.

Many persons have asked me, “If reincarnation is true, why do they not remember their past lives?”  The fact is, they do, but they have been laboring under the idea that such recalling must be done in the form of mental pictures, as is largely done in remembering what they did yesterday or as they do in recalling a dream, when factually the greatest portion of the mechanics of memory takes place in what is loosely termed the “unconscious self” and is felt in the nervous system as urges, which are then transferred to the glandular system which prepares the body chemically to go into action.

Now let us suppose that one or more of these unconscious urges contain within them elements of shame or fear.  They may restrict the body self from responding; and the energy that was created by the urge finding no normal outlet, turned back upon the nervous system and will soon or late create a physical ailment, and very often and for reasons known only to the inner self of that one, he will block every effort made to release him from his ailment.  I am certain you are aware of medical cases wherein a person suffering from illness that is known as fatal has gotten well again, even though receiving no medical care at all, and then there are certain other persons who have said they were going to die, and die they did, even though the closest medical examination of their bodies showed nothing organically wrong with them.

Now when we consider all that has been said here, you will see why I cannot offer you help in what you desire.

I mentioned Dianetics or Scientology because there are certain people who mentally abhor the thought of losing their own consciousness, and the method mentioned here permits the patient to retain his own awareness and to know what he is doing, which in many respects is better for the patient in the long run. 
Source: Search Magazine February 1957 Issue No. 19
'Professor Alfred Luntz' / 'Ramond Natalli' [aka 'Ramon Natalli' / portraits by Mark Probert]

Professor Alfred Luntz
Born in 1812, died in 1893.  He was a clergyman for the High Episcopal Church of England.  He was of English and German parentage, and was born in North London.  Graduated from Eton School for Boys at the age of seventeen.  Worked in his father's law firm in Hanover, Germany until he was twenty.  Attended Heidelberg, where he took a course in philosophy and comparative religion, then on to Oxford where he took a course in philosophy and comparative religion, then on to Oxford where he received his Ph.D. in the Episcopal Theological Seminary and later served a donship.  He was a devotee of Queen Victoria.  He was not surprised when he died to discover that he had survived the grave, but stunned when he realized there was no heaven or hell as he had so eloquently taught and believed.
—Mark Probert

Ramond Natalli
Born in Rome, Italy, and lived at the time of the great astronomer, Galilleo, in whose footsteps he followed.  
[A comment from this blogger (MRB): The transcript of this 'channeled entity' includes commentary about 'poltergeistic phenomena' that evidently reflects impressions and perspectives of initial channeling session audience members and all the readers to follow, leaving vague intimations about what literally expressed could lead to undesired results without there being made available the correlations/parallels/links with other forms of phenomenal experiences introduced through some point of reference/'marker' giving access to learning about this data making possible insights that would have a positive result for everyone.  Phraseology and context of subjects addressed during transcendental communication cases is always a complex consideration among genuine accounts chronicling the diverse forms of this phenomena.]

"The Inner Circle"
Conducted By 
Mark Probert
Famous San Diego Trance Medium


The following questions were submitted by: Carl Savage of Akron, Ohio, and are answered by Professor Alfred Luntz.

1.  How can I personally contact a "control?"
Answer: A living-in-the-body person cannot contact one out of the body.  Such contacts as are made must be done by the discarnate one.  However, if you wish you can by consistently arranging the time and conditions make it considerably easier for such contacts as the discarnate may desire to make with you.

I would like to sound a word of warning here concerning what is commonly termed "spirit communication" and I wish to direct my thoughts to those who are carrying on personal experimental work in this direction as well as those who attend seances: In person experimental efforts it is best not to have more than four individuals carrying on the work and all four must have explicit faith in one another's integrity and each one should have some knowledge of psychology as well as para-psychology.  I also suggest you set aside a particular room, preferably a small and well-ventilated one, and keep it for that purpose.  Make written notes both during and after the meeting terminates and above all try to avoid jumping to any conclusions concerning the phenomena that may or may not  have taken place during the session, and do not run the sessions more than an hour unless you feel that some action of value is taking place.  One more thing — do not ever enter into any psychical experiment when emotionally disturbed.

Now for the benefit of those who may consider themselves Christians and are delving into the worlds beyond the material, you had better rid yourselves of the idea that you can prove the so-called goodness or evilness of a discarnate being by having them confess their belief or disbelief in the one you call Jesus the Christ.  There are tens of thousands of millions of humans in the astral who have never heard of the one called Jesus the Christ, but are very anxious for some kind of contact with the physical world, none of whom may wish ill to the seeker.  Indeed, their desires as a rule consist of very little more than to use the seeker's material body to FEEL the matter world again and most of them would be only too happy to confess to any pet belief one cares to conjure up for them just to get "in."  Every seance room is crowded with such discarnate beings, and unfortunately few mediums possess the knowledge of how to protect either themselves or those who attend their circles.  This latter statement may anger the pseudo-medium, but I am sure the sincere ones will agree with me, and if some of the latter do not know how to go about giving such protection to themselves and those who sit in their circles, I can do no better than to suggest that they read Psychic Self-Defense by the highly educated lady, Dion Fortune, who is herself now enjoying the Greater Life.
Addressing my thoughts to Mr. Savage: Let me advise you sir, that having a "spirit" teacher to help you does not mean that you will be any better off in helping others.  If you cannot bring such help to another as you may think he may need through your own efforts and by your own understanding of life, then no other external force, no matter how lofty its philosophy or sincere its wishes, will add a thing to you, and remember also that even if it could be absolutely proven that that much aligned One called Jesus the Christ or the equally misunderstood Gautama Buddha was speaking through your mind and lips you would interest only those who are sincerely interested in the thoughts and actions of those personalities, and your claims would scare hell out of others who fear for their little souls and they would seek to destroy you.  As this is the true but unhappy state of affairs, I suggest that if you are seeking a "spirit teacher" you ask for one whose true interest will be in your own personal development first, and believe me sir, if the light of wisdom that he helps to develop in you shines out brightly enough it will attract all others who are capable of seeing and comprehending it.
Question 2: How can one learn to receive the thoughts of others and transmit his own?

Answer: There is no cut and dried method of learning what is called thought transference, nor in that of receiving.  All I can say is: continued practice in concentration of your thoughts on another and asking others to do the same to you, may in time bring about some desired results.  I can, however, offer you no guarantee that it will, because all of us are constituted differently, both physically and mentally, and no one can say with certainty what our efforts will do FOR us or AGAINST us.

As an example of what I mean in the latter statement, let us suppose you start the practice of communicating mentally with others here in your world, to do this properly means you must leave your mind "open" so you can receive their thoughts too, and because thoughts are not things that are locked up by a material machine called the brain, your "open" mind will become a trap for every stray thought that may care to fly into it from either side of the "vale."  Of course if one feels they are prepared to handle all situations that arise from their acts, then we suggest they go ahead with whatever it is that they desire to do — fear buys us nothing.  Life tells us to act, not how to act.  Our own moral principles or lack of them informs us of the latter.
Now as for your theory that man would be less deceptive to his fellow man if we knew one another's thoughts in advance: it is true, sir, but only to a limited degree.  In the first place, as much as we human beings love to glorify ourselves with attributes that do not belong to us, the art of thinking is not something one is born with, but it is a latent factor that takes a great deal of conscious effort to develop and bring out.  It may amaze one to know how many of our actions are wrought out of nothing more than nervous reaction to the things that go to make up our environment, with no preconceived thought concerning the nature of the stimulus either before or after.  We must realize too that the mind of one is equally adept at deceiving itself as it is as deceiving others.  I think you can see now that mind-reading alone will not make the world a very much safer place to live in, and indeed on considering the rather low state of mental evolution that man is at present in, would only create greater chaos for him.

The following questions were submitted by Robert H. Scott, of Placentia, California, and are answered by Ramon Natalli. 
I. What is the force of which electricity, magnetism, and gravity are three manifestations?
Answer: The expanding and contraction of what is called matter as it works against and away from itself.  The various forms of action that this "in-breathing and out-breathing" of matter creates is called by many names.  You have named three.  Man must get over the idea that space and matter are two different entities.  When certain properties of space combine they create sensory substances such as H20 (water), here we have, as every schoolboy knows, two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen or NH3 (ammonia) composed of three atoms of hydrogen and one of nitrogen and numerous other combinations that go to make up a vast variety of chemicals compounds.  But it is not the selected number of atoms alone that create substance, but the fact that each of the atoms in question must be moving at very precise rates of frequency in order for them to adjust themselves to one another.  To add one more atom to the three that go to make up water would change the very exact weight that exists between these three and the weight would be changed by a change in frequency.  That which is called matter largely the result of motion, and were it possible to produce a complete state of inertia in an atom, that atom would instantly vanish or become non-existent.  Your scientists in the field of physics declare that the atom is ninety per cent NOTHING.  Now don't you think that that is a brilliant statement?

However, it seems to imply that the other ten per cent is a something — called "SOMETHING."  This something of nothing seems to lie in what is called the core or nucleus, and the nothingness is the relatively vast field of space that exists between the electronic bodies and the core.  By all the Saints, is this is not a sorry mess!

If this is what thinking does for the human mind, then I suggest that the scientists turn all of the so-called material problems over to religionists, for the religionist will then demonstrate his greater intelligence by the simple process of placing all problems where they belong, and that is in the hands of a something called God, who, it is said, created all these problems in the first place.  That the Absolute is just as great an enigma to the religionist as the atom is to the scientist, does not faze them in the least, for they place that problem on His (male gender) hands also.  Thinking is a form of questioning God, and this is an unpardonable sin!  

But let us away from religion and religious opinions, and get back to what is called "thinking" on the nature of THINGS.  While I have been bluntly critical of the rather messy results of some forms of thought, it is better by far than no results at all from the lack of thinking.  This latter statement brings to mind one of your modern stories about the Chinese who was told he had bad breath, and who replied, "Bad breath is better than no breath at all!"

Now if we stop and think for a minute we will discover that everything in nature is elliptical and this includes "space."  In fact, it is because the structural nature of space is elliptical that all things are so.  If you concur with me that such is the case, then you will also have to agree that no bit of matter, regardless of its size, travels in a straight line but rather in a series of arcs of relative sizes, depending on the force that set it into motion.

Now to speak again of the so-called empty spaces between the electronic bodies of an atom and its nucleus.  A somewhat similar condition exists in a solar system wherein the sun acts as the nucleus, and the planetary bodies as the electronic "shells."  In neither case can the existing spaces be considered a void.  Where an atom is concerned, the so-called spaces consist of sub-atomic energy thrown off from the nucleus in very precisely timed quantum spurts, and they travel in extremely tight little arcs back upon the nucleus.  As these unbelievably dense little lines of force erupt from the nucleus, they drive the outer electronic satellites away, and as they arc back to the core they pull them back again, thereby creating a kind of alternating positive and negative field that swings the satellite bodies around and keeps them in a definite orbit.  We may call this the gravity field of the atom.  If large bodies of matter have a gravity field, I can see no reason why the same is not true in the smaller bits of matter ad infinitum.
Whatever you may think you can do with what I've written here about the nature of matter, just remember it's the stuff upon which dreams are built and YOU are the dreamer.  Happy dreams, my friend.
Question 3.  Could you please tell me something regarding the nature of levitation?
Answer:  This question presents difficulties that are almost insurmountable because there are no meaningful words of a common variety that can be used for the lay individual to make mental pictures with.  My talk on the nature of the atom was possible only because there is more wide-spread and accepted terminology on the subject, but the only place I've found the word "levitation" used in your world of today is in reference to your ever-rising taxes.

It is said that only holy men of the East and Saints of the Catholic Church are given this odd talent.  However that may be, from my studies of this phenomena I find no connections with it and the state of what is commonly thought of as "holiness," for I've known both Asiatic and European occultists of  both the "White" and "Black" mystical orders who practiced levitation in their secret rituals.  The true Catholic mystic has often experienced levitation during his practice of deep-seated concentration and prayer.  But regardless of the moral nature of the individual, if he can sink his consciousness deeply enough in his particular desire of the moment and hold it there to the complete exclusion of all other thoughts the mind-self having no way of arguing against such a dynamic desire strives to bring the wish to pass and in its efforts to do so the "willed" power of that mind-self starts exerting a lifting action on the physical self.  

This mind force is often so powerful it stretches or elongates the physical body several inches.  This is not in itself very strange when we realize the body consists largely of chemical substances in fluidic states and is therefore very elastic.  In the majority of cases of levitation the individual is simply hoisted a few inches or a few feet off the ground, but a rare few know how consciously to direct the force so that they can sail through space at both considerable speed and distance.  This mode of transportation may be all very well in such remote places as Tibet where traveling at its best is both slow and irksome, but I am afraid it would never do in such places as Rome, New York or London for groups of people to be taking off from the ground like a flock of wild geese!
Now, let us touch for the minute on the subject of what is called "psychic projection" and we will find that it is a close kin to not only the levitation of one's own body but also much of what is called "poltergeistic" phenomena and telekinesis in general.  While to be sure some poltergeistic activity is created by discarnate beings, more often it is the vital energies of the body of a living person let loose with no conscious volition on that one's part.
Now when I say no conscious volition I simply mean they are not aware of having created the action but if we recall that very trite but none the less trueism that "thoughts are things" we will know that the reverse is also true that "things are thoughts" and that the basis of one's individual reality lies not in the thought that has been externalized in form but rather the "soul" or idea of it that still remains in the mental womb of its creator.  It is quite erroneous to believe all so-called thinking is done with the conscious mind.  Most of the work done by this conscious mind is sifting and classifying impressions it receives from its environment through the channels called the senses.  The higher mind, which may be called the "unconscious self" then takes this classified sense data and THINKS upon it and then passes back its thoughts to the body mind through what is known as the memory cells of the brain.  Sometimes the thinker creates new ideas from old sense data and THINKS upon and then passes back its thoughts to the body mind through what is known as the memory cells of the brain.  Sometimes the thinker creates new ideas from old sense data and tries to pass them through memory cells that have been accustomed to sorting the thinker's thoughts in a given way.  This may cause either momentary or prolonged confusion in one's effort to recall what he did under similar circumstances in the past.  Sometimes one new idea will lend one the feeling they have never faced that particular condition before so they have to recall some of the old concepts they had to get a clue as to what is going on but all of this is but the mechanical action that takes place between the thinker and its machine called the brain.  However, the thinker has numerous thoughts that never pass through what is called the conscious self via the brain, and these unmanifested thoughts are actually units of energy and as such they sometimes build up in the body to a bursting point, then they explode away from the body into various forms of paranormal action.
It is believed by those who feel they are versed on the subject that most paranormal phenomena of the poltergeistic type is likely to take place where there are children in their early puberty state.  In this they are right, but there are many adults who are "haunted" by their own self-created thought forms and I must say again that only a rare few realize that they are creating the condition.  The occultist knows the substance that produces poltergeistic activity as "kundalini."  The material scientist, if he believed it at all would consider it cellular energy and that it was being discharged in a highly abnormal manner.  In both instances he would be right, but I doubt very much if he would accept the fact that this cellular energy is brought into play by the unconscious desires of its creator and while much of the action seems not only haphazard and childish but often insane and malignant, the force controlling it is mental and therefore intelligent.  That it gives the appearance of being otherwise is due to the fact that it lacks self-conscious awareness and reasoning.
Sometimes a discarnate being may take this body energy and by controlling it with his own consciousness he can use it for all manner of things, such as levitating material objects or making a visible form of himself.  This does not mean however that discarnate beings are responsible for all levitations or that all "ghosts" are excarnates.  A fairly well-known gentleman in the field of spiritualism proclaims that the famous "Bridey Murphy" character is really a "spirit control" and not memory patterns of a present living personality known as Ruth Simmons.  How he can be so certain of this is difficult to say, but it is like believing one brown cow makes all cows brown and everything that is brown is also a cow.  It is doubtful if this aforementioned gentleman ever gave himself the time to consider the fact that there is but ONE mind, ONE consciousness, and that that ONE mind functions through an infinite number and variety of forms and it depends on the structural nature of such forms and the conditioning it gets in its environment as to how it will act or react to various forms of stimuli.  One can therefore say that all forms act and react by and through the power of suggestion and that continuous suggestions are hypnotic.

Where human forms are concerned they are much more open to the power of suggestion for they contain not only consciousness but a state known as self-awareness, a fact which makes every sound, motion, or color something very personal.  All occult and metaphysical teachers realizing this situation instruct their students to avoid as much as is possible getting too emotionally caught up in the activity known as the physical-chemical world.

All this seems to lead us to the question of whether a something called "reincarnation" is an objective reality or simply a belief concocted by the priestcraft of some ancient religion to sooth the agonizing fears most of us have concerning the continuation of our personal existence.  Our good friend the editor of Search apparently rejects the theory of rebirth and many of his subscribers who are believers give Mr. Palmer a very bad time for what they consider his shortsightedness, if not just plain ignorance!

Personally I feel we waste valuable time and energy in being fretful about what someone else accepts or rejects as truth or not truth.  Mr. Palmer like the rest of us has to live with his own thoughts and the beliefs he creates out of such thinking.  I fear, my friends, that the real reason back of our stormy objections to another's beliefs is that we ourselves do not feel quite secure in our own.  If we were we would be only too happy to debate any subject with another and we would be equally pleased when that one arrived at a conclusion that was satisfactory to himself however contrary  it may be to our own.  Death is a personal act; Mr. Palmer cannot die for you.  Birth is also a personal thing, Mr. Palmer cannot be born for you and if rebirth is factual you and YOU alone will know about it; but neither you nor Mr. Palmer will be able to prove it or disprove it — — because life and death are but SHIFTING states of CONSCIOUS AWARENESS of ONE — "ONE" meaning YOU!

This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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Inner Circle Trance Controls Speak about YOUR States of Consciousness


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